Ali Krieger ESPN body issue preview photo (link)

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Very nice. I've watched more women's soccer this year than I have all the other years of my life combined.
It doesn't matter to me. I'm just saying none of you guys should get your hopes up.
Good for Ali!! Can't wait to watch the game tonight against China.nlets go Girls and bring us to the semi finals with a big win!

Also Copa America tonight with Argentina, yes, soccer heaven for me!
Damn. My hopes were high that I was going to score. Now what am I going to do? I can't even admire her body because she is a lesbian.

That's a grand slam response, Grant.

On Wednesday I was at the beach. Unless I was riding waves, I was actively checking out the scenery. Based just on looks, I didn't know a thing about any of the bodies that were worthy of multiple looks. My chances, or actual interest, in any of them was never factored into the equation of whether or not to gaze upon them.

She certainly didn't while she was at Penn State.

100% correct
A lesbian that thanks God every day she's still alive after multiple blood clots that could have taken her life!

Should it matter General??

She was a athlete, a wealthier one that was given better treatment for her blood clots. The normal person would have worsten or died.

BTW, she posed for the Satan of networks, not a true Penn Stater in my eyes anymore. She sold her self for $$$ to the devil.
That's a grand slam response, Grant.

On Wednesday I was at the beach. Unless I was riding waves, I was actively checking out the scenery. Based just on looks, I didn't know a thing about any of the bodies that were worthy of multiple looks. My chances, or actual interest, in any of them was never factored into the equation of whether or not to gaze upon them.

100% correct

And even if she wasn't do you really think someone on a message board would have a chance with a well known, athlete?

Well, I'm someone on a message board and you'd be surprised to know whom I've had chances with -- and I'm talking one chance in one, not one chance in a million.