Alright own up to it!

I don't work for the LCB or Governor's office, so nothing to own up to.
Just yesterday, i got 3 half gallons of rum... but I found mine under a tree on Mount Nittany. :)
Everyone in wv knew this was going to happen as soon as pa closed up. Hell it happens when pa is open lol. Can't believe it took this long.
Drinking alcohol may heighten risk of getting coronavirus, WHO suggests


Cannot catch a break.
Nice thing about living in Iowa. No "state stores". Walk I to walmart or any grocery store and buy what you want.
Governor Wolf doesn't want to upset the union that represents the liquor store employees by making them come to work. Our companies construction project is shut down most likely because the state inspectors would have to come to work to approve construction.
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You know times are tough if you are willing to go to Steubenville, Ohio., to buy liquor.

When people who live in the town in which I was born and grew up bitch about how much the town has gone downhill (after all the manufacturing left), I tell them they should drive to Steubenville to see how badly it could have gone so they can appreciate what they have.
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This is the only thing California has done right.

Full wine, beer, liquor at every Grocery and convenience store on every street corner in the state with no restriction on days or hours when you can buy. I don't think they have kegs but its been a great while since I have bought one of those

Your back and forth bring back memories of road trips to West Virginia. Ahh youth.

Cali is still 21 to buy, but otherwise we have been desensitized to the point where there is not even a second thought. Alcohol is not quite the evil once it is mainstreamed. You still see some 'classic' liquor only/convenience stores but mostly in neighborhoods you want to avoid

Now Pot, that is a different matter and Cali gets crazier every day, give us another decade and a Doobie will be a mandatory food group in school lunches.

To be honest I would have thought that PA state stores and distributors died an inevitable death years ago but I am several decades away from PA politics. Too much $$$ for too many people behind the scenes to change.
Love it. Liquor Control Board struggling to keep up. What a joke! Walk over, pick up the liquor bottle, put it in a box, seal the box, and put it on the shipping dock - they ought to turn it over to amazon, ups, fedex. They wouldn’t struggle to keep up.
A state monopoly on alcohol sales- no reason at all for that- which has trouble earning a significant net income. A MONOPOLY. A disgrace in these or any other time.
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Love it. Liquor Control Board struggling to keep up. What a joke! Walk over, pick up the liquor bottle, put it in a box, seal the box, and put it on the shipping dock - they ought to turn it over to amazon, ups, fedex. They wouldn’t struggle to keep up.
A state monopoly on alcohol sales- no reason at all for that- which has trouble earning a significant net income. A MONOPOLY. A disgrace in these or any other time.
Yeah, prices are not cheap, yet they struggle to make a profit, makes no sense to me.

Plus, I could have swore a few years ago there was a ballot initiative to privatize the sale of alcohol in the state,and abolishing state stores won, yet we still have them. Maybe I only dreamed that vote....
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Yeah, prices are not cheap, yet they struggle to make a profit, makes no sense to me.

Plus, I could have swore a few years ago there was a ballot initiative to privatize the sale of alcohol in the state,and abolishing state stores won, yet we still have them. Maybe I only dreamed that vote....
In Va they almost privatized them a few years ago but was defeated as the longer term revenue was going to be missed...
In Va they almost privatized them a few years ago but was defeated as the longer term revenue was going to be missed...
I live in the western part of Virginia and we have a good number of stills. The old timers know how to make it and it’s good. ATF stopped enforcement years ago for all but the most blatant (those who deny the state their share of tax revenue). Decent country folk give it away to their neighbors. I’m sure somewhere in the northern tier of PA, there are plenty of moonshiners.
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I live in the western part of Virginia and we have a good number of stills. The old timers know how to make it and it’s good. ATF stopped enforcement years ago for all but the most blatant (those who deny the state their share of tax revenue). Decent country folk give it away to their neighbors. I’m sure somewhere in the northern tier of PA, there are plenty of moonshiners.

Indeed, I have one not too far away,the blatant type.
I live in the western part of Virginia and we have a good number of stills. The old timers know how to make it and it’s good. ATF stopped enforcement years ago for all but the most blatant (those who deny the state their share of tax revenue). Decent country folk give it away to their neighbors. I’m sure somewhere in the northern tier of PA, there are plenty of moonshiners.
wondering how far west you're talking about... s/w Va stretches pretty far out there... I have nice chunk of land in Highland Co...(above Homestead/Greenbrier)
I live in the western part of Virginia and we have a good number of stills. The old timers know how to make it and it’s good. ATF stopped enforcement years ago for all but the most blatant (those who deny the state their share of tax revenue). Decent country folk give it away to their neighbors. I’m sure somewhere in the northern tier of PA, there are plenty of moonshiners.
I know of one in Potter. My Dad would frequent them back in the day.
Why, why, why are state stores still in business? That prohibition anachronism has long outlived it's usefulness. Please let it die.
Think I read on the McAndrew board that PA set the online sales servers to only except 1/3 of 1% of the online shoppers. No idea if true but absolutley stupid if so.
wondering how far west you're talking about... s/w Va stretches pretty far out there... I have nice chunk of land in Highland Co...(above Homestead/Greenbrier)
Our farm is roughly 250 miles southwest of Highland County out along the TN & NC borders. I don’t make shine, but, several locals participate in annual distillation competitions (last year was Peach). Apparently this will be one of the few types of competitions still alive for 2020. I’m hearing this years flavor will be the dreaded CORN in honor of the Great Depression.
Our farm is roughly 250 miles southwest of Highland County out along the TN & NC borders. I don’t make shine, but, several locals participate in annual distillation competitions (last year was Peach). Apparently this will be one of the few types of competitions still alive for 2020. I’m hearing this years flavor will be the dreaded CORN in honor of the Great Depression.
cool. The State had their backup data center out that way....Abington... Also was out that way during the Little League State championships a few years back...
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I can guess why PA's liquor laws are antiquated but I'm curious if anyone knows why they continue to be. I'm not someone who thinks the private sector does everything better than gov't but I don't get what PA is bringing to the party than a privately owned liquor store can't. And even if there's a decent policy reason to maintain the status quo, why haven't lobbyists managed to push a change through?
I can guess why PA's liquor laws are antiquated but I'm curious if anyone knows why they continue to be. I'm not someone who thinks the private sector does everything better than gov't but I don't get what PA is bringing to the party than a privately owned liquor store can't. And even if there's a decent policy reason to maintain the status quo, why haven't lobbyists managed to push a change through?
It’s bringing revenue my good man. Lots and lots of revenue.

The laws have gotten better. Stores are open Sundays now (sometimes). Grocery stores with seating can sell beer and wine. But they‘ll probably only ever give up the state stores if they can replace the cash. Maybe pot will do it. Gambling didn’t.
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My understanding is that the PLCB floated an idea a few years ago that would have allowed private ownership of retail wine and liquor stores. But those retail stores would have had to purchase all their wines and liquors through the state-owned wholesaler/distributor, which basically meant it would be very hard to make money.

Ironically, PA significantly loosened its rules regarding sales and shipments directly to consumers by wineries not that long ago, making it much more friendly for small wineries. Unfortunately, it occurred during the winding down of my wine label.
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I can guess why PA's liquor laws are antiquated but I'm curious if anyone knows why they continue to be. I'm not someone who thinks the private sector does everything better than gov't but I don't get what PA is bringing to the party than a privately owned liquor store can't. And even if there's a decent policy reason to maintain the status quo, why haven't lobbyists managed to push a change through?
Political power and control
Influence of special interests (primarily state employee unions, licensed beer distributors, and licensed bars selling 6-packs).

Those licenses are mega expensive, and worth zero in a free market. Think taxi medallions on steroids. Owners aren't giving that up easily.

Now that PA allows some grocery stores to sell beer/wine, they are also on the anti-competition side.
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Money money money, pot would probably get regulated as much if it's ever legalized so the state can reap as much in as possible. Gambling was a trojan horse for the politicians and their benefactors, much like the gas industry.
The state store system generates an annual profit of around 100 million dollars. The only reason the state store system hasn't been kicked to the curb is because there has not been a satisfactory proposal put on the table that has a privatized liquor system generating as much state revenue as the current system.
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