And you thought the politician killing a guy with a car and thought he hit a deer was strange

The Spin Meister

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Nov 27, 2012
An altered state
Remember that the guy went home thinking he hit a deer and the next day they found a body? Well, this tops that by a mile. Or five miles.

A guy running for the Republican governor nomination hit a motorcycle that got lodged on his grille and undercarriage. He then drove FIVE MILES with the bike trailing sparks before being pulled over by a state cop. Said he thought he hit a deer and was driving to a well lit spot to examine the damage.
They found the biker dead five miles back. He had been hit by several vehicles. Both tested negative for alcohol or drugs. Investigation showed the car and bike sideswiped before being hit again.

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Remember that the guy went home thinking he hit a deer and the next day they found a body? Well, this tops that by a mile. Or five miles.

A guy running for the Republican governor nomination hit a motorcycle that got lodged on his grille and undercarriage. He then drove FIVE MILES with the bike trailing sparks before being pulled over by a state cop. Said he thought he hit a deer and was driving to a well lit spot to examine the damage.
They found the biker dead five miles back. He had been hit by several vehicles. Both tested negative for alcohol or drugs. Investigation showed the car and bike sideswiped before being hit again.

Run over by other vehicles? Is everyone blind over there?
Run over by other vehicles? Is everyone blind over there?
There was something like this closer to Pittsburgh years back, sadly. A person was struck and people drove over them for quite some time before anybody figured it out. It's not exactly well-lit along the turnpike from my recollection.
The road is full of idiots. First thing I put in alll new cars now is a dash cam.
Remember that the guy went home thinking he hit a deer and the next day they found a body? Well, this tops that by a mile. Or five miles.

A guy running for the Republican governor nomination hit a motorcycle that got lodged on his grille and undercarriage. He then drove FIVE MILES with the bike trailing sparks before being pulled over by a state cop. Said he thought he hit a deer and was driving to a well lit spot to examine the damage.
They found the biker dead five miles back. He had been hit by several vehicles. Both tested negative for alcohol or drugs. Investigation showed the car and bike sideswiped before being hit again.

Is the guy deaf? Can you imagine the sound & vibration? Something ain't right here. At all.
Is the guy deaf? Can you imagine the sound & vibration? Something ain't right here. At all.
They should find out if he was on his cell phone after hitting the motorcycle. I bet he was planning to ditch the car somewhere and make up a ridiculous story
Must have been blind too. The bike was lodged in the front/hood of the car.
Cars have basically gotten too big. If you can run over a motorcycle and not even know it .... When your most popular vehicles are named after mountains and continents, they're probably just getting too big.
Cars have basically gotten too big. If you can run over a motorcycle and not even know it .... When your most popular vehicles are named after mountains and continents, they're probably just getting too big.
He was driving a Mercedes sedan. Assuming relatively new. It's hard to buy a car in that range (again assuming relatively new) that doesn't have all kinds of bells and whistles that tell you another vehicle is close.....or lodged in your front bumper.
Too many strange 'facts' here, several already raised. It happened in July. Wonder if it was in the news previously as this article is from October?
--- "a state police investigator wrote that he could see marks on the driver’s side of Gerow’s Mercedes sedan which were consistent with being side swiped by the motorcycle". So, apparently there's a way to establish that the car did not side swipe the motorcycle.
---"Gerow's lawyer has previously said that Gerow didn't hit the motorcyclist, only the motorcycle." So he knew this specific detail to be true, but not that he rode 5 miles with the mc on his front end.
---"After Abbott fell off his motorcycle and over Gerow's car,...". Wait. He knows the guy fell over his car? Isn't that kinda like hitting him? And, didn't he think it was a deer?
---"Gerow had been returning from a political fundraiser in suburban Philadelphia, and the organizer has told The Associated Press that she never saw him drinking and that he seemed sober when he left."
"Gerow also tested negative [sic for drugs and alcohol], according to a report he provided."
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Too many strange 'facts' here, several already raised. It happened in July. Wonder if it was in the news previously as this article is from October?
--- "a state police investigator wrote that he could see marks on the driver’s side of Gerow’s Mercedes sedan “which were consistent with being side swiped” by the motorcycle". So, apparently there's a way to establish that the car did not side swipe the motorcycle.
---"Gerow's lawyer has previously said that Gerow didn't hit the motorcyclist, only the motorcycle." So he knew this specific detail to be true, but not that he rode 5 miles with the mc on his front end.
---"After Abbott fell off his motorcycle and over Gerow's car,...". Wait. He knows they guy fell over his car? Isn't that kinda like hitting him? And, didn't he think it was a deer?
---"Gerow had been returning from a political fundraiser in suburban Philadelphia, and the organizer has told The Associated Press that she never saw him drinking and that he seemed sober when he left."
"Gerow also tested negative [sic for drugs and alcohol], according to a report he provided."
I recall reading about it right after it happened. It was definintely in the news, but not widely publicized.
Too many strange 'facts' here, several already raised. It happened in July. Wonder if it was in the news previously as this article is from October?
--- "a state police investigator wrote that he could see marks on the driver’s side of Gerow’s Mercedes sedan “which were consistent with being side swiped” by the motorcycle". So, apparently there's a way to establish that the car did not side swipe the motorcycle.
---"Gerow's lawyer has previously said that Gerow didn't hit the motorcyclist, only the motorcycle." So he knew this specific detail to be true, but not that he rode 5 miles with the mc on his front end.
---"After Abbott fell off his motorcycle and over Gerow's car,...". Wait. He knows they guy fell over his car? Isn't that kinda like hitting him? And, didn't he think it was a deer?
---"Gerow had been returning from a political fundraiser in suburban Philadelphia, and the organizer has told The Associated Press that she never saw him drinking and that he seemed sober when he left."
"Gerow also tested negative [sic for drugs and alcohol], according to a report he provided."
It was in the news earlier when it happened. It resurfaced because the accident investigation team just released its report with a lot more info.
How is he sideswiped by the motorcycle, which causes the motorcyclist to fall off the motorcycle, but the motorcycle still has enough speed to get in front of Gerow's vehicle for him to catch it in his grill?
Talked to my neighbor about that. We have both seen bikers flying down highways at extreme speeds. Just Saturday morning around 1 AM I heard three bikes going by my house ....on a country road not a divided highway....doing at least a hundred MPH. The sound was here and gone in less than two seconds! Have seen bikers pass cars here in a no passing zone doing 80-90. People have reported seeing....and I have seen videos of.....bikers flying between two lines of cars doing 60 or so and the bikes at least 10-15 MPH faster.

So a couple possibilities. One, the car made a lane change just as this guy came flying up the highway. They sideswipe but the high rate of speed carried the bike past the car. Or the guy lost control at high speed and hit him.

Could also have been a road rage thing where they tussled with each other. Less likely for a biker to get into a road rage incident but it does happen.

We will likely never know exactly what happened unless someone comes forward with video.
Too many strange 'facts' here, several already raised. It happened in July. Wonder if it was in the news previously as this article is from October?
--- "a state police investigator wrote that he could see marks on the driver’s side of Gerow’s Mercedes sedan which were consistent with being side swiped by the motorcycle". So, apparently there's a way to establish that the car did not side swipe the motorcycle.
---"Gerow's lawyer has previously said that Gerow didn't hit the motorcyclist, only the motorcycle." So he knew this specific detail to be true, but not that he rode 5 miles with the mc on his front end.
---"After Abbott fell off his motorcycle and over Gerow's car,...". Wait. He knows the guy fell over his car? Isn't that kinda like hitting him? And, didn't he think it was a deer?
---"Gerow had been returning from a political fundraiser in suburban Philadelphia, and the organizer has told The Associated Press that she never saw him drinking and that he seemed sober when he left."
"Gerow also tested negative [sic for drugs and alcohol], according to a report he provided."

It was just one of those typical motorcycle sideswipes a car and the rider gets thrown over top of the car and the motorcycle speeds up and changes lanes and gets lodged on the front of the car and then the driver goes five miles without realizing a motorcycle is attached to his car, even though he is aware that a motorcycle swiped him and the rider got thrown over his car and he never thought he should pull over type of accidents.
Talked to my neighbor about that. We have both seen bikers flying down highways at extreme speeds. Just Saturday morning around 1 AM I heard three bikes going by my house ....on a country road not a divided highway....doing at least a hundred MPH. The sound was here and gone in less than two seconds! Have seen bikers pass cars here in a no passing zone doing 80-90. People have reported seeing....and I have seen videos of.....bikers flying between two lines of cars doing 60 or so and the bikes at least 10-15 MPH faster.

So a couple possibilities. One, the car made a lane change just as this guy came flying up the highway. They sideswipe but the high rate of speed carried the bike past the car. Or the guy lost control at high speed and hit him.

Could also have been a road rage thing where they tussled with each other. Less likely for a biker to get into a road rage incident but it does happen.

We will likely never know exactly what happened unless someone comes forward with video.

I don't care how fast the bike is going, nor how big the guy's car is, nor how dark it was.

If you have a motorcycle lodged in the front of your car and you drive 5 miles without knowing it, it is YOU. Not the bike or the car or the darkness. YOU. I want to know how it is that the politician is reporting his own lack of intoxication.
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So I heard a report on the radio that this guy is in serious condition after a single car accident last week but can’t find a story to confirm it. Any one see or hear anything?