Remember that the guy went home thinking he hit a deer and the next day they found a body? Well, this tops that by a mile. Or five miles.
A guy running for the Republican governor nomination hit a motorcycle that got lodged on his grille and undercarriage. He then drove FIVE MILES with the bike trailing sparks before being pulled over by a state cop. Said he thought he hit a deer and was driving to a well lit spot to examine the damage.
They found the biker dead five miles back. He had been hit by several vehicles. Both tested negative for alcohol or drugs. Investigation showed the car and bike sideswiped before being hit again.
A guy running for the Republican governor nomination hit a motorcycle that got lodged on his grille and undercarriage. He then drove FIVE MILES with the bike trailing sparks before being pulled over by a state cop. Said he thought he hit a deer and was driving to a well lit spot to examine the damage.
They found the biker dead five miles back. He had been hit by several vehicles. Both tested negative for alcohol or drugs. Investigation showed the car and bike sideswiped before being hit again.

Candidate for Governor Was Sideswiped in Deadly Crash, Police Report Says
A police report says a candidate for governor driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike was sideswiped by a motorcyclist in a July nighttime crash that left the motorcyclist dead and the candidate traveling another 5 miles with the motorcycle lodged on his car