Brock Huard seems to hate Penn State and wishing for a upset. I think he sucks as announcer and is a terrible analyst
Brock is my favorite football announcer. He actually announces a game instead of spending the whole time trying to prove how witty he is like that idiot Jesse Palmer, or being effusive about every team like that other idiot Mack Brown. If Brock says something that is not complimentary about a team then they generally deserve it. Learn how to take come criticism when it's deserved.
Brock is my favorite football announcer. He actually announces a game instead of spending the whole time trying to prove how witty he is like that idiot Jesse Palmer, or being effusive about every team like that other idiot Mack Brown. If Brock says something that is not complimentary about a team then they generally deserve it. Learn how to take come criticism when it's deserved.
I thought he had some great ideas on how to get the footballs dislodged from the trees
Yep, that was the highlight of his announcing career..... and he spent way too much time talking about it and there was way too much TV coverage of the end zone kids. They could have listed both events on the B10 TV listing....