Straight from the Rutgers board...
"This could be good news for us, as PSU OC could take the job and then we could jump in on free-for-all for their recruits"
For a minute the monkeys were salivating over JoeMo going to UConn so they could "steal our much needed offensive recruits"...
First of all IF JoeMo left I doubt we'd lose any 2017 recruits and Second we CERTAINLY wouldn't lose any to that pathetic football program.
They should be more concerned about Jerry Kill going back on his decision to be their OC and instead take the UConn HC job
"This could be good news for us, as PSU OC could take the job and then we could jump in on free-for-all for their recruits"
For a minute the monkeys were salivating over JoeMo going to UConn so they could "steal our much needed offensive recruits"...
First of all IF JoeMo left I doubt we'd lose any 2017 recruits and Second we CERTAINLY wouldn't lose any to that pathetic football program.
They should be more concerned about Jerry Kill going back on his decision to be their OC and instead take the UConn HC job