Translated: so many we lost track.Charles M. Speidel Award (most takedowns) - Jason Nolf, 140-something
The Hodge presenters from WIN magazine commented on how much they enjoy coming to the PSU wrestling banquet to present the Hodge trophy. The one speaker commented that last year he talked to Bo's Mom at Nationals and she told him that she voted for Zain for the Hodge trophy, when Zain and Bo finished 1st and 2nd. He told Bo he would have won it if his Mom would have voted for him and it got a pretty good laugh. How fortunate are we as wrestling fans of PSU to have Wrestlers place 1st and 2nd two years in a row and win 5 of the last 8 Hodge trophies!Post your stories here
Bo gave his Senior speech and said he wasn't prepared, but went on to give a 10 to 15 minute speech using words like "surreal" to describe the end of his wrestling career. Jeff Byers as a side note, talked about the legendary careers of both Jason Nolf and Bo Nickal and the numbers were staggering, 59 pins for Bo Nickal, 60 for Jason Nolf. Ironheads voice always rising to a crescendo when announcing either wrestlers names. The admiration is so apparent with Jeff and these two unimaginable wrestlers, you'd think both were Jeff's biological sons. It goes that deep with Ironhead.
Bo when on to tell two serious yet, telling stories of when he had Mono as a RS freshman and Bo was on the phone with his parents telling them he had mono... when Coach Casey Cunningham showed up knocking at his door at almost the exact same time... Telling Bo... "We're going to the hospital." Bo commented how much that act meant to him and how much each coach meant to his overall development as a person and wrestler and how he couldn't thank them enough for who he has become. He thanked so many people behind the scenes who directly lead to his personal success. Never talking about his incredible talent. It's what Rich Lorenzo was alluding to. The people in the glasses and dress shirts, are just as incredible as human beings as they are when wearing a singlet.
Bo went on to tell another story of being at a tournament and getting a craving for an In and Out Burger that is one of his fav places to eat. Going back to living in Texas. Coach Cody made an In and Out Burger run for Bo and it never left Bo's mind what his coaches were willing to do for him. Lol Stories that told the connectedness that binds the golden fibers together between wrestler and coaches.
Jason Nolf again with the funny intro saying the Penn State wrestling clubs $125,000 check was his personally drew a hilarious response from the 800 people at the Awards Banquet. A record crowd. He also, and I've never heard Jason get emotional... got emotional talking about the support of his parents taking him to tournaments as a kid. Jason was hilarious. He told of how easy college wrestling was compared to high school wrestling. He said... in high school he'd get up very early to go to school, go to classes for 8 hrs a day, have a two hour wrestling practice at his high school and then drive a hour to Young Guns to practice for hours. Then drive home and repeat the following day.
In college... he'd get up at 11:00 am. Go to one class and then he'd have a 2 hour practice later in the afternoon and call it a day. The crowd roared with laughter.
He also said that Shak (Shakur Rasheed) and himself were caught after practicing drilling in the wrestling room and the coaching staff put an end to that because they might get injured. He then alluded to the fact... hey... what were they were worried about... We (Shak and himself) never got injured... The CROWD again... went bonkers laughing.
I never saw Jason so loose... but when he broke up thanking his parents... I had to clear my own throat. As soon as Jason's voice broke... the immense crowd... drowned out the convention center is RESOUNDING and EMPHATIC APPLAUSE.
Jason was very poignant in thanking Dan Monthly for his recovery last year. He told the crowd his injury was much severe than what he allowed outsiders/fans to know. Jason stated how much Dan Monthly meant to him in getting back on the mat and how much Dan cared about him as a person, individually at that moment. And how Dan was the reason he was able to get back on the mat.... and win a National Title... literally on one leg. (Paraphrasing)
Bo Nickal was also thanked Dan Monthly personally and the help of Bonnie Epstein, who you can tell the wrestlers love and why Cael includes her in all of the National Title photos. She is Penn State Wrestling's Sports Counselor. (The older lady with the white hair many have referenced here as... WHO IS SHE???) She is revered by the team to a wrestler. Jason and Bo thanked her personally and I know that had to make her night.
I can't remember if it was Jason Nolf or Nick Nevils who thanked Adam Lynch who was always available for him... when ever he had an issue. Adam fixed it for him. Adam is Director of Wrestling Operations, but seemed like the Team Psychologist and Mr. Do it All also.
I can't think of a more positive experience in my life, JSchrantz, going through working the 2011 NCAA's working as a score keeper.... Meeting Coach Cody mid way through the competition, having a heart felt conversation pertaining to Ed Ruth... Eating breakfast and lunch with Wade Schalles and Nate Carr... Sitting next to Shane Sparks every day talking wrestling.... to this unbelievable run.Thanks Aaron,
Awesome recap and I can also feel your passion whenever you post. Some real awesome fans here and beyond supporting a real special group of kids, tough to beat that
Cael didn't comment on the wrestlers as he has at past banquets. Cael said the reason was at last year's banquet he forgot to mention Ethan Wissler and he joked that Ethan reminded him about it with quite a few texts. So sorry there was no Seth Gross talk.What did Cael say about Seth Gross?![]()
Jason had Mark Hall's dog that Mark absolutely adores... and somehow Jason let Mark's dog get loose and the dog eventually was found seven houses down from where Jason lost the dog and when he found the dog.... He told the dog... he was now... HIS DOG. Crowd busts out laughing.It was a pretty nice awards party thrown by Roar, Norma, Grace et al.
I believe it was Nick Nevills who was thankful for all the help Adam gave him.
Speaking of Adam he had a cute newborn in arms so look to the recruiting class of 2037 to be loaded.
Jason Nolf post Wrestling has a career option of being a dog walker.
Sandy Barbour must increase Cael's paper budget next year. His speach was written on paper also used by Charlie Speidel (my words).
If I heard him correctly senior Franny Bisono said one of the team's wrestlers at the beginning of each season would say he was quitting the team if they didn't get a cotton candy machine for the wrestling room. Franny informed the audience that that wrestler was Bo Nickal who threatened to quit each year over the lack of the machine.
The highlight of the Banquet for me is always the senior speeches. I know that amalone did a great job of mentioning many of the statements said by Bo in his speech. There was one thing Bo said in closing out his speech that shows you how well grounded these young men are about life in general. Bo stated that his life is not defined by the fact that he is a wrestler. Bo said his life was defined by his faith in Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for him over 2000 years ago. I thanked Bo for being such a great witness for his faith in the Lord and also the fact he's a pretty good wrestler to boot. Bo's speech was awesome and was my personal favorite part of the banquet.Post your stories here
Moments of the Banquet:
* Penn State has a DREAM announcer in Jeff Byers. He commands a room as well as he commands the mic during a Penn State dual or bouts at Big Ten's or National's. Ira Lubert, who presented the yearly wrestling awards, made a comment that Jeff Byers was the best collegiate wrestling announcer. You'll find no debate here. He's SIMPLY THE BEST. No one and literally no one can call a wrestling match like Ironhead. I go back and listen to a match with Jeff to get the emotional feel X INFINITY that I felt watching it live the 1st time. Jeff Byers is a Penn State Treasure.
*Former Coach Rich Lorenzo... who I also love and always seek out at home matches to say a kind word to... Said what all Penn State fans feel and felt (prior to the Championship Years) inside themselves. Coach Lorenzo and I'm paraphrasing... Said that he always wanted a coach to come along and take Penn State wrestling to the prominence it has skyrocketed to in the past 10 years. You could tell in Coaches voice, the utter personal pride and sheer joy of how powerful of a collegiate wrestling program that Penn State wrestling has become. He emphasized the technical wrestling prowess of Penn State wrestlers, but he also commented on how proud he was of how Penn State wrestlers conduct themselves off the mat... as gentleman, ambassador's of the sport and you felt that he looked at Penn State wrestlers as his own sons. You could hear the immense pride and how overjoyed Coach was at the state of the program. Coach Lorenzo did also say that it took a person like Cael to fulfill his vision for Penn State wrestling.
Rich Lorenzo is the Dean of Penn State wrestling and you can tell how much he is revered by Penn State fans. After retiring from coaching, Coach Lorenzo has done nothing but support Penn State wrestling through numerous fund raising endeavors and be an ambassador for it's current success.
Coach Lorenzo also spoke of winning 5 individual National Championships two years ago as his fondest Penn State wrestling memory of the past 10 years. But he also, spoke of the pain, as a retired coach, of Mark and Vincenzo not reaching their goals to be National Champs. I thought it was Cael speaking... because you could hear the pain in Coach Lorenzo's voice when discussing them not getting the end result each wrestler worked so hard to achieve.
Coach Lorenzo also joked that he wished he could wrestle for Penn State and for Cael if he had eligibility left... but he was afraid that he wouldn't be GOOD ENOUGH to make the team. THE CROWD ERUPTED!!!
Bo gave his Senior speech and said he wasn't prepared, but went on to give a 10 to 15 minute speech using words like "surreal" to describe the end of his wrestling career. Jeff Byers as a side note, talked about the legendary careers of both Jason Nolf and Bo Nickal and the numbers were staggering, 59 pins for Bo Nickal, 60 for Jason Nolf. Ironheads voice always rising to a crescendo when announcing either wrestlers names. The admiration is so apparent with Jeff and these two unimaginable wrestlers, you'd think both were Jeff's biological sons. It goes that deep with Ironhead.
Bo when on to tell two serious yet, telling stories of when he had Mono as a RS freshman and Bo was on the phone with his parents telling them he had mono... when Coach Casey Cunningham showed up knocking at his door at almost the exact same time... Telling Bo... "We're going to the hospital." Bo commented how much that act and moment meant to him and how much each coach meant to his overall development as a person and wrestler and how he couldn't thank them enough for who he has become. He thanked so many people behind the scenes who directly lead to his personal success. Never talking about his incredible talent. It's what Rich Lorenzo was alluding to. The people in the glasses and dress shirts, are just as incredible as human beings as they are when wearing a singlet.
Bo went on to tell another story of being at a tournament and getting a craving for an In and Out Burger that is one of his fav places to eat. Going back to living in Texas. Coach Cody made an In and Out Burger run for Bo and it never left Bo's mind what his coaches were willing to do for him. Lol Stories that told the connectedness that binds the golden fibers together between wrestler and coaches.
Jason Nolf again with the funny intro saying the Penn State wrestling clubs $125,000 check was his personally drew a hilarious response from the 800 people at the Awards Banquet. A record crowd. He also, and I've never heard Jason get emotional... got emotional talking about the support of his parents taking him to tournaments as a kid. Jason was hilarious. He told of how easy college wrestling was compared to high school wrestling. He said... in high school he'd get up very early to go to school, go to classes for 8 hrs a day, have a two hour wrestling practice at his high school and then drive a hour to Young Guns to practice for hours. Then drive home and repeat the following day.
In college... he'd get up at 11:00 am. Go to one class and then he'd have a 2 hour practice later in the afternoon and call it a day. The crowd roared with laughter.
He also said that Shak (Shakur Rasheed) and himself were caught after practice drilling in the wrestling room and the coaching staff put an end to that because they might get injured. He then alluded to the fact... hey... what were they were worried about... We (Shak and himself) never got injured... The CROWD again... went bonkers laughing.
I never saw Jason so loose... but when he broke up thanking his parents... I had to clear my own throat. As soon as Jason's voice broke... the immense crowd... drowned out the convention center in RESOUNDING and EMPHATIC APPLAUSE.
Jason was very poignant in thanking Dan Monthly for his recovery last year. He told the crowd his injury was much severe than what he allowed outsiders/fans to know. Jason stated how much Dan Monthly meant to him in getting back on the mat and how much Dan cared about him as a person, throughout the recovery process. He told of how Dan is a straight shooter and told it how it was and not as how you'd want to hear injury news. Jason was poignant to state that Team Trainer, Dan Monthly was the reason he was able to get back on the mat.... and win a National Title... literally on one leg. (Paraphrasing) David Taylor has also called Dan Monthly one of the best trainers in the World.
Bo Nickal was also thanked Dan Monthly personally and the help of Bonnie Epstein, who you can tell the wrestlers love and why Cael includes her in all of the National Title photos. She is Penn State Wrestling's Sports Counselor. (The older lady with the white hair many have referenced here as... WHO IS SHE???) She is revered by the team to a wrestler. Jason and Bo thanked her personally and I know that had to make her night.
Nick Nevils thanked Adam Lynch who was always available for him... when ever he had an issue. Adam fixed it for him. Adam is Director of Wrestling Operations, but seemed like the Team Psychologist and Mr. Do it All also.
I laughed out loud when Brian Friery gave a shout out to strength coach “Medium” (not Big) Mike Schroeder and thanked him for taking a 106 lb freshman and turning him into the monster you see before you here today.The highlight of the Banquet for me is always the senior speeches. I know that amalone did a great job of mentioning many of the statements said by Bo in his speech. There was one thing Bo said in closing out his speech that shows you how well grounded these young men are about life in general. Bo stated that his life is not defined by the fact that he is a wrestler. Bo said his life was defined by his faith in Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for him over 2000 years ago. I thanked Bo for being such a great witness for his faith in the Lord and also the fact he's a pretty good wrestler to boot. Bo's speech was awesome and was my personal favorite part of the banquet.
So none of you guys made a pirated copy of the banquet video for your board brothers
Ditto... CF... and it was my personal favorite part of the banquet also. I know I'll always remember the things that mattered most in Bo's life that transcended just being a great wrestler. He is a great human being who walks in the path of righteousness and respect for his fellow human beings. Bo... is all time favorite as a person as well as a wrestler. To me the person transcends who he is on the mat.The highlight of the Banquet for me is always the senior speeches. I know that amalone did a great job of mentioning many of the statements said by Bo in his speech. There was one thing Bo said in closing out his speech that shows you how well grounded these young men are about life in general. Bo stated that his life is not defined by the fact that he is a wrestler. Bo said his life was defined by his faith in Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for him over 2000 years ago. I thanked Bo for being such a great witness for his faith in the Lord and also the fact he's a pretty good wrestler to boot. Bo's speech was awesome and was my personal favorite part of the banquet.
I pictured LP to be younger.One of the times Cassar came to the podium a woman in her sixties behind me said - take your shirt off.
I’m sure LP understands.
Bo told a mono a stubborn freshman, not wanting to go get checked, and saying such to his parents, Bo found Casey outside his door at 9:00pm, being told he's going to the hospital. Casey stayed with him till getting home around midnight. That incident was a defining moment for Bo and just how much these coaches cared...mentioning that Casey has a family, and children, yet took time for him.
Jason mentioned an "unbelievable" college experience, and stated that losses and adversity (I guessed this was abut his injury) can make one stronger, or cause one to head the other direction and doubt oneself. The emotional thank you to his parents was from his heart. Also told "Cael's favorite joke"...what happened to the frog that parked at a fire hydrant? Punchline...he got towed (toad). So corny, it was funny.
Nick Nevills called Adam Lynch "the fixer", and not just for wrestling-related stuff, but life stuff as well.
Others already commented about Cassar's comments. Ditto.
Franny Bisono thanked the coaches in a humorous way (but that's all I wrote down, I don't remember exactly what he said). Franny did mention if he didn't thank his Mom, she'd cry, and in a more serious tone thanked his parents for their "endless love and support".
Scott Stossel noted how the coaches took a chance on a kid on the club team, and he would be forever grateful.
Brian Friery mentioned the "strange conversations" with coaches and team-mates on all the van trips over the years. Mentioned 3 words that define PSU -- sport, team, and culture, then proceeded to talk about each.
Patrick Higgens was great, wrapping things up (until Shak did his thing!). Patrick was "the official holder of the trophy" during his career -- and he passed the torch during his speech. He started a quote from "the greatest coach of all time", saying "Once you've wrestled...", caught himself in mid-quote and changed that to one of Cael's favorite sayings, "so what!", then explaining all the life lessons learned from this staff.
Shak then appeared and mentioned he was returning, to the crowd's delight.
Brian, Nick, and Neil, the Hodge presenters did a pretty good job with the presentation, and stories about Bo's Mom Sandy (with jelly beans at Fun Fest) unable to "vote" for Bo.
Cael mentioned a quote from Jeffrey Holland that starts, "Try not to compare your children, even if you think you are skillful at it. You may say most positively that "Susan is pretty and Sandra is bright," but..." to make a point about each person being the best that they can be, and focus on the positives each has to offer, referring to the wrestlers. Told a Coach Shroeder story about finding a "campsite", or place to camp out within PPG Paints. Also mentioned that the wrestlers in this class took their smallest scholarship offers to attend PSU.
Worth mentioning are this year's video (awesome), the PSWC donation to the University, and the academic achievements that were noted by an early speaker. Fabulous affair, largest group ever -- and it was great seeing those that stopped by to say hello.
Mike Schroeder, Strength and Conditioning Coach. Super guy, another of the resources that would do anything for the wrestlers. There's a bio in the Media Guide if you happen to have one, and I'm sure I could find one on the interwebs if you can't. In the photo below, he's the man between Cody and Vincenzo.Hi Roar! Who is Coach Shroeder?
Mike Schroeder, Strength and Conditioning Coach. Super guy, another of the resources that would do anything for the wrestlers. There's a bio in the Media Guide if you happen to have one, and I'm sure I could find one on the interwebs if you can't. In the photo below, he's the man between Cody and Vincenzo.