Anyone deal with Trocar Bursitis


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2003
I've had this Bursitis in my left hip for months now. I had a shot in my left hip area a couple of months ago and I was pain free but the pain is back but not as severe.
My competitive outlets are down to bocce which I really enjoy. I've become pretty good at hitting the ball but the motion aggravates the Bursitis.
I've done all the stretching I can. I use compression boots, ice, etc which helps but none are a solution.
I'm also on my feet on the weekends for long periods of time which I'm sure doesn't help.
I've resigned myself that this is just my life but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice. Thanks
Since you mentioned hip, I assume you mean trochanteric bursitis on lateral side of your hip.

If so, if you haven't tried a foam roller., give it a try...used lying on your side and rolling from knee up to your hip to stretch your IT Band. It will hurt at first. The last pic, on this page shows how. You said you did other stretches, so I assume you did the others already.
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Since you mentioned hip, I assume you mean trochanteric bursitis on lateral side of your hip.

If so, if you haven't tried a foam roller., give it a try...used lying on your side and rolling from knee up to your hip to stretch your IT Band. It will hurt at first. The last pic, on this page shows how. You said you did other stretches, so I assume you did the others already.
Thank you.
I've had trochanteric bursitis. It was mild until I did a 100 mile backpacking trip on it - then just walking was extremely painful. It responded well to rest and some mild stretching. Has never come back (knock on wood).

Hope yours heals completely.
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Since you mentioned hip, I assume you mean trochanteric bursitis on lateral side of your hip.

If so, if you haven't tried a foam roller., give it a try...used lying on your side and rolling from knee up to your hip to stretch your IT Band. It will hurt at first. The last pic, on this page shows how. You said you did other stretches, so I assume you did the others already.
What exactly is a foam roller? Is it a specific PT thingamajob that you need to buy at a pharmacy? Or is that something they use at aerobics centers? Similar to the swim tubes kids use?
I swear by DMSO for relief of inflammation. Great for muscles, tendons, plantar fascitis, and if not too deep, can help with joints too. Search online for the DMSO store. If you get any, make sure it is in gel form rather than liquid. Goes on easier. You need to rub it in for several minutes a couple times a day. Even if it doesn't help your bursitis, it will be useful for other MSK applications when they pop up.

There is extensive literature about DMSO if you search for it online.