Apple iOS 18 release

Meanwhile Android users have to tell their children USB-C connections and a host of other features have been around almost a decade even though Apple just discovered them. What Apple does, it does very well. But it decides what and when you can and cannot do with it. It's a very stripped down system.
Meanwhile Android users have to tell their children USB-C connections and a host of other features have been around almost a decade even though Apple just discovered them. What Apple does, it does very well. But it decides what and when you can and cannot do with it. It's a very stripped down system.
Do the same android users tell their children the dangers of using an operating system created by a company who mines privacy information to deliver ads as their primary biz?
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Meanwhile Android users have to tell their children USB-C connections and a host of other features have been around almost a decade even though Apple just discovered them. What Apple does, it does very well. But it decides what and when you can and cannot do with it. It's a very stripped down system.
both have their advantages and disadvantages. I think Apple is really, REALLY bad with adapters. Even their MacBooks are incompatible with their phones as they don't have the lightning adapters. So traveling is a bitch. USB-C, HDMI, MagSafe, 9mm headphone jacks, lightning...really horrific planning for such a basic issue.

Having said that, their stuff works and is relatively simple. It is rock solid. I've worked for several software companies and it is almost a given that the techies have Android phones and Microsoft laptops while the business people align with the suite of Apple products. The artists also use Macs.

For me, it comes down to facetime. Almost all of my family has apple and it just works.
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Do the same android users tell their children the dangers of using an operating system created by a company who mines privacy information to deliver ads as their primary biz?

FYI, I don't get any ads pushed to my phone, nor are the ads on websites fundamentally different than the ones my daughter and wife receive on theirs. Also, every company mines info. They may not always use it for ads, but they mine the info for economic gain, or worse. I'm not saying I like it, and I have taken steps to avoid it when possible on all platforms (apple, android, and windows), and also avoid certain apps. That said, the topic was features, and I do get a kick when apple finally rolls out a feature that has been around for years while pretending it is something new.
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both have their advantages and disadvantages. I think Apple is really, REALLY bad with adapters. Even their MacBooks are incompatible with their phones as they don't have the lightning adapters. So traveling is a bitch. USB-C, HDMI, MagSafe, 9mm headphone jacks, lightning...really horrific planning for such a basic issue.

Having said that, their stuff works and is relatively simple. It is rock solid. I've worked for several software companies and it is almost a given that the techies have Android phones and Microsoft laptops while the business people align with the suite of Apple products. The artists also use Macs.

For me, it comes down to facetime. Almost all of my family has apple and it just works.

I describe it as apple is much more focused on the experience they provide. What they do, they do really well. But I no longer consider them terribly innovative. Apple does not play well with others, and in fact tend to be the worst at doing so as they try to lock people into their ecosystem. I explained the usb-c switch to my daughter is almost certainly a result of the EU antitrust rulings apple lost years ago on the lightning cables. They could have made this switch years ago, its not like usb-c is inherently better or worse. My daughter tends to be amazed at how much storage my phone has, the built in s-pen, the crazy zoom and night photography, my always on screen, etc.
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I describe it as apple is much more focused on the experience they provide. What they do, they do really well. But I no longer consider them terribly innovative. Apple does not play well with others, and in fact tend to be the worst at doing so as they try to lock people into their ecosystem. I explained the usb-c switch to my daughter is almost certainly a result of the EU antitrust rulings apple lost years ago on the lightning cables. They could have made this switch years ago, its not like usb-c is inherently better or worse. My daughter tends to be amazed at how much storage my phone has, the built in s-pen, the crazy zoom and night photography, my always on screen, etc.
totally agree. I always say that you have to be happy living inside the "apple box". Most people struggle with tech so it is a good option. You can just leave it alone and be happy with the core functions: phone, nav, camera, etc.

I used to be an Android guy. I was in Salt Lake City and my company updated the security on the device to patch some vulnerabilities. I was in a lunch meeting and needed to finish a very important job by 5:00 once I got my laptop set up at the hotel. When I left the luncheon, my phone no longer worked. I had no idea how to get from that office to my hotel. I ended up stopping at gas stations three times to ask for directions. I walked into the hotel at 4:15 and was lucky enough to get my work done by my 5:00 deadline. My IT group said that it is much more difficult to test Android because the hardware is so diverse. So they test on Apple, a much easier job, then test on the most common Android handsets. After that, they pray. I can't afford that vulnerability when on the road so I live inside the apple box. I have since moved to MacBooks and iPads. Both of my sons, who are very tech-savvy, would never own an Apple product.