Tyreek Hill getting Scottie Scheffler-ed

ABC News just presented their coverage of the incident. Never showed what led up to the cops yanking Hill out of the car and immediately condemned the police. Never mentioned the he was doing 100 in a 55. Just like the Rodney King incident, the only video I ever saw started with police beating on Rodney. Completely one-sided coverage. BTW, this was David Muir with the commentary. He's also handling tonight's debate. Just sayin'.
Same garbage every time. ABC is worthless. ESPN is worthless. They are both affiliated with Disney and lunatic California. They don't report the news. ABC is filled with activists.
Why is it so hard to comply with a cops directions? Once you are pulled over, you must comply with their requests. Once you do not comply, and Tyrek did not comply, you have chosen to escalate the situation. Now you are at the mercy of that particular cop. It's so easy, just comply, accept your speeding ticket and move on. The choice was Tyrek's and he chose poorly.
Exactly. Makes you wonder if folks are looking for drama.
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This is great advice. Note how he informs the officer that he won't be answering any questions. The cop asks anyway and he remains completely silent.

This is great advice. Note how he informs the officer that he won't be answering any questions. The cop asks anyway and he remains completely silent.

I wonder where that is. It sounds like an American accent but the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.
My buddy is a cop, he said he has and often will drag someone out of the car if they are criminally speeding, aka doing the speed he was rumored to be doing in that zone. Add in the completely black tinted window that was shut and a bad attitude, this seems actually totally deserved from my understanding.
I wonder where that is. It sounds like an American accent but the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.
sometimes the photos are reversed, like in zoom calls. That is what I assumed. Regardless, it is the perfect example of how to be polite and terse at the same time. The officer is entitled to license, registration, and proof of insurance. The officer is entitled to nothing else, period, unless he/she has just cause. By that I mean they see or smell something. Regardless, you never give them information aside from those three pieces of information and inform them that you won't be talking without an attorney present.
Everyone here will ignore this because it doesn't feed into their law and order BS. Perception of the world. They like black guys as long as risking their health on the football field for old state U. After they leave the field they are thugs and criminals who deserve to be treated like second class citizens.

Look at how upset these dudes are that the players can receive pay for playing the most dangerous game in the country. They want the good old days.
Lol. What an ignorant comment.
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Everyone here will ignore this because it doesn't feed into their law and order BS. Perception of the world. They like black guys as long as risking their health on the football field for old state U. After they leave the field they are thugs and criminals who deserve to be treated like second class citizens.

Look at how upset these dudes are that the players can receive pay for playing the most dangerous game in the country. They want the good old days.
My wife works in criminal defense as an assigned council. So the people she defends don't have any money and the govt pays for her engagement. The issue with police is not limited to black people. But imagine what a cop goes through when pulling over a $350k car in Miami with their drug and gang problems. The officer never knows when someone is going to pull a pistol and shoot them. Many are from south or central America where they flee after a shooting so they are hard to catch. My wife has had several police officers and prosecutors fired. Mostly because they try to hide something. It is so common that they suddenly loose evidence that she asks them to produce detailed information and asks the judge to drop the charges if they don't. Just asking is half of her success. Having said that, more than half her clients are black and almost all are guilty of something. Most are people on probation who are carrying. Happy to have a longer conversation on this but I think the days of abject racism are in the past. Is there still a problem? Sure. But this wasn't one of those cases. he was speeding, knew it, and didn't comply with the officers even though he knew he was guilty.

Also I have to say that I get a kick out of claims of racism when the guy is driving a $350,000 car and has ten kids by the age of 30. he is both successful and stupid.
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Tyreek rolled his window up while the cop was asking to see his license . Bad move on his part as cops tend to get mean when you disrespect them. Im a Dolphins fan but I understand why they apprehended him.
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