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Oh, and Primo >>>>> Green Egg
What raised my eyebrow was Marinelli’s announcement that he was joining the HWC to pursue his “dreams of coaching and possibly competing” (emphasis mine).

With that level of conviction, and being short on funds, the obvious answer should be:


Right? 🤨
Just read that thread. I wonder how big Iowa donors ACTUALLY feel about that news - not their reactions filtered for public consumption by the Goodwins and Leistikows of the world.

The HWC in 2 years is going to be Spencer Lee (possibly compromised by rash of injuries) and a raft of broken down 2nd tier guys.
Just read that thread. I wonder how big Iowa donors ACTUALLY feel about that news - not their reactions filtered for public consumption by the Goodwins and Leistikows of the world.

The HWC in 2 years is going to be Spencer Lee (possibly compromised by rash of injuries) and a raft of broken down 2nd tier guys.
which at that time will make nearly a decade of NOT being much of anything on the mens world stage. Yet those posters seem to not understand and are simply blinded by the hate for all things PSU/Cael.

TnT's legacy will be the new facility, the womens program, a reach back to the gable era and 2nd fiddle to Cael. Other than 2nd fiddle to gable, they are huge undertakings and program shaping accomplishments, anyone should be happy about on a look back.

Cael is the only one doing it better than TnT. The only one. Certainly they look up at Cael right now, but everyone else is looking up to TnT.

He will leave the program in better hands than he found it for sure. If thats to Spencer as we joke/speculate about, it will be just fine. SLee can get his couple of titles in Caels swan song years......right up until DT takes over and then its going to be mirror mirror on the wall time.....alll.....over....again.

Cael is the GOAT and his program is a modern day Unicorn.
Well I’m far from what anyone can call a cook but i do love to eat. As far as Italian dishes I’ve had from cooks who are from that heritage, i have found most to be bland dishes. As far as tomato based meals they’re technically not true Italian. Least thats what a lady told me who actually was born in Italy. Tomatoes come from the American Continent.
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Just read that thread. I wonder how big Iowa donors ACTUALLY feel about that news - not their reactions filtered for public consumption by the Goodwins and Leistikows of the world.

The HWC in 2 years is going to be Spencer Lee (possibly compromised by rash of injuries) and a raft of broken down 2nd tier guys.
Looking in the mirror and reality strikes New meet old, same as before.
Well I’m far from what anyone can call a cook but i do love to eat. As far as Italian dishes I’ve had from cooks who are from that heritage, i have found most to be bland dishes. As far as tomato based meals they’re technically not true Italian. Least thats what a lady told me who actually was born in Italy. Tomatoes come from the American Continent.
Very true. Tomatoes originate from the Andes mountains of Peru. However, they've been used in Italian cuisine since the 1600's. San Marzano tomatoes originate in Italy, specifically in the Naples area.

Furthermore, what makes Italian pasta great, is durham wheat which originates from Ethiopia.
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Very true. Tomatoes originate from the Andes mountains of Peru. However, they've been used in Italian cuisine since the 1600's. San Marzano tomatoes originate in Italy, specifically in the Naples area.

Furthermore, what makes Italian pasta great, is durham wheat which originates from Ethiopia.

Stanley Tucci "Searching for Italy" did a nice feature on San Marzano tomatoes.
Well I’m far from what anyone can call a cook but i do love to eat. As far as Italian dishes I’ve had from cooks who are from that heritage, i have found most to be bland dishes. As far as tomato based meals they’re technically not true Italian. Least thats what a lady told me who actually was born in Italy. Tomatoes come from the American Continent.

This is not Ironturd, but it's too rich to pass up. It is a post explaining how Iowa fans are not racist. And everyone should serve in the military because it teaches you to be inclusive.

I think Military service should be mandatory. It will prevent idiotic diatribes like this one. I never cared the color or preferences of any man on my flank as long as he would charge the machine gun when we all did. Anyone who has taken hostile fire will agree. There are no atheist or racists in foxholes. Purest brotherly love and not often found in civilian world.
Anyone on a truly competitive team thinks the same... They want to live/win at all costs and sacrifice to do it.
Everything else is just noise by latte sipping bisexuals looking to gain control.

You can't make up better stuff than this. I'll take our BWI idiots any day.
This is not Ironturd, but it's too rich to pass up. It is a post explaining how Iowa fans are not racist. And everyone should serve in the military because it teaches you to be inclusive.

I think Military service should be mandatory. It will prevent idiotic diatribes like this one. I never cared the color or preferences of any man on my flank as long as he would charge the machine gun when we all did. Anyone who has taken hostile fire will agree. There are no atheist or racists in foxholes. Purest brotherly love and not often found in civilian world.
Anyone on a truly competitive team thinks the same... They want to live/win at all costs and sacrifice to do it.
Everything else is just noise by latte sipping bisexuals looking to gain control.

You can't make up better stuff than this. I'll take our BWI idiots any day.
I keep saying there's more than a few on there. I know most people want to believe the best in others but that board is like a dumb shit magnet for for cornfed idiots and I don't care what people say. I've watched them turn on each other too many times to believe there's enough civility on there to stop it lol. Anyhow enough ranting about hr and this dumbass we call ironturd he still hasn't met me under the bridge for his weightlifting ass kicking
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This is not Ironturd, but it's too rich to pass up. It is a post explaining how Iowa fans are not racist. And everyone should serve in the military because it teaches you to be inclusive.

I think Military service should be mandatory. It will prevent idiotic diatribes like this one. I never cared the color or preferences of any man on my flank as long as he would charge the machine gun when we all did. Anyone who has taken hostile fire will agree. There are no atheist or racists in foxholes. Purest brotherly love and not often found in civilian world.
Anyone on a truly competitive team thinks the same... They want to live/win at all costs and sacrifice to do it.
Everything else is just noise by latte sipping bisexuals looking to gain control.

You can't make up better stuff than this. I'll take our BWI idiots any day
Somebody tipped me off that this particular poster suffers from mental issues. Not sure whether that's true but it sort of seemed to fit, so I just put him on ignore and don't engage them.
  • Wow
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There are plenty of reasonable folks over there, but I see next to no policing. Anyone can say anything and everything about Penn State, the coaches, the athletes, etc., make up all kinds of ludicrous accusations and no one says a word.

Then folks from here see it, take offense, call it out and they get mad at that.

One rather benign example: someone referred to Starocci as “Starcrap” yesterday. No one said a word. Meanwhile, in the same thread, I was having a nice dialogue with some reasonable folks about next year’s lineups and next year’s dual meet when someone called me out for using “BearClaw”. “He should at least have to win a few matches,” I was told, “before earning a cheesy nickname.” So apparently “Starcrap” is fine with them but “BearClaw” was objectionable
This is not Ironturd, but it's too rich to pass up. It is a post explaining how Iowa fans are not racist. And everyone should serve in the military because it teaches you to be inclusive.

I think Military service should be mandatory. It will prevent idiotic diatribes like this one. I never cared the color or preferences of any man on my flank as long as he would charge the machine gun when we all did. Anyone who has taken hostile fire will agree. There are no atheist or racists in foxholes. Purest brotherly love and not often found in civilian world.
Anyone on a truly competitive team thinks the same... They want to live/win at all costs and sacrifice to do it.
Everything else is just noise by latte sipping bisexuals looking to gain control.

You can't make up better stuff than this. I'll take our BWI idiots any day.
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There are plenty of reasonable folks over there, but I see next to no policing. Anyone can say anything and everything about Penn State, the coaches, the athletes, etc., make up all kinds of ludicrous accusations and no one says a word.

Then folks from here see it, take offense, call it out and they get mad at that.

One rather benign example: someone referred to Starocci as “Starcrap” yesterday. No one said a word. Meanwhile, in the same thread, I was having a nice dialogue with some reasonable folks about next year’s lineups and next year’s dual meet when someone called me out for using “BearClaw”. “He should at least have to win some matches,” I was told, “before earning a cheesy nickname.” So apparently “Starcrap” is fine with them but “BearClaw” was objectionable
In all fairness, I’ve seen plenty of shots taken at ADS, the Bull, and even his wife Moriah, amongst others. The only difference is someone usually issues a beat down. It’s dangerous at HR to self police.
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One rather benign example: someone referred to Starocci as “Starcrap” yesterday. No one said a word. Meanwhile, in the same thread, I was having a nice dialogue with some reasonable folks about next year’s lineups and next year’s dual meet when someone called me out for using “BearClaw”. “He should at least have to win a few matches,” I was told, “before earning a cheesy nickname.” So apparently “Starcrap” is fine with them but “BearClaw” was objectionable
In fairness, "Starcrap" is the first HR nickname that didn't shoehorn "stall."
This is not Ironturd, but it's too rich to pass up. It is a post explaining how Iowa fans are not racist. And everyone should serve in the military because it teaches you to be inclusive.

I think Military service should be mandatory. It will prevent idiotic diatribes like this one. I never cared the color or preferences of any man on my flank as long as he would charge the machine gun when we all did. Anyone who has taken hostile fire will agree. There are no atheist or racists in foxholes. Purest brotherly love and not often found in civilian world.
Anyone on a truly competitive team thinks the same... They want to live/win at all costs and sacrifice to do it.
Everything else is just noise by latte sipping bisexuals looking to gain control.

You can't make up better stuff than this. I'll take our BWI idiots any day.
Who posted that? Are you sure he wasn’t just being funny?

Cuz I gotta tell ya…. That shit was funny!
This is not Ironturd, but it's too rich to pass up. It is a post explaining how Iowa fans are not racist. And everyone should serve in the military because it teaches you to be inclusive.

I think Military service should be mandatory. It will prevent idiotic diatribes like this one. I never cared the color or preferences of any man on my flank as long as he would charge the machine gun when we all did. Anyone who has taken hostile fire will agree. There are no atheist or racists in foxholes. Purest brotherly love and not often found in civilian world.
Anyone on a truly competitive team thinks the same... They want to live/win at all costs and sacrifice to do it.
Everything else is just noise by latte sipping bisexuals looking to gain control.

You can't make up better stuff than this. I'll take our BWI idiots any day.
Never mind. I see now. Thought for sure I’d find that it was Sans that posted it. Something he’d post to get a laugh. Lol
  • Like
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There are plenty of reasonable folks over there, but I see next to no policing. Anyone can say anything and everything about Penn State, the coaches, the athletes, etc., make up all kinds of ludicrous accusations and no one says a word.

Then folks from here see it, take offense, call it out and they get mad at that.

One rather benign example: someone referred to Starocci as “Starcrap” yesterday. No one said a word. Meanwhile, in the same thread, I was having a nice dialogue with some reasonable folks about next year’s lineups and next year’s dual meet when someone called me out for using “BearClaw”. “He should at least have to win a few matches,” I was told, “before earning a cheesy nickname.” So apparently “Starcrap” is fine with them but “BearClaw” was objectionable
PSU has 3 fan boards

Iowa has 1

If the tHR banned the idiots and the loveable psu posters it would be a glorified 24 and counting bored ......

I mean if your feeling down in the dumps, you can read iron turd, mvPissed, grip and the lot and laugh ur lunch hour away. I'm sick but I find it entertaining
There are plenty of reasonable folks over there, but I see next to no policing. Anyone can say anything and everything about Penn State, the coaches, the athletes, etc., make up all kinds of ludicrous accusations and no one says a word.

Then folks from here see it, take offense, call it out and they get mad at that.

One rather benign example: someone referred to Starocci as “Starcrap” yesterday. No one said a word. Meanwhile, in the same thread, I was having a nice dialogue with some reasonable folks about next year’s lineups and next year’s dual meet when someone called me out for using “BearClaw”. “He should at least have to win a few matches,” I was told, “before earning a cheesy nickname.” So apparently “Starcrap” is fine with them but “BearClaw” was objectionable
You've done it now, calling out their mods.
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You've done it now, calling out their mods.
Not the mods but someone, anyone, to say no grip or ironburd they’re not a bunch of cheaters and no, spoonman, Star”crap” isn’t his name.
It's their house, their rules. We have such a good thing here, that should be the focus. Let 'em spew, I love y'all (well, most of you :) 😂;)).
But then what would I whine about? I know…. I know. You’re right.
It's their house, their rules.
And apparently by their rules I've achieved "Team MVP" poster status on HR.

Tip @mcpat - can't go over there poke the bear so as to get on too many ignores or banned to acheive such an accolade.

Meanwhile my home board has me as run of the mill "Well-Known Member," which clearly is the most half-assed title I've ever heard.
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And apparently by their rules I've achieved "Team MVP" poster status on HR.

Tip @mcpat - can't go over there poke the bear so as to get on too many ignores or banned to acheive such an accolade.

Meanwhile my home board has me as run of the mill "Well-Known Member," which clearly like the most half-assed title I've ever heard.
I try not to. I’ve had a few good conversations though. I sometimes like to engage with folks that hold different opinions. I like to understand their point of view.
And apparently by their rules I've achieved "Team MVP" poster status on HR.

Tip @mcpat - can't go over there poke the bear so as to get on too many ignores or banned to acheive such an accolade.

Meanwhile my home board has me as run of the mill "Well-Known Member," which clearly is the most half-assed title I've ever heard.
A”pear”antly they didn’t understand your fruit post
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