From the actual report that PSU Athletics filed (
All of the below data is just for wrestling:
Ticket Sales - $639,917
Contributions - $370,384*
Program, Novelty, Parking & Concessions - $45,188
Restricted Endowment & Investments Income - $596,267
(only football and men's ice hockey were higher)
Other operating income - $81,682
Total Operating Income - $1,730,438
(only football, men's BB, and men's ice hockey were higher)
Scholarship Info:
Athletic Aid Equivalency - 9.66
Number of Students Receiving Athletic Aid - 32
Total Dollar Amount - $397,006
Guarantees (amounts paid to visiting participating institutions, including per diems and/or travel and meal expenses)
Head Coach - 1
Assistant Coaches - 2
Support Staff/Administrative Compensation, Benefits and Bonuses paid by the University and Related Entities:
Recruiting Expenses - $45,532
(higher than all but, in order, football, men's BB, women's BB, men's ice hockey, women's VB)
Team Travel - $294,267
Equipment, Uniforms and Supplies - $88,112
Game Expenses - $72,845
Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion Expenses - $22,180
Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Leases and Rental Fee - $311,282
(only women's BB and men's BB are higher)
Direct Overhead Administrative Expenses - $5,164
Membership & Dues - $2,001
Student-Athlete Meals (non-travel) - $18,904
Other Operating Expenses - $260,711
(only football is higher)
Total Operating Expenses - $2,432,567
(exceeded by football, men's BB, women's BB, men's ice hockey, women's VB)
# of participants - 32
# of participants on a 2nd team - 1
Head Coach - 1
Full Time Assistant - 2
Part Time Assistant - 1
Operating Expenses - $455,224
Per Capita Expenses - $14,226
Revenues - $1,730,438
Expenses - $2,121,285
I provided the same info a year ago, or two years ago (can't remember). Would be interesting to compare that data against the above data.
* defined as:
1. Amounts received from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations, clubs or other organizations designated for the operations of the athletics program.
2. Funds contributed by outside contributors for the payment of debt service, lease payments or rental fee expenses for athletic facilities in the reporting year.
3. Amounts received above face value for tickets.