Auburn board not happy...

Oh, after watching 5 minutes of an Auburn fan's postgame podcast, it’s apparent that they believe the refs have the game to Penn State.
That was a game. Mini Bama is definitely a good team but if Auburn fans feel like they were were screwed though I have a knock knock joke...
The play in the end zone with Brisker defending was shown multiple times. You don't even need slow motion to see that the Auburn WR initiates contact by pulling on the PSU DB's arm. Then he pops up and starts looking for a flag. They must have a great acting/theater program at Auburn, because between that WR and Nix (on the Smith 'late hit') they have some great actors on that team.
I’m seeing that more often where receivers are taking a dive on critical plays in hopes of a PI call. Saw it in the OSU game against Minny and of course the zebras threw a flag. The receiver got up laughing.
Brisker cut off his route. He can't do that. It was a clear penalty on Brisker. In that situation, the receiver can do just about anything shy of a personnel foul to continue his route and the penalty is still on the defense.

Just silly. Brisker was in perfect position and the Auburn player dragged him down in a European soccer-esque flop attempt to draw a penalty. Fooled you, I guess, but for once last night the refs got it right.
There were two different defensive penalties on that play. Both in the end zone. Auburn should have had a first down. Far more impactful than a missing down to be honest. Otherwise, I think the game was called very well. And please don't complain about the Mustipher run. He was stopped, in the grasp of several defenders and was pushed back before the surge at the end. They obviously blew the pay dead and spotted the ball correctly.

The fact that you would attempt to minimize 8 officials AND replay losing track of the downs pretty much says all I need to know about you in terms of objectivity. Both sides will always gripe about judgment calls. Always. But these officials were so inept that they made us punt on 3rd down!! I'd say anytime there's a game where the officials force a team to punt on 3rd down because the officials are either incompetent or in completely over their collective heads, the discussion of officials impact on the game is over. Nothing else trumps that.
They were outcoached. I think Franklin realized that if he took a lead of 8 or more points into the final 10 minutes, Auburn was in real trouble. They were certainly figuring out how to move the ball on us in the 2nd half, but the drives were taking forever.
The Wisconsin game prepared us for Auburn.
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Everyone in the country knows how bad and slanted the officials were for auburn, except their fan base
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Say what you want but the the bad punt call wasn't as impactful as a clear and obvious bad call/s that essentially ended the game. The loss of down was embarrassing to the crew but overall, other than that play and the one that effectively ended the game, I think they performed fairly well.
What? A PI that clearly wasn’t catchable is more impactful than taking away a play that for all we know could have been a TD?
The fact that you would attempt to minimize 8 officials AND replay losing track of the downs pretty much says all I need to know about you in terms of objectivity. Both sides will always gripe about judgment calls. Always. But these officials were so inept that they made us punt on 3rd down!! I'd say anytime there's a game where the officials force a team to punt on 3rd down because the officials are either incompetent or in completely over their collective heads, the discussion of officials impact on the game is over. Nothing else trumps that.
Understand that Wallace Breen hates James Franklin, so this win completely goes against his agenda. Hard to believe people can go through life that miserable.
There were two different defensive penalties on that play. Both in the end zone. Auburn should have had a first down. Far more impactful than a missing down to be honest. Otherwise, I think the game was called very well. And please don't complain about the Mustipher run. He was stopped, in the grasp of several defenders and was pushed back before the surge at the end. They obviously blew the pay dead and spotted the ball correctly.
Maybe you should watch a nd listen to the replay on the Mustipher run. He clearly made the first down and THEN the official runs in, puts the whistle to his mouth, and blows it. In other words, the play was not over until he had made sufficient yardage. Making your last sentence both ignorant and idiotic.
Brisker cut off his route. He can't do that. It was a clear penalty on Brisker. In that situation, the receiver can do just about anything shy of a personnel foul to continue his route and the penalty is still on the defense.
LOL. Explain press coverage. The rule is the opposite you dope.
Maybe you should watch a nd listen to the replay on the Mustipher run. He clearly made the first down and THEN the official runs in, puts the whistle to his mouth, and blows it. In other words, the play was not over until he had made sufficient yardage. Making your last sentence both ignorant and idiotic.

The play is not over until the whistle sounds BY RULEBOOK. Had the spot been reviewed by Replay Booth (which somehow it inexplicably wasn't!!!), by rule the Replay Official is to spot the ball at the spot it is at when the first whistle sounds making the ball dead. Mustipher was more than a yard past the Line-to-Gain when the first whistle sounds as Replay undeniably confirms.
He was stopped short of the first down by multiple defenders and pushed backwards at which point the play is dead and the ball is spotted at the further point downfield which is was. It was a good call.
Uh huh. Okay.

And we had two defensive penalties on the end zone play where their receiver pulled Brisker down. Got it.
[QUOTE="Wallace Breen, post: 5731389,
The responsility to avoid defenders lies with the receiver.
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He was stopped short of the first down by multiple defenders and pushed backwards at which point the play is dead and the ball is spotted at the further point downfield which is was. It was a good call.

You're full of shit bozo and don't know jack about what you're talking about as per usual. The RULEBOOK says play continues until the whistle blows (which is how the Replay Booth is to mark it on Review - spot of ball at the sound of the whistle.).
Brisker cut off his route. He can't do that. It was a clear penalty on Brisker. In that situation, the receiver can do just about anything shy of a personnel foul to continue his route and the penalty is still on the defense.
Brisker was facing the QB and the ball was in the air. He has the same right to the ball as the receiver.
It really didn’t matter as the pass was significantly overthrown.
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Brisker cut off his route. He can't do that. It was a clear penalty on Brisker. In that situation, the receiver can do just about anything shy of a personnel foul to continue his route and the penalty is still on the defense.

I thought southerners knew their football. The receiver ran into Brisker trying to draw a foul. That is wussy football 101 right there.
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You have no idea what my thinking on Franklin is. I am very objective and am always willing to point out flaws and speak my mind. You just don't like what I have to say and can't engage. Your comment says way more about you than me. Most common fans are intentionally obtuse when it comes to their own teams.
Your head is so far up your posterior that you aren't able to see how much of a Franklin-hating tool you are! Funny that the most "intentionally obtuse" tool on this site calls anyone else the same!!!
Awww-burned can cry all they like. It’s a W for State plain and simple. We have had our share of crap calls - look at the blown 2pt call for Indiana last year which stands in the books today. Disclaimer - I am in no way saying Auburn got the short end of the stick. They were gifted many a call last night, far more so than the Nittany Lions. Yet the Nits won - imagine that!
Your head is so far up your posterior that you aren't able to see how much of a Franklin-hating tool you are! Funny that the most "intentionally obtuse" tool on this site calls anyone else the same!!!
So true. So entertaining too. A stock character in a parody.
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There were two different defensive penalties on that play. Both in the end zone. Auburn should have had a first down. Far more impactful than a missing down to be honest. Otherwise, I think the game was called very well. And please don't complain about the Mustipher run. He was stopped, in the grasp of several defenders and was pushed back before the surge at the end. They obviously blew the pay dead and spotted the ball correctly.
Watch again, the whistle didn’t blow until the whole pile was two yards beyond the LOS. They can’t go back and mark where they think they should have blown the whistle. Every post you make proves you’re just a troll….no way anyone other than an Auburn fan could have watched that game and thought the officials were not hosing Penn State.
Brisker cut off his route. He can't do that. It was a clear penalty on Brisker. In that situation, the receiver can do just about anything shy of a personnel foul to continue his route and the penalty is still on the defense.
You mean on the ball thrown 20 feet over the receivers head?
As long as the receiver doesn't commit a personal foul, the receivers actions are irrelevant if their ability to run the route in interfered with. Brisker absolutely committed a penalty on the play. The video is conclusive. Perhaps you should just feel lucky we got away with on and stop being emotionally sensitive because I am willing to call it like it is.

So how do you feel about the reciever clearly grabbing Brisker under his left arm and pulling him down? Or did you just pretend not to see that?
You have no idea what my thinking on Franklin is. I am very objective and am always willing to point out flaws and speak my mind. You just don't like what I have to say and can't engage. Your comment says way more about you than me. Most common fans are intentionally obtuse when it comes to their own teams.
78SweetRevenge is back…I wondered where you’d been hiding. Mr. “Objective” who finds everything against Penn State…that’s not objectivity, that’s anti-PSU bias.
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If you watch the video (found one angle from the field level), the head linesmen (who defers to the line judge as the ball carrier was on the far side of the hash) is heading into the field as the surge starts which means the line judge already signaled the play dead.

Really simple question. Was the whistle blown at this point? Even simpler answer. No.
As long as the receiver doesn't commit a personal foul, the receivers actions are irrelevant if their ability to run the route in interfered with. Brisker absolutely committed a penalty on the play. The video is conclusive. Perhaps you should just feel lucky we got away with on and stop being emotionally sensitive because I am willing to call it like it is.
So Mr. Willing to Call it Like It Is….you say the lost down was not a big deal, but how about the fact that intentional grounding should never have been called? I guess that’s okay in your objective world. Or how about them not calling intentional grounding on an obvious grounding situation for Auburn? Guess those conveniently slipped your superior football analysis.
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Among other things. Here is the text:

So... they drag our receiver down after obviously impeding his route.. No flag.

Our defender is looking around d trying to make a play on the ball. Pass interference....
screw u

On top of the BS targeting call that gave them a TD.

WTF. I don't mind losing a legit game. This was shitty to watch. Refs threw a close game.
We have been on the receiving end of this, and I disliked it just as much. I'm going to bed.

We should have won this game.
The one thing that hasn't been mentioned much is the horrific spots of the ball last night. We all remember the "crooked walks" that we'd get from Witvoet and crew anytime we played Michigan, but last night was worse than that. They tried to throw us one after they forced us to punt on 3rd down (and replay showed that the PSU player was fully a yard from the flag), but the other horrific spots all seemed to favor AU. I think you can almost forgive a bad call on PI or a non-call on this or that based on "the speed of the game", but when you see the line judge walking out at an oblique angle to spot the ball as if he's drunk, it's intentional.

As someone else said, bad calls or not, Penn State won. The SEC should be forced to review this entire game so that the same bullshit doesn't happen again, but Penn State won fair and square, deal with it.
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