Baby Name Suggestions

Joesy (Josie) Sue

Joesy löwin (feminine “lion” in German)

something with the initials DOI. 4th letter of the alphabet, O, 9th letter of the alphabet
Dolores rhymes with...... :cool:

Beaver would be a girls name however, can you imagine the teasing by elementary and middle school boys(and even grown ups in the profession world)

Skellar - could be boys or girls name

There was a football player at another college whose last name was King, his first name was NoSmo.

Make sure the first name doesn't conflict with last name or they will be in for a lifetime of dealing with it. I had a colleague whose name was George George and a lawyer whose name was Joe Blow.
Dolores rhymes with...... :cool:

Beaver would be a girls name however, can you imagine the teasing by elementary and middle school boys(and even grown ups in the profession world)

Skellar - could be boys or girls name

There was a football player at another college whose last name was King, his first name was NoSmo.

Make sure the first name doesn't conflict with last name or they will be in for a lifetime of dealing with it. I had a colleague whose name was George George and a lawyer whose name was Joe Blow.

Knew a kid in HS named Robin Hood. Also had a Cleopatra Jones.
Had a student with a unique and pretty name (if a name can be pretty, but that’s what the other teachers said it was).
Pronounced I meth.
Side story.
when naming our son, my wife would throw out names. I’d think of former students with that name and give a 👍🏻 or a 👎🏻.
It worked out.


Had twin sisters named Lemonjello and Orangejello. Of course I pronounced it like it's spelled.

Correct way to pronounce was Lemangello and Orangegello

Also had a student named La-ah

pronounced La dash ah
How about Josephine can call her JoePa for short.

On the serious side, you should meet this person before choosing a name. The name needs to fit and you can only know that by trying it out.

i dunno, I agree and disagree. Our kids (Daniel and Veronica) came out with that name. I think the name grows on the kid. HOWEVER I’d absolutely have a backup just in case it just doesn’t fit.

ALSO, last thing you need is to share what you picked and have someone say “huh, I dated a “ “ and she slept with my brother and my dad. She was a HEUER!” When you figure it out, keep it to yourself. I really enjoyed introducing my kids to everyone for the first time.
Looking for girl names with some sort of reference or connection to Penn State.

Hold off on Sandy...That's not happening!
Emma. My favorite by far. Based off of Emma Samms. Someone post a picture.
Emma. My favorite by far. Based off of Emma Samms. Someone post a picture.
Had a student with a unique and pretty name (if a name can be pretty, but that’s what the other teachers said it was).
Pronounced I meth.
Side story.
when naming our son, my wife would throw out names. I’d think of former students with that name and give a 👍🏻 or a 👎🏻.
It worked out.

yeah but if you teach long enough in the right places there won't be a name that you can use. LOL
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This works. My first year a student named Michael threatened to stab me. Of course administration sent him right back to sit in class to stare at me. A few years later, I saw Michael’s name had made the guessed it attempted murder by stabbing someone.
Similar story for me. How do nice Western PA guys like us end up having this happen?
I cut a kid from the basketball team 1 year and after waiting a few minutes for the crowd to get out of the parking lot, myself in the other coaches started to walk back upstairs. This kid's mom comes down the hall screaming at me that there's no reason we should have cut her kid and that she knows where I live. Unfortunately I lived three houses down from this kid's grandfather. After about a minute straight of her cussing us out one of the custodians comes down to make sure everybody's okay. We all laugh at off until the next day at school when the resource officer comes to my room and tells me I have to go with him immediately. It seemed that they caught the kids older brother in the parking lot with a 9 inch serrated edge knife. The police also decided to drive by my house and they saw his other older brother sitting outside of his grandfather's house apparently waiting for me to come home. I got police escorts to and from my house every day for the next week as well as having a patrol car drive up and down my street multiple times a day. And yes the kid did eventually go to jail.
Pattee, pronounced like you would Patty but with your pinky finger off your teacup.
Similar story for me. How do nice Western PA guys like us end up having this happen?
I cut a kid from the basketball team 1 year and after waiting a few minutes for the crowd to get out of the parking lot, myself in the other coaches started to walk back upstairs. This kid's mom comes down the hall screaming at me that there's no reason we should have cut her kid and that she knows where I live. Unfortunately I lived three houses down from this kid's grandfather. After about a minute straight of her cussing us out one of the custodians comes down to make sure everybody's okay. We all laugh at off until the next day at school when the resource officer comes to my room and tells me I have to go with him immediately. It seemed that they caught the kids older brother in the parking lot with a 9 inch serrated edge knife. The police also decided to drive by my house and they saw his other older brother sitting outside of his grandfather's house apparently waiting for me to come home. I got police escorts to and from my house every day for the next week as well as having a patrol car drive up and down my street multiple times a day. And yes the kid did eventually go to jail.
I liked it, but don’t really “like” what happened to you.
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