Baby Name Suggestions

Lots of great choices (and some not so great choices). I’ll throw in Emmy.
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Looking for girl names with some sort of reference or connection to Penn State.

Hold off on Sandy...That's not happening!

No matter what name you like, don't throw it out right away. Instead, come up with two lists. The first list will be an outrageously long list of ridiculous names. Double that. Then cube the new total. Then make your second list of reasonable names. Again, apply the math. Only now are you ready to do battle with the little misses. Once you have thoroughly, and I do mean thoroughly, worn her down with the two lists should you attempt your favorite name. That's how my wife and I agreed to my daughter's name. But alas, I did not fully appreciate my wife's resolve when it came to maternal matters, and I became complacent. Two weeks later, she announced a new name, and she had done her homework. She chose what she knew I would consider a classical middle name that meshed well with the new first name, and that I could not refuse. In my after action report of the disaster, I realized I didn't have a third list, possibly the most important of them all. I should have peppered her with a crazy name each day from that list so that she would have to reaffirm her commitment to "our" agreed to chosen name. While I love my daughter's name, the bitter and stinging taste of defeat still lingers ten years later.