OPIt was more likely that he heard how one PSU fraternity treated kids from the OSU chapter a few years back.

OPIt was more likely that he heard how one PSU fraternity treated kids from the OSU chapter a few years back.
They were brothers from the OSU chapter that were invited to and attended the house party Friday night, and invited back Saturday where they received this brotherly welcome.
Even if they weren't invited, it was a shameful way to treat any human being, no matter what they were wearing.
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--joke-is-on-ohio-state-fans-who-wear-anti-penn-state-t-shirt.htmlAgree. This what made me absolutely love what happened and continues to happen to Pen State. Wish the BIG would have kicked them out of the league.
Is your school, Lafayette?I didn't go to PSU, but I was in a frat at my school. As with most things in life, the OSU guys had one chance to make a good first impression (on Friday night). Evidently, they failed.
Nice debut after 17 months of preparing. Hope the wait was worth it.So what..It happened at Penn St. You guys have an excuse for everything. Pretty classy.
Words hurt just as bad or worse than beer. BTW, sanctions were stopped after two years for no other reason than the NCAA knew they were wrong, and intervened and presided in a NON-NCAA MATTER!!! And since you probably only watch CNN, all the major charges against C/S/S were dropped with the remaining I am sure to similarly follow. The constant resurfacing is nothing more than the media trying to make money and cover their ass's. Oh, and lying others trying to jump on the money train. Pathetic!
I was pushed around at an OSU game there some time ago and knocked to the ground...coulda been worse if I reacted. Cell phones were not around then, unfortunately. Happens all over you vengeful goon! I don't wish any ill will on your university except that you lose on the football field. That's the difference between you and us.
Who left the bag of idiots open?Agree. This what made me absolutely love what happened and continues to happen to Pen State. Wish the BIG would have kicked them out of the league.
No it wasn't. If I were quoting Jim Croce, then I would have added the part about not pulling the mask from the old Lone Ranger.
I live in Columbus the story I got was OSU brought their beloved band to PSU and they were treated rudely and vowed never to go back.
Business meeting with an OSU Engineering professor yesterday with a PSU tie on and drew immediate remarks that "PSU is back in the news" and "now 'we'/OSU is involved!" Oh the calamity I thought!
I simply told him that if he believed that a man like Joe Paterno would cover up such horrid things then perhaps OSU needed to get rid of Sciano immediately since now he was similarly accused! Of course, he felt that Sciano could not possible do such a thing (I assume because he was now employed by OSU?!). And I said, "now you know how PSU alums/fans have felt for past 5 years!"
We then talked about this year's game in Happy Valley and he expressed concern about going - citing the 'rough-edged behavior PSU crowds.' To which I chuckled and advised him that PSU was recognized nationally as having one of the best or close to the best home crowd as far as hospitality. I tried to assure him that I have traveled to many, many venues and have found this to be true.
Now remember this is a highly educated, tenured OSU Engineering prof I was meeting with - not some student or casual fan.
Good grief!
And they still haven't complied...Just tell any douchebag from osu the name Michael Swango. The school gave this doctor the Ok to practice medicine as long as it wasnt in Ohio after some deaths of his patients. He went on to murder other patients in other states. Sandusky was a creep but it's not even close to proven or true that Penn State coaches and faculty had anything to do with his behavior. The media likes the clicks and others use it as a uneducated jab at Penn Staters. I just tell people, don't believe every headline u read. Sandusky, bad guy, Penn State not found culpable on any front
Not clear to me what you were asking EPC. Please clarify.Is your school, Lafayette?
PardlionNot clear to me what you were asking EPC. Please clarify.
Wish you were hit in the face with a urine-filled balloon.
Alas, most wishes don't come true
"But OSU has long had the reputation as a place where trustees are puppets for a small group of prominent Columbus businessmen who exercise enormous control over every aspect of public life in Ohio’s largest city."
It's interesting that every paper in PA lines up and trips over themselves to kick PSU football and its fans in the nuts but none of them has the guts to write something like this about the board at PSU. It's a real head-scratcher.
Agreed, it seems many PA media outlets enjoy PSU sniping as the Pittsburgh crowd leans Pitttttt and panders to them, further east its just general sensationalism with the Philadelphia media not ignoring not rooting for PSU but generally more friendly. In Ohio its in the job description in every media outlet to pander for and to OSU as the first order of business or it appears so to me shall I say.
There is such a difference here. Majority of college grads, with few exceptions, from all Ohio schools appear to root for OSU as "their" team. So does their media. Cleveland doesn't have any sports tor write about other than the now reigning Cavs but that was a half a hundred year aberration in Cleveland sports. Columbus has a hockey team that hasn't made the playoffs since inception I believe and Cincinnati had a great baseball team, an occasionally good football team, a river and most of Northern KY to root for them. Ohio professional sports is BAD. This is another reason you observe the worship of OSU across the state. My former physician once told me OSU is the only successful professional sports team in the state, then turned crimson upon realizing his admission of fact......and he is an Ohio U grad.
I'm glad you admitted you didn't attend PSU. You are an embarrassment.
The OSU fans probably picked up a couple of the frats groupie-hotties on Friday night that were interested in getting a little "strange" that night. Perhaps the locals were just a little put off by that. The Pitt guy, particularly, since he was hoping to be that "strange" on Friday night. Would kindd of explains his particular animosity since that kind of stuff seems important when you are 20 years old and drunk..
I'm not sure your surmise is correct. it's *a* factor perhaps. But not *the* factor.
The Jackets have made the playoffs twice. You should have seen the place after Folignos OT goal vs the Pens three seasons ago. Mind you, they are still not very good on the whole. But I still get to see the NHL all the time at a pretty reasonable price, so I'm not complaining. You also have the 2008 MLS Champion (and 2015 finalist) Columbus Crew. And then there's "Dos e Cero", probably the most important game on the US National Team's calendar every 4 years.
You also may have noticed that the Tribe is in first place.... OTOH, the less said about the Browns the better.
The trick is that up until recently, Columbus was a pretty small college/government town. A lot of those attitudes have carried over. That's changing, as Columbus is the 15th largest city in the country--and has been larger than Cincy or Cleveland for some time now (though still slightly smaller in metro area). Another reason is that, unlike PA, you are never more than 2-3 hours from Columbus anywhere in Ohio, which makes it far easier to attend games. And the tOSU worship is not universal. Cincy doesn't care as much and Toledo is largely Michigan territory.
But Columbus still has a minor league attitude in terms of pro sports. A lot of folks think that the NHL ticket prices are "too high"--yet they are half of what you would pay to see the Flyers. Drives me nuts sometimes (not that I mind paying less, mind you).
I stand by my post as I noted "most" not "all" and while I missed the mighty Columbus blue jackets playoff run to oblivion and a soccer team that is well, a soccer team which most in the state have no interest in whatsoever, again saying "MOST" and you have the parochial OSU worship literally state wide. Of course there are pockets of UM fans in the NW part of the state yet a minor part of the state with no sports in Toledo other than UT to speak of. Eastern Ohio has Pirate fans and there are Steeler fans sprinkled all over my area yet they all pale in comparison to buckeye fans who all but universally drool over anything OSU.
The state of Ohio is buckeye crazy far more than the state of PA being PSU crazy, as are its media outlets very loyal to the buckeyes in the vast majority of situations. Columbus still has very little pro sports to view compared to Cincy or Cleveland. The Indians in first place, well we speak of championships and I believe the 1948 Indians were the last WS champs although I could be off by a few years yet that was before most on this board were born. The Reds have a far better record. But, the buckeye worship is practically universal and Ohio U grads along with most other smaller school grads are universally buckeye fans from observation. I've asked many why this happens and receive dumb looks and stupid stares as if I should automatically realize why they are buckeye fans but no answers.
I live in Austin and I've heard many UT fans say that the OSU trip was dreadful. Most developed quite a hatred for all things OSU after that game because of the behavior of the OSU fans. Now everything I heard was all 2nd hand so who knows what's true, but that game seems to stand out as a particularly bad experience in a lot of UT fans' minds.Have a friend, UT alum and big fan, travels to most away games with family. UT played at OSU back around the mid to late 2000's in a home/away 2 game series. He, his wife, 10 year old son and two other rather large men (of the three my friend was the smallest @ 6' 5" and 265# so they were significant sized men). As they attempted to walk to the game many OSU fans, drunken or not verbally assaulted them and physically threatened them. He has traveled to many UT hated games in the southwest and other venues and he said bar none, OSU was the most vile venue he ever visited and he would never attend another game there, ever. Cursing his wife (calling her a whore) in front of his son, etc. A sea of buckeye idiots had to be traversed to get into the stadium. UT won the game as I remember and the walk back to their cars was not nearly as bad since the crowd was more subdued yet they still got far more on the trip home than any alleged PSU incident I have ever heard in my long history.
As for the OSU band at PSU, urban legends seem to continue to crop up and the buckeye band is not pure and holy given their director was fired several years ago for allowing a horrible culture to develop and continue on his watch. Those living in glass houses (buckeyes) need to stop throwing stones.
When I was an "active" we hosted a group from our chapter at Cornell. We took the group of "guests" to the G man and the guests proceeded to start a fight someone was tossed through a stained glass window and the whole lot ended up in jail for the night. We didn't bail them out until the next morning for which we were resoundingly vilified by the guests from Cornell.
Treatment of guests and guest behavior cuts both ways.
I live in Austin and I've heard many UT fans say that the OSU trip was dreadful. Most developed quite a hatred for all things OSU after that game because of the behavior of the OSU fans. Now everything I heard was all 2nd hand so who knows what's true, but that game seems to stand out as a particularly bad experience in a lot of UT fans' minds.