Back from summer vacation


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2023
Anything interesting happen while I was gone? Scanning the front page I noticed Lando and Purpose Pitch are engaged in The Battle of the Douches and that AssNole from Tallahassee is nowhere to be found.
Anything interesting happen while I was gone? Scanning the front page I noticed Lando and Purpose Pitch are engaged in The Battle of the Douches and that AssNole from Tallahassee is nowhere to be found.
Been pretty quiet. Both here and world stage.

Oh, my bad…..J-Lo and Ben filed for divorce!😮
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I heard second hand something about a famous person getting shot. Tried to look it up when I got back but all I could find on Google was about the Kennedy’s and Teddy Roosevelt.
Anything interesting happen while I was gone? Scanning the front page I noticed Lando and Purpose Pitch are engaged in The Battle of the Douches and that AssNole from Tallahassee is nowhere to be found.

We had a free-for-all weekend while the mods were apparently away and various people of a certain persuasion felt at liberty to grossly violate board rules after a certain key event involving a certain person but then on Monday morning the mods returned and put an end to the drubbing that those of us of a certain other persuasion were administering to the violators. It was all a lot of fun while it lasted.

Fortunately, our long off-season nightmare is finally over as football is back and a big game looms at high noon this Saturday in Morgantown. Lando has spent the summer insisting that it amounts to a "lay-up," but after many here showed the flaws in his thinking, he at last admitted that, well, it could be a close game.

I think that pretty much catches you up...
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We had a free-for-all weekend while the mods were apparently away and various people of a certain persuasion felt at liberty to grossly violate board rules after a certain key event involving a certain person but then on Monday morning the mods returned and put an end to the drubbing that those of us of a certain other persuasion were administering to the violators. It was all a lot of fun while it lasted.

Fortunately, our long off-season nightmare is finally over as football is back and a big game looms at high noon this Saturday in Morgantown. Lando has spent the summer insisting that it amounts to a "lay-up," but after many here showed the flaws in his thinking, he at last admitted that, well, it could be a close game.

I think that pretty much catches you up...
I think Clowndo, I mean Lando, is still stubbornly holding to his lock it assertion that "we beat WVU 100 out of 100 times". When pressed he or maybe Clowndo is a she who really knows emphasizes we SHOULD beat them and expect to beat them 100 out of 100. Not sure what that means except yeah we would be favored in 100 out of 100 games vs them this year. So hey we all got that going for us which is nice. And last but not least don't forget we are all whimpering cowards according to Clowndo.
We had a free-for-all weekend while the mods were apparently away and various people of a certain persuasion felt at liberty to grossly violate board rules after a certain key event involving a certain person but then on Monday morning the mods returned and put an end to the drubbing that those of us of a certain other persuasion were administering to the violators. It was all a lot of fun while it lasted.

Fortunately, our long off-season nightmare is finally over as football is back and a big game looms at high noon this Saturday in Morgantown. Lando has spent the summer insisting that it amounts to a "lay-up," but after many here showed the flaws in his thinking, he at last admitted that, well, it could be a close game.

I think that pretty much catches you up...
You still haven't read what I said regarding WVU from the beginning. This is a special kind if stupid even for you
You still haven't read what I said regarding WVU from the beginning. This is a special kind if stupid even for you
You're a very poor communicator. Not only do you repeat the same exact statements tens of times, somehow thinking that you can support/prove your statement by just regurgitating it, and not providing any actual supporting evidence ... but while repeating yourself over and over again, you somehow manage to eventually contradict yourself, or move goalposts on a regular basis, without admitting that's what you're doing. And then you throw temper tantrums and avoid admitting to your many mistakes. Among your many messes on this topic, you even painted yourself into the corner of saying that PSU could win by 1, and that wouldn't be a competitive game.
You're a very poor communicator. Not only do you repeat the same exact statements tens of times, somehow thinking that you can support/prove your statement by just regurgitating it, and not providing any actual supporting evidence ... but while repeating yourself over and over again, you somehow manage to eventually contradict yourself, or move goalposts on a regular basis, without admitting that's what you're doing. And then you throw temper tantrums and avoid admitting to your many mistakes. Among your many messes on this topic, you even painted yourself into the corner of saying that PSU could win by 1, and that wouldn't be a competitive game.
I'm all refuse to read what is written and exaggerate to make a point. The goalposts never move. WVU isn't a good team...we will win the game...I dont care if it's by 1 or 30....same thing said since the very beginning but you're too stupid to comprehend that
I'm all refuse to read what is written and exaggerate to make a point. The goalposts never move. WVU isn't a good team...we will win the game...I dont care if it's by 1 or 30....same thing said since the very beginning but you're too stupid to comprehend that
Don't forget that, if it's a 1-point win, it'll still miraculously be a non-competitive game. And if you even think WVU could make it interesting, you're a coward. How? No one knows, but you will be! Also FPI is conclusive and Vegas lines mean absolutely nothing, even though they're equally predictive.

More #LandoLogic gold nuggets. You poor kid.
You still haven't read what I said regarding WVU from the beginning. This is a special kind if stupid even for you

Lando, if I read everything you've said about WVU...or any other topic..."from the beginning," I'd be a candidate for institutionalization by now. The minds of tougher men than I have collapsed under such an assault.

You said the game is a "lay-up"...but we might win by as little as one point...which, as PP points out, is self-contradicting.

I said the game is a challenge: opening the season with two new coordinators against a decent and motivated team in a hostile environment. If we win with room to spare, which could happen, that's credit to us. If we win by a smaller margin, that's still credit to us. Either way, I'll be happy to take the W and get out of Dodge.

We're going to find out in five days. Meanwhile, the exchanges with you on the board here bring to mind the scene in Cool Hand Luke where the George Kennedy character beats the crap out of the Paul Newman character who, though dazed and senseless, keeps staggering to his feet to take more punishment. Stay down, Lando.
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Lando, if I read everything you've said about WVU...or any other topic..."from the beginning," I'd be a candidate for institutionalization by now. The minds of tougher men than I have collapsed under such an assault.

You said the game is a "lay-up"...but we might win by as little as one point...which, as PP points out, is self-contradicting.

I said the game is a challenge: opening the season with two new coordinators against a decent and motivated team in a hostile environment. If we win with room to spare, which could happen, that's credit to us. If we win by a smaller margin, that's still credit to us. Either way, I'll be happy to take the W and get out of Dodge.

We're going to find out in five days. Meanwhile, the exchanges with you on the board here bring to mind the scene in Cool Hand Luke where the George Kennedy character beats the crap out of the Paul Newman character who, though dazed and senseless, keeps staggering to his feet to take more punishment. Stay down, Lando.
If you elect not to read all of it then dont respons with nonsense like this.

This is not a challenging game. If you're worried about mid-tier Big XII teams then you don't respect our program.

And I said I don't care if we win by 1 or 30. All that matters is a win. Just like last year when you were likely stressing about close games for no reason. Franklin turned the corner and has proven he'll win the games he should. Accept that and stop making WVU out to be good. They have one of the least accurate QBs in the nation, fact not opinion, to go along with almost no NFL talent but people want to believe this is a big game because of our weak schedule and the prior rivalry between the schools.
Lando's purpose here is to make rooting for PSU seem so unattractive, that you want to root against them. No one wants to be associated with his obnoxious foolishness. He's attempting to destroy from within with his stupidity.
Lando's purpose here is to make rooting for PSU seem so unattractive, that you want to root against them. No one wants to be associated with his obnoxious foolishness. He's attempting to destroy from within with his stupidity.
Lando vs Purpose Pitch. It’s like Mothra vs Godzilla. Only they’re much, much smaller. And not scary at all.
Lando's purpose here is to make rooting for PSU seem so unattractive, that you want to root against them. No one wants to be associated with his obnoxious foolishness. He's attempting to destroy from within with his stupidity.
Yeah I actually think we're a great team but I'm trying to destroy us from withing by having playoff expectations....that's a good one
Tell us more about how you're scared of Godzilla and Mothra.

You know they're not real, right?
Who am I talking to? I’ve learned from the board that you’re on about your 10th user name because you’re such a dope. You remember, you’re the one falsely accusing me of exactly what you do. That’s rich. You should run for Vice-president. Besides, don’t you have a $ multi-million investment company to run? Blow, Warren Buffet Jr.
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Who am I talking to? I’ve learned from the board that you’re on about your 10th user name because you’re such a dope. You remember, you’re the one falsely accusing me of exactly what you do. That’s rich. You should run for Vice-president. Besides, don’t you have a $ multi-million investment company to run? Blow, Warren Buffet Jr.
So you don’t know they’re not real.

Hopefully this latest stint in the clink has reformed you and you can stay out for good this time.

Who are you talking to? Yourself, poser. And you're losing the argument, Bushwood.
So you don’t know they’re not real.

Hopefully this latest stint in the clink has reformed you and you can stay out for good this time.

Who are you talking to? Yourself, poser. And you're losing the argument, Bushwood.
If you’re as good with investments as you are comedy I recommend your clients running for the exits. Because you really suck at it.
This is not a challenging game. If you're worried about mid-tier Big XII teams then you don't respect our program.

There's a difference between "respecting" our team and disrespecting the opponent's. It's the difference between confidence and arrogance.

Also, only in LandoWorld is framing a potential win against West Virginia as a meaningless "lay-up," which you have done, a mark of respect for our program. It's just the opposite.
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There's a difference between "respecting" our team and disrespecting the opponent's. It's the difference between confidence and arrogance.

Also, only in LandoWorld is framing a potential win against West Virginia as a meaningless "lay-up," which you have done, a mark of respect for our program. It's just the opposite.
Not meaningless...its not a bowl game
It's a game a team of our level is expected to win. WVU isn't remotely on our level. We saw that last year when we played subpar and easily won.
This is a game we're supposed to win if we show up. WVU isn't a good team...people see 8-4 and ignore the fact it was in a weak Big XII and they didn't beat anyone decent. It's like people that thought Golden was elite at Temple despite never beating a 7 win team (or something like that....its been a while)
Yeah I actually think we're a great team but I'm trying to destroy us from withing by having playoff expectations....that's a good one

Most people speaking about this game have “playoff expectations.” But they aren’t so incredibly immature so as to think someone is disrespecting the program, or a coward, for having a normal, reasonable outlook on a top 10 v top 30/35 matchup.
Most people speaking about this game have “playoff expectations.” But they aren’t so incredibly immature so as to think someone is disrespecting the program, or a coward, for having a normal, reasonable outlook on a top 10 v top 30/35 matchup.
It's not a reasonable outlook. It's people that haven't adapted to how different the game is today and the gap that exists. It has nothing to do with the rankings.
It's not a reasonable outlook. It's people that haven't adapted to how different the game is today and the gap that exists. It has nothing to do with the rankings.
Kid, just shut up. Everyone else is correct. You are wrong. And you don't need 300+ posts on the topic to prove how wrong you are. Let it go, Elsa.

Thinking PSU should win this, but being wary of what could go wrong is a normal way of viewing things, and no one needs to be told they're a bad fan, or a bad person, because they don't share your very, very unique view ... shared by no one ... on this topic.
Kid, just shut up. Everyone else is correct. You are wrong. And you don't need 300+ posts on the topic to prove how wrong you are. Let it go, Elsa.

Thinking PSU should win this, but being wary of what could go wrong is a normal way of viewing things, and no one needs to be told they're a bad fan, or a bad person, because they don't share your very, very unique view ... shared by no one ... on this topic.
I clearly need 800 posts on every topic to try to explain basic things to people like you
Many people share my view--they just don't continue to fight against the delusional group of people living in the 80s
And "kid" lol
I clearly need 800 posts on every topic to try to explain basic things to people like you
Many people share my view--they just don't continue to fight against the delusional group of people living in the 80s
And "kid" lol
You must be neurodivergent. There's no way you could be this immature and fixated, otherwise.
Not meaningless...its not a bowl game
It's a game a team of our level is expected to win. WVU isn't remotely on our level. We saw that last year when we played subpar and easily won.
This is a game we're supposed to win if we show up. WVU isn't a good team...people see 8-4 and ignore the fact it was in a weak Big XII and they didn't beat anyone decent. It's like people that thought Golden was elite at Temple despite never beating a 7 win team (or something like that....its been a while)

Lando continues his whirling-dervish routine.

The logic of your position is that a win (not the game itself) would be meaningless...since West Virginia is no more than a "lay-up"...a speed bump...says you.

Nobody said the Mountaineers were "elite" as per your manufactured reconstruction of the point some of us are making. Rather, that it's a challenging way to open the season: two new coordinators in a difficult road environment against a decent team that won 9 games last year and has high hopes of equaling or bettering that record in 2024. This is obvious going in, no matter how the game turns out.

Meanwhile, the betting line continues to move toward West Virginia...down to 8 at the majority of Vegas books and 7.5 at one of them. That number is not the stuff of "lay-ups." In fact, it's close to the same spread as the 1986 Miami-Penn State national championship game...our program's finest moment. Miami was taught (but didn't learn) one of the oldest lessons in the books that night: when you disrespect your opponent, bad things can happen.

The game in Morgantown on Saturday is not remotely of that magnitude of course, but the lesson still applies. Fortunately, I'm pretty sure the coaches and players on our team have a different attitude from yours. They'd better at least.
Lando vs Purpose Pitch. It’s like Mothra vs Godzilla. Only they’re much, much smaller. And not scary at all.

Like one of those National Geographic scenes of two ants fighting on a stick.

Lando and PeePee the multiple bans disbarred Whale shark are locked onto eachothers antenna. Both struggling to win as their brothers step over them for more interesting things.

If you elect not to read all of it then dont respons with nonsense like this.

This is not a challenging game. If you're worried about mid-tier Big XII teams then you don't respect our program.

And I said I don't care if we win by 1 or 30. All that matters is a win. Just like last year when you were likely stressing about close games for no reason. Franklin turned the corner and has proven he'll win the games he should. Accept that and stop making WVU out to be good. They have one of the least accurate QBs in the nation, fact not opinion, to go along with almost no NFL talent but people want to believe this is a big game because of our weak schedule and the prior rivalry between the schools.
Lando continues his whirling-dervish routine.

The logic of your position is that a win (not the game itself) would be meaningless...since West Virginia is no more than a "lay-up"...a speed bump...says you.

Nobody said the Mountaineers were "elite" as per your manufactured reconstruction of the point some of us are making. Rather, that it's a challenging way to open the season: two new coordinators in a difficult road environment against a decent team that won 9 games last year and has high hopes of equaling or bettering that record in 2024. This is obvious going in, no matter how the game turns out.

Meanwhile, the betting line continues to move toward West Virginia...down to 8 at the majority of Vegas books and 7.5 at one of them. That number is not the stuff of "lay-ups." In fact, it's close to the same spread as the 1986 Miami-Penn State national championship game...our program's finest moment. Miami was taught (but didn't learn) one of the oldest lessons in the books that night: when you disrespect your opponent, bad things can happen.

The game in Morgantown on Saturday is not remotely of that magnitude of course, but the lesson still applies. Fortunately, I'm pretty sure the coaches and players on our team have a different attitude from yours. They'd better at least.
No use discussing with him as he won't listen. I think when you cut through it all where he stands out as an outlier is his contention that WVU "is not a good team" and they are "not remotely close to us". He refuses to consider WVU capable of doing anything because that has been his schtick for a year now and he won't back down for fear of looking like a "coward", LOL!

All of us expect to win and think we should win. So his assertions about that are not abnormal.

In Lando world I think he may only think playoff teams are "good" and everyone else bad or whatever. For example, not sure what he thinks of USC who is 23rd. Are they good, okay, average, bad?? Maybe all top 25 are decent and the rest suck. He also just throws his own uninformed opinions out there like WVU "is not good" because they don't play in a good conference and have not beaten anyone. I know he has a huge bias to the SEC and B10 and I think he may think everyone else is bad. He tends to gravitate to the brand name schools so it wouldn't surprise me for him to think USC and Washington for example are vastly superior to WVU when realistically that is not the case.

The last thing I will say is he thinks this game is a layup but is covering himself by saying we just need to win by a point and leaves that scenario as a possible outcome. So is a layup game winning by a point? Anyway, he will never give WVU credit even if they beat us it has nothing to do with them being good or even decent they will still be "not good". So the logic train on that just kind of falls off the rails. I guess he would just simply explain it away as a fluke or that Penn State is not good either. Can you imagine him going to the game in Morgantown and mouthing off like he does on this board? He'd come home without any teeth, LOL.
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The last thing I will say is he thinks this game is a layup but is covering himself by saying we just need to win by a point and leaves that scenario as a possible outcome. So is a layup game winning by a point? Anyway, he will never give WVU credit even if they beat us it has nothing to do with them being good or even decent they will still be "not good". So the logic train on that just kind of falls off the rails. I guess he would just simply explain it away as a fluke or that Penn State is not good either. Can you imagine him going to the game in Morgantown and mouthing off like he does on this board? He'd come home without any teeth, LOL.

Correct. He's had many logic fails, and I've pointed them out repeatedly, and he's been unwilling or unable to address any of them. And this is one of them. He said the game will undoubtedly be non-competitive, and that we'll win, and he doesn't care if it's by 1 point. So a 1 point win, in his mind, would be a non-competitive game.

The poor guy just twists himself around in a pretzel and then resorts back to ignoring his failures and repeating some stock line he's repeated 20+ times before.
Lando continues his whirling-dervish routine.

The logic of your position is that a win (not the game itself) would be meaningless...since West Virginia is no more than a "lay-up"...a speed bump...says you.

Nobody said the Mountaineers were "elite" as per your manufactured reconstruction of the point some of us are making. Rather, that it's a challenging way to open the season: two new coordinators in a difficult road environment against a decent team that won 9 games last year and has high hopes of equaling or bettering that record in 2024. This is obvious going in, no matter how the game turns out.

Meanwhile, the betting line continues to move toward West Virginia...down to 8 at the majority of Vegas books and 7.5 at one of them. That number is not the stuff of "lay-ups." In fact, it's close to the same spread as the 1986 Miami-Penn State national championship game...our program's finest moment. Miami was taught (but didn't learn) one of the oldest lessons in the books that night: when you disrespect your opponent, bad things can happen.

The game in Morgantown on Saturday is not remotely of that magnitude of course, but the lesson still applies. Fortunately, I'm pretty sure the coaches and players on our team have a different attitude from yours. They'd better at least.
WVU is like most of our schedule. A team with considerable less talent that isn't a true threat if we're close to the team we're projected to be. Miami isn't remotely similar. The gap with us and Miami in 86 was a tenth what this is.
No use discussing with him as he won't listen. I think when you cut through it all where he stands out as an outlier is his contention that WVU "is not a good team" and they are "not remotely close to us". He refuses to consider WVU capable of doing anything because that has been his schtick for a year now and he won't back down for fear of looking like a "coward", LOL!

All of us expect to win and think we should win. So his assertions about that are not abnormal.

In Lando world I think he may only think playoff teams are "good" and everyone else bad or whatever. For example, not sure what he thinks of USC who is 23rd. Are they good, okay, average, bad?? Maybe all top 25 are decent and the rest suck. He also just throws his own uninformed opinions out there like WVU "is not good" because they don't play in a good conference and have not beaten anyone. I know he has a huge bias to the SEC and B10 and I think he may think everyone else is bad. He tends to gravitate to the brand name schools so it wouldn't surprise me for him to think USC and Washington for example are vastly superior to WVU when realistically that is not the case.

The last thing I will say is he thinks this game is a layup but is covering himself by saying we just need to win by a point and leaves that scenario as a possible outcome. So is a layup game winning by a point? Anyway, he will never give WVU credit even if they beat us it has nothing to do with them being good or even decent they will still be "not good". So the logic train on that just kind of falls off the rails. I guess he would just simply explain it away as a fluke or that Penn State is not good either. Can you imagine him going to the game in Morgantown and mouthing off like he does on this board? He'd come home without any teeth, LOL.
In "Lando World" good teams are capable of contending. As a "good team" WVU shouldn't concern us as fans. See OU last year. The problem is you and others think 8-4 without a win against anyone with a pulse is a good season. It isn't. It's a complete failure.

Opposing fans usually get along fine with me....see this board...WVU knows what they are. McAfee is the only real issue