Back from summer vacation

No use discussing with him as he won't listen. I think when you cut through it all where he stands out as an outlier is his contention that WVU "is not a good team" and they are "not remotely close to us". He refuses to consider WVU capable of doing anything because that has been his schtick for a year now and he won't back down for fear of looking like a "coward", LOL!

All of us expect to win and think we should win. So his assertions about that are not abnormal.

In Lando world I think he may only think playoff teams are "good" and everyone else bad or whatever. For example, not sure what he thinks of USC who is 23rd. Are they good, okay, average, bad?? Maybe all top 25 are decent and the rest suck. He also just throws his own uninformed opinions out there like WVU "is not good" because they don't play in a good conference and have not beaten anyone. I know he has a huge bias to the SEC and B10 and I think he may think everyone else is bad. He tends to gravitate to the brand name schools so it wouldn't surprise me for him to think USC and Washington for example are vastly superior to WVU when realistically that is not the case.

The last thing I will say is he thinks this game is a layup but is covering himself by saying we just need to win by a point and leaves that scenario as a possible outcome. So is a layup game winning by a point? Anyway, he will never give WVU credit even if they beat us it has nothing to do with them being good or even decent they will still be "not good". So the logic train on that just kind of falls off the rails. I guess he would just simply explain it away as a fluke or that Penn State is not good either. Can you imagine him going to the game in Morgantown and mouthing off like he does on this board? He'd come home without any teeth, LOL.
The problem is he is not really a Penn State fan. In his zeal to mask this fact he often makes blatantly ridiculous pronouncements. When real Penn State fans point out his obvious stupidity he then has to twist himself into a pretzel in an attempt to justify whatever nonsense slipped out. To no anvail, unfortunately for him.