Barron at State Appropriations Hearing (long)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2014
Partial transcript from Barron's appearance before the State Appropriations hearing in Harrisburg (and what I would have asked him)

Full video here

Barron asked about Yudichak's Bill (starting at the 1:34 mark in the video):

Claims to have no knowledge of the proposal, then states: "I very much appreciate that I have a diverse board"

What I would have asked next - Mr Barron, is there any reason to believe that you could not/would not have a diverse board….in fact that you would likely have a MORE diverse board….if those members were democratically elected, rather than having many of the Trustees self-appointed through a secretive, inbred process that PRECLUDES accountability?"

When asked about the right of the PSU BOT to unilaterally make changes to the board structure, even though many of those parameters where initially established by the State Assembly:

First, he inanely blames Jerry Sandusky as "the gift that keeps on giving", and continues to avoid the question…."we are truly unique, and that partly reflects the scope of our degrees"…"When you go back to a time when we are not in a crisis, you have trouble getting people to serve as elected trustees, because everybody is satisfied with the way things are going……from our alumni base you are talking maybe 4% voting (tell me that isn't straight from Dicky Dandrea LOL. At this point the Senator should have said something along the lines of "If the concern is that 10,000 voters is not as representative as you would like….isn't it 10,000 times worse when members are seated to the Board with ZERO votes?)

Instead, the Senator states (appropriately enough): "Can I get you to focus on the question, which is the structure of the Board and how the Board operates"

Barron goes on to just bloviate some more "What we are watching is born out of Crisis and not Functionality?"

Are you freaking kidding me…..the crisis EXPOSED the dysfunctionality of the Board…..we wouldn't have had a CRISIS of this magnitude - except for the DISFUNCTIONALITY of the Board! Unreal.

Barron "We will get to the point where that crisis is behind us, and that Board will be functional from everybody's viewpoint".

POW!!!! Louisville slugger time. He is STILL using the Peetz "move on" mantra? Unbelievable!

And then it's back to the Dandrea talking points. Barron: "I am incredibly proud of our diversity. The student rep is very valuable…I would not want to give up the student rep"…"The faculty…incredible value, I would not want to give that up"

VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE HERE!!! Well, as if we didn't already know how these bastards were going to spin…there you go. "The evil folks in Harrisburg want to silence the students and faculty". OMG!

What the Senator should have followed up with: "If you want Faculty and Students to have a voice, perhaps we should enfranchise Faculty and Student to vote for all of the candidates for positions on the Board….rather than to have one designated seat on the board. I don't think that the concerns are with the voices of the Faculty and the Students, I believe the concerns are with unaccountable trustees who may not be acting in the best interests of the University."

Folks - down in Harrisburg and among the elected Trustees - need to get in front of this issue ASAP. Allowing them to frame this need for reform as an "anti-faculty/student" measure - as ludicrous as that is - will happen if they are not faced head on with what the real issue is.

When asked about the large number of Board members:

"Size is an interesting characteristic…I believe we all have 36 members (referencing Pitt, Temple, and Lincoln)"….."Not as big as some, not as large as some……which means you have a lot of committees that do a lot of work that a smaller board can't."

This statement is another where you want to get out the Louisville Slugger. What should have been asked at this point is:

"You say that this 36 member board allows you to get more tasks accomplished. And yet, the large majority of your Board was - and is - completely disengaged from the most basic and vital activities of Board fiduciary responsibility. The large majority of the Board NEVER vetted any of the candidates for University President. This is the most vital function of any University Board. The large majority of your Board claims to have had no knowledge of the events you referenced as "The gift that keeps on giving"….even when those events had been disclosed in a story published in the Harrisburg Patriot newspaper……the vast majority of your Board claims to have had no awareness or input into the entire NCAA Consent Decree process - a process which has cost Penn State, to date, hundreds of millions of dollars. Tel me, Mr Barron, what are all these folks spending their time on that is more vital than all of these issues that they claim to be completely ignorant and unaware of?"

Boy-O-Boy-O-Boy………what I wouldn't give to be able to sit on that committee for ten minutes and ask the questions that should be asked.

The gloves need to come off.
This post was edited on 3/26 9:31 AM by bjf1984
The man is a blithering idiot. But one question.

Are the faculty and student reps directly elected by the constituencies they are supposed to represent?
Re: The man is a blithering idiot. But one question.

Originally posted by Art:
Are the faculty and student reps directly elected by the constituencies they are supposed to represent?
kind of complicated ...

at least for the student trustee.

going back to Barron's testimony, there isn't currently a faculty trustee, and the student trustee is a Governor's appointee, and did not go through the process that is slated to occur this year.

The processes for selecting the two are below.


Student Trustee Process

1. The Selection Group on Board Membership for the Student Trustee shall be composed of eleven members (the incumbent Student Trustee, the President of the University Park Undergraduate Association, the President of the Graduate and Professional Student Association, the President of the Council of Commonwealth Student Governments and the Vice President of the University Park Undergraduate Association or the Council of Commonwealth Student Governments, as appropriate, then serving on a committee of the Board of Trustees (the "Core Committee") plus six at-large undergraduate, graduate or professional student members selected by the Core Committee. The Selection Group shall recommend, in accordance with guidelines established by the Selection Group and approved by the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning of the Board of Trustees from time to time, a preferred candidate for membership on the Board of Trustees representing the student body of the University.

2. Three trustees to be appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees (including the incumbent Student Trustee) shall interview the preferred candidate (and, if necessary, any alternate candidates) and shall forward the recommended candidate's name to the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning of the Board of Trustees, which shall make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

3. The name and qualifications of the candidate recommended by the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning shall be submitted for confirmation by the Board of Trustees (for approval or rejection of the recommended candidate only). It is expected that the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning would recommend, and the Board of Trustees would approve, the candidate recommended by the Selection Group unless issues with the recommended candidate's background check, student conduct issues, academic standing issues or other issues arise or exist that in the opinion of the Board of Trustees would make the preferred candidate unsuitable for service on the Board of Trustees. The Selection Group shall treat as confidential the identities of all candidates.

4. The election of the Student Trustee shall be held at the May meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Faculty Trustee Process

1. The University Faculty Senate shall recommend, in accordance with procedures and guidelines established by the Faculty Senate and approved by the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning of the Board of Trustees from time to time, a preferred candidate for membership on the Board of Trustees representing the faculty of the University.

2. Three trustees to be appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees shall interview the preferred candidate (and, if necessary, the alternate candidates) and shall forward the recommended candidate's name to the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning of the Board of Trustees, which shall make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

3. The name and qualifications of the candidate recommended by the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning shall be submitted for confirmation by the Board of Trustees (for approval or rejection of the recommended candidate only). It is expected that the Committee on Governance and Long Range Planning would recommend, and the Board of Trustees would approve, the candidate recommended by the Faculty Senate unless issues with the recommended candidate's background check or other issues arise or exist that in the opinion of the Board of Trustees would make the preferred candidate unsuitable for service on the Board of Trustees. The Faculty Senate shall treat as confidential the identities of all candidates.

4. The election of the Academic Trustee shall be held at the May meeting of the Board of Trustees.

This post was edited on 3/26 9:42 AM by Tom McAndrew

The process is very convoluted, but one thing is clear....... The A+ nonsense that was crammed down last year does NOT allow for a democratic election from the groups that are supposedly (in the propaganda being spewed by the scoundrels) being given a voice on the board. SOP for the pirates
Dandrea (and Eckel) run the Governance Committee

Officially, Eckel is the Chair, Dandrea the Vice Chair.

So, when you cut through the BS and mumbo-jumbo, you see that the net result is that Jabba and the Lap Dog end up selecting the two sycophants to join their band of merry men. Which, of course, is the ONLY reason that "A+" was ever concocted.

It is what it is.
What ever happened to the democratic principle of

"one person, one vote?"

At the end of all of those contortions, the extant BoT decides who serves. Doesn't augur well for someone whose candidacy may be premised on criticism of the way the Board operates (and this extends well beyond the conduct of 2011).
Re: No

Barry... Seems something is amiss .. Last election what 20 or candidates... Now just three no choices. Have those being voted again delivered on their promises? Have they been out spoken representing those who elected them? Have they been transparent? Have they pursued the stewardship of the university or just in regards to the jerry sandusky scandal... I these are real questions problem is somehow the democratic process has long mired the candidates. To have a fair open process... All the issues good bad wtc should be discussed and that includes the endorsed candidates from ps4rs.

I am not saying they aren't best but where's the choice where's the critique....???

Makes start to think about Adam t's abstain votes... Maybe he makes more sense then all the others in some ways.
This post was edited on 3/26 4:52 PM by psudukie
Lots of good questions

Deserving of well-considered responses. I'll try to do that later tonight, when I (hopefully) have a little more time.
One thing that's clear, with the passage of time.

It's very obvious that the aftermath of all of this has nothing to do with Paterno, nothing to do with Sandusky, nothing to do with right and wrong. It's all way beyond that.

I don't understand half of what fellow poster Frank Sheeran says when he posts, but it's clear, he has this thing figured out better than we all do, because what is going on has nothing to do with what WE think went on. It's all about other stuff, that is still going on. And it has nothing to do with Joe or JS or the "victims".

I sure hope someday we know what it is.
Dukie -

With regard to your question:

"Seems something is amiss .. Last election what 20 or candidates... Now just three no choices"

As best I recall, as it concerns the elections (and if others have corrections, please let me know):

Prior years' elections certainly had more candidates on the ballot. Why so few now:

1 - Many people vote in elections because they want to see some individual elected.....others vote because they want to see someone "thrown out". In the case of the Alumni Trustee elections, I think that also applies to the motivations behind someone running for the seat - some of the motivations comes from wanting to be elected, some motivation comes from wanting to displace a person currently in the seat.
The last few years (2012, 2013, 2014) I think a lot of people were motivated to run in order to replace a person they viewed as unworthy, as much as they were motivated to win the seat themselves. That motivation - for the most part - doesn't exist anymore. There are no Suheys or Myers' to stoke the passion of those wanting to "throw the bums out"

2 - The BOT made the process to get on the ballot much more difficult. If I wanted to get on the ballot I probably wouldn't have a lot of trouble getting the 250 nominations - even though it would take a lot more work than getting the 50 (which was the previous requirement). That being said, I live in State College, and could walk around the neighborhood and talk to at least 100 Penn State Alums......I could head downtown (or on campus) for an afternoon and find hundreds more. But, for someone who lives in, for example, Saint Marys PA.....or Raleigh NC, it might be quite a bit more difficult to locate 250 alums willing to sign a nomination form.

3 - IIRC, the time frame between when Nominating petitions were available and when the 250 nominations had to be turned in was a time frame basically covering a couple of months, and coinciding with the holiday season. A time period where there were none of the "big events" (football games, BW, Arts Fest, etc) where a potential candidate might conveniently find a few hundred PSU alums gathered together in one place.

These changes outlined in items 2 and 3 were initiated by the Old Guard BOT pirates.

4 - As opposed to recent years, when there were three seats that were "up for grabs".....three seats who's holders were overwhelmingly NOT supported by the majority of PSU Alums, this year, the overwhelming majority of alums are content with the 2 trustees running for only one seat is what a political pundit would label as "contested".
That is not to say that EVERYONE supports - or should be expected to support - the 2 candidates running for reelection....but, clearly, most folks consider it nearly a fait accompli that they will be reelected.

5 - A lot of folks make mention of PS4RS as limiting the field....through their endorsement process. I think it would be naïve to feel that candidates who are not endorsed by PS4RS don't have an uphill battle. In the past, IIRC, PS4RS essentially had a "primary"....where candidates could reach out to folks through the PS4RS social media, and state their platform - and be evaluated by PS4RS membership. That was - IMHO - A BIG BENFIT PROVIDED BY THE PS4RS group (and I think - IMHO at least - they should be applauded for providing a structure to organize those opposed to the Old Guard). This year, IIRC, that "primary" did not happen. Now, was that PS4RS's "fault"? First of all, while I thought the "primary" system was a great service provided to concerned PSU Alums, the truth of the matter is that it is hard to run a "primary" if only one candidate submitted the 250 nominations necessary to get on the ballot (if that is not correct information, I hope someone will point that out....that is TTBOMK). With no other candidates on the ballot (largely due to the new restrictions enacted by the BOT scoundrels), and with such a limited time frame from petition to nomination to ballot finalization (again, thanks to the BOT) there really wasn't any way to have a "primary".

You put all of that together, and you have the situation we face now, with only 3 "balloted" candidates for the three seats. This is exactly what the Old Guard BOT scoundrels wanted (well, actually, they would have had a truly orgasmic experience if NO ONE met the 250 nomination threshold. That feeds into the propaganda being spun by Lap Dog Dandrea, and his new partner in crime, Bloviating, the BS that Alumni Trustees are overrepresented because not enough alums vote, etc)

I know you raise additional questions, which I want to address......but this response is long enough.....just dealing with the first question. More - on the other stuff - later.
It is what happens when the alumni allow the current BOT to "STACK THE BOARD". President Roosevelt did not get away with this when he tried it in the 1930's, Congress "stood up" and the President stepped back.

An action many on the board are strongly recommending.......STAND up against the current Board's ability to re-anoint, yes I mean re-anoint: themselves, without accountability.

PAP '58
Re: One thing that's clear, with the passage of time.

Sadly I agree with lurker acknowledging that this debacle has/had nothing to do with Joe, football, Sandusky or victims. It's a much bigger paying feild than that.