Being Jewish. This is my christmas eve this week. I'm so excited for Kick-off, I can't express....

If getting excited for the opening game of Penn State's football season correlates to your being Jewish, then I guess a lot of us are Jewish then...
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......Penn State. If you convert to Christianity, you can celebrate BOTH the season opener and Christmas. Just trying to be helpful. ;)

Chistianity is a Sect of Judaism. Christ was a Rabbi and taught Jewish Rabbinic Law (only difference between "New Covenant" and "Old Covenant" had nothing to do with "Moses Laws" - they are the same in both forms of Judaism. The "New Covenant" differs in that "all people" can be saved - Jews by blood & gentiles alike - in New Covenant. Old Covenant held you had to be Jewish by both "faith" and "blood". By faith is the only requirement in New Covenant. Jesus also said that the "Aaronic Priestly Line" was illegitimate and that he was of the true line - the High Priest of God Malchezedek - see Torah Book of Genesis if you don't know who that is...hint, Abraham paid homage to him via tithe after his victory at the Battle of Kings - he was King of Salem, modern day Jerusalem.).

In any event, the only significant difference between the religions has nothing to do with the fundamental faith / morality which is the same - it comes down to whether they believed Jesus was the Torah prophesied "Messiah" (Messiah means "Annoited One" in Hebrew - which translates to "Christ" in Greek). Essentially, early Christians were Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah, while Orthodox Jews did not believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah. Both groups considered themselves, and were, "Jewish" by faith and the Romans made no real distintion between the two sects - they disdained and put martyrs to death in both groups for being Jewish in Rome, which was illegal.
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the feeling the week brings of anticipation and the love of PSU football I have. I'm really taking the time to appreciate these moments.

We Are...............

Mr. Potter I’m glad you mentioned your Selichot, I always thought Chanukah was traditional to Christmas as Pass over is similar to Easter. I don’t pretend I know all the Jewish holidays, but my wife Karen certainly does. In fact when the kids got married, my wife started studying the Jewish culture and traditions.

My son-in-law is Jewish & my daughter is catholic. When they had their first child, my wife told them to enroll the child either in the Jewish or catholic faith. She didn’t care as long as the child had religious instruction. Well, my two grand girls are now Jewish and both have had their Bat Mitzvah ceremony.

When the kids lived near us they slept over at Christmas and celebrate with the family, in turn, we also celebrated Chanukah with them, prior to Christmas. December was a double treat for the grand girls, as you would understand, eight days of Chanukah followed by Christmas. Now the kids lived the past two years in Dothan, Alabama but have made their way home for Christmas.

And my daughter and one of the grandgirls is coming home for the Indiana game…currently I’m trying to obtain two seats next to ours. The seats are usually for the players families, but occasionally during the season they are empty.

Leil Selichot / סליחות

Selichot or slichot (Hebrew: סליחות) are Jewish penitential poems and prayers, especially those said in the period leading up to the High Holidays, and on Fast Days. In the Ashkenazic tradition, it begins on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah. If, however, the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Monday or Tuesday, Selichot are said beginning the Saturday night prior to ensure that Selichot are recited at least four times.

Leil Selichot begins after nightfall on Sat, 05 September 2015

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Chistianity is a Sect of Judaism. Christ was a Rabbi and taught Jewish Rabbinic Law (only difference between "New Covenant" and "Old Covenant" had nothing to do with "Moses Laws" - they are the same in both forms of Judaism. The "New Covenant" differs in that "all people" can be saved - Jews by blood & gentiles alike - in New Covenant. Old Covenant held you had to be Jewish by both "faith" and "blood". By faith is the only requirement in New Covenant. Jesus also said that the "Aaronic Priestly Line" was illegitimate and that he was of the true line - the High Priest of God Malchezedek - see Torah Book of Genesis if you don't know who that is...hint, Abraham paid homage to him via tithe after his victory at the Battle of Kings - he was King of Salem, modern day Jerusalem.).

In any event, the only significant difference between the religions has nothing to do with the fundamental faith / morality which is the same - it comes down to whether they believed Jesus was the Torah prophesied "Messiah" (Messiah means "Annoited One" in Hebrew - which translates to "Christ" in Greek). Essentially, early Christians were Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah, while Orthodox Jews did not believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah. Both groups considered themselves, and were, "Jewish" by faith and the Romans made no real distintion between the two sects - they disdained and put martyrs to death in both groups for being Jewish in Rome, which was illegal.

Chistianity is a Sect of Judaism. Christ was a Rabbi and taught Jewish Rabbinic Law (only difference between "New Covenant" and "Old Covenant" had nothing to do with "Moses Laws" - they are the same in both forms of Judaism. The "New Covenant" differs in that "all people" can be saved - Jews by blood & gentiles alike - in New Covenant. Old Covenant held you had to be Jewish by both "faith" and "blood". By faith is the only requirement in New Covenant. Jesus also said that the "Aaronic Priestly Line" was illegitimate and that he was of the true line - the High Priest of God Malchezedek - see Torah Book of Genesis if you don't know who that is...hint, Abraham paid homage to him via tithe after his victory at the Battle of Kings - he was King of Salem, modern day Jerusalem.).

In any event, the only significant difference between the religions has nothing to do with the fundamental faith / morality which is the same - it comes down to whether they believed Jesus was the Torah prophesied "Messiah" (Messiah means "Annoited One" in Hebrew - which translates to "Christ" in Greek). Essentially, early Christians were Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah, while Orthodox Jews did not believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah. Both groups considered themselves, and were, "Jewish" by faith and the Romans made no real distintion between the two sects - they disdained and put martyrs to death in both groups for being Jewish in Rome, which was illegal.

What "exactly" is a Jew? Or, for that any ethnic group? Can you please define, Professor?

Me? I'm human.

Did I pass the exam?

You passed the exam, but males of the Jewish faith have a little less P,N and S; as we are circumcized :) We started the Gettis Berg address that starts...."Fore Skin and Seven Tears ago, our fathers........................."
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