Best Tailgate Lots


Sep 10, 2014
Traveling up to State College for the game this weekend. First time I'll be in charge of tailgating.

The group wants a fun/rowdy atmosphere and I'm deciding which parking pass I should buy.

I'm deciding between lot 13, lot 31 or the lot 32 area...

Which do you think would be best? Any advice welcome.
Traveling up to State College for the game this weekend. First time I'll be in charge of tailgating.

The group wants a fun/rowdy atmosphere and I'm deciding which parking pass I should buy.

I'm deciding between lot 13, lot 31 or the lot 32 area...

Which do you think would be best? Any advice welcome.

If you do not have one, good luck. Only lot available are cash lots, that is 11
And out fox hollow road
In order:

31 (especially if you can get in the west side - closer to the stadium. the east side OK, but not as good), then 13, then 32.

Just one opinion

Thanks. Would that involve getting there early or approaching from a certain way to try to get in the west side lot? Or is it just luck?
Lot 31?

You'd have to find them on the secondary market (buy from a fan who hads them)...… and, unless things changed recently, they each have a specific numbered space - so you would know up front (by asking who you buy them from) where they are within the lot.

Does that make sense? I hope that was clear enough

If you know the "number" of the space, probably someone on this board - who parks in that area - could tell you where those particular numbers are within the lot.
Or, for $50, I'll take a walk over to the stadium and find it for ya' :)

Makes sense. Stubhub doesn't give parking space numbers from what I can see. Might have to roll the dice.
Makes sense. Stubhub doesn't give parking space numbers from what I can see. Might have to roll the dice.
Lot 31 is the best choice at this point. There are parking maps for all lots on PSU website which show the Space Numbers. Price now on StubHub is $75 plus fee. There is a StubHub listing for several spaces from the same seller at $80.80 each maybe next to each other.
How is lot 39? And is $90 for this lot a good deal for the Michigan game?
Went with lot 31 on STub
Lot 31 is the best choice at this point. There are parking maps for all lots on PSU website which show the Space Numbers. Price now on StubHub is $75 plus fee. There is a StubHub listing for several spaces from the same seller at $80.80 each maybe next to each other.

Thanks. Picked up the $75 space. Hopefully a good location. We will see!
Be careful if you decide to buy from scalpers for lots that used to be yellow. Some Jackholes will park in their lots, take their permits, go sell them to scalpers, scalper resells them, and then either the person that bought the resold permit or someone that actually bought a permit through Penn State get f'd when the lot is full when they show up at entrance. Thinking that will be an issue this season unless steps are taken to stop people from reselling their permits once they have parked.
Be careful if you decide to buy from scalpers for lots that used to be yellow. Some Jackholes will park in their lots, take their permits, go sell them to scalpers, scalper resells them, and then either the person that bought the resold permit or someone that actually bought a permit through Penn State get f'd when the lot is full when they show up at entrance. Thinking that will be an issue this season unless steps are taken to stop people from reselling their permits once they have parked.

It was fun while it lasted.
Is it possible to park anywhere for less on game day? The parking deck by the lion shrine? Are the garages downtown still an option?
"best" is very subjective. Some like pavement vs grass. Some want to be as close to the stadium as possible. Others like to be in a lot they can leave afterwards quickly.
Is it possible to park anywhere for less on game day? The parking deck by the lion shrine? Are the garages downtown still an option?
Lubert and Dambly managed to get the BOT to approve a 500 car parking lot jointly owned by the two of them that only charges $50 per game. 10% of the proceeds goes to the Barron Art Museum, the remainder into the pockets of "L and D Parking, LLC".
Be careful if you decide to buy from scalpers for lots that used to be yellow. Some Jackholes will park in their lots, take their permits, go sell them to scalpers, scalper resells them, and then either the person that bought the resold permit or someone that actually bought a permit through Penn State get f'd when the lot is full when they show up at entrance. Thinking that will be an issue this season unless steps are taken to stop people from reselling their permits once they have parked.

I hope they don't do like last year where they took the bottom of the parking pass which causes delays while they go through the motions of tearing off each one
Is it possible to park anywhere for less on game day? The parking deck by the lion shrine? Are the garages downtown still an option?

Parked in one of the decks on campus last year after I sold my parking space and then decided I want to come to that game. $25 was cost on Saturday last season.
I hope they don't do like last year where they took the bottom of the parking pass which causes delays while they go through the motions of tearing off each one

That is probably better than people finding their lot full because of unsavory fellow lot patrons selling their stuff after parking.
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The passes have barcodes on them this year I believe...they will probably scan them so they aren't resold after entry.

I hope they don't do like last year where they took the bottom of the parking pass which causes delays while they go through the motions of tearing off each one