I did it in about an hour. Here is part of a post I made earlier today:
We get rid of conference divisions and we allow teams to have 2 protected rivals. For this exercise, I assumed that OSU's protected rivals are Michigan and Michigan State. I assumed that Penn State's protected rivals are Rutgres and MD. (This is what the BIG is trying to foist on us anyway). I wondered if a balanced strength of schedule could be created when the current strength of protected rivals is so different.
This means that conference schedules are made only one or two years ahead (if you want to do a home and home rotation) and based on the previous season's records, just like is done with the NFL. I based next year's schedule on the number of conference wins each team was able to record in 2017. If you look at number of 2017 conference wins, here is how it shakes out:
9 Wisky
9 OSU (with conf champ game)
5 MI
3 RU, NE
2 MN, IU, MD
0 IL
Without much effort, I was able to make a pretty balanced schedule with a target of each team playing against 41 BIG wins from 2017 (similar to Penn State's conference SOS this year). I first broke out the top 6 teams from 2017 and assumed they have to play 4 top 6 teams in 2018. Out of the top 6 teams, Wisky would play OSU, PSU, MSU and NW. OSU would play WI, PSU, MSU, and MI. PSU would play WI, MI, OSU, and NW. MSU would play WI, OSU, MI, and NW. NW would play WI, PSU, MSU, and MI. Michigan would play OSU, PSU, MSU, and NW. Sounds pretty balanced so far.
But would this method create a situation where all of the bottom teams get an easy schedule? Not really. I was able to fit every team into a place where they are playing against between 37 (Purdue) and 45 (Illinois) BIG wins from last year. Every top six team is playing against 41 wins from last year, except for OSU, which has to play against 42 wins. Even Purdue, with the "easiest" schedule, plays against OSU, NW, MI, IA, and NE. For comparison, Wisconsin played against only 29 wins this year in the BIG West, while Penn State played against 41 conference wins in the BIG East.