Brailyn Franklin off Roster

So what happened to Brailyn Franklin and why?
From his Twitter feed it appears that he found out in late July and called it a “curve ball”. If Franklin is “processing” players and didn’t inform Brailyn until just a few days ago, that’s not a good look for the program.
I was surprised Franklin remained on the roster as long as he did. He was not suited up at the spring game. Did anybody see him on the sidelines ?
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From his Twitter feed it appears that he found out in late July and called it a “curve ball”. If Franklin is “processing” players and didn’t inform Brailyn until just a few days ago, that’s not a good look for the program.

No way would Coach Franklin violate Penn State's and the B1G's scholarship policy and just kick someone off the team because he's not good enough. The scholarship is an auto-renew until 4 years or the player graduates, but the player has to meet a number of conditions in order to keep the scholarship. If Brailyn lost his scholarship, it is because he didn't hold up his end -- that could be academic, behavior, attendance, off-season training, lots of things or some combination.

There is accountability in this program and I like that. The players get a lot of love, but the expectations are also very clear. It's a tight ship.

So maybe the "curve ball" was he failed a class he wasn't expecting to fail. Or he didn't do offseason workouts and reported out of shape. Or lots of things that just added up to a decision Franklin made after the 2nd summer semester. Or possibly it was nobody's fault -- he has an injury that ends his career. The team's silence on his departure certainly leaves the impression that it was something Brailyn Franklin either did or failed to do.
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No way, I highly doubt Coach Franklin would violate the B1G's scholarship policy and just kick someone off the team because he's not good enough. The scholarship is an auto-renew until 4 years or the player graduates, but the player has to meet a number of conditions in order to keep the scholarship. If Brailyn lost his scholarship, it is because he didn't hold up his end, and the most likely scenario is that he didn't pass enough classes.

So maybe the curve ball was he failed a class he wasn't expecting to fail. Or maybe it was team-related -- such as he didn't do his off-season work as required. Or possibly it was nobody's fault -- he has an injury that ends his career. But the team's silence on his departure certainly leaves the impression that it was something Brailyn Franklin either did or failed to do.
I'm sure Franklin isn't violating BiG rules but I suspect there are workarounds in the rules we don't know about. I don't think it's coincidence that PSU (and other teams) recruit more players than they have room for because they are able to precisely anticipate how many kids will fail to uphold their end.
I'm sure Franklin isn't violating BiG rules but I suspect there are workarounds in the rules we don't know about. I don't think it's coincidence that PSU (and other teams) recruit more players than they have room for because they are able to precisely anticipate how many kids will fail to uphold their end.

Those scholarships aren't just free money, the players have to earn them. I have followed women's volleyball for a while and if those players don't hold up their end, if they don't uphold the standards of Penn State athletics and also the requirements of their coaches, their scholarship is not renewed. I'm sure it's the same with wrestling. Normally it doesn't happen because PSU is careful who it recruits.

There are undoubtedly mistakes made with scholarships and all teams end up with players who just aren't as good as the coaches hoped they would be. But that is a different animal.There are highly touted players on every Penn State team who end up as career backups. I don't think scholarships are terminated at Penn State just because there is a better player out there. (I can't speak for Alabama; I really don't know).

When we someone kicked off the team it is because they have either broken team rules or not met their commitments to the team that they agreed to when they accepted the scholarship. Call that processing if you want, I call it accountability.
They must be cracking down on the new nepotism rules since he is CJF's nephew.

Oh Good Lord.

You’re pathetic
Do you think he gave him a heads up or just pulled it on him. My guess is the player didn’t take the heads up seriously. In this case though compared to prior, seems like processed.
Do you think he gave him a heads up or just pulled it on him. My guess is the player didn’t take the heads up seriously. In this case though compared to prior, seems like processed.

I watched the video where Franklin talked about bringing Bowen back. He said that they told Bowen what he had to do in order to work his way back and he did that. I believe this is true. Then Franklin said Bowen is scheduled to graduate this December and bringing him back is the best way to make that happen. That sounds suspicious. Bowen seems to have made academic progress while off the team so I don't know why being back on the team was a requirement to graduate. I guess he could have maxed out on what he could cover out of his own pocket but I doubt that one semester would stop a degree when loans are a possibility. Franklin also said that he has no idea where Bowen will fit into the lineup. I suspect that's a half truth. Bowen hasn't played in a while and could have fallen down the depth chart, but Franklin knows what Bowen is capable of doing. My guess is that Franklin is just letting Bowen know he's got to earn his way back to 1st team.

I think Franklin has the best interest of these kids at heart but I also think he runs it like a business. I think he'll stay within the rules, have high standards for his players, and utilize whatever flexibility the rules allow to make sure PSU is in the best position to win.
Do you think he gave him a heads up or just pulled it on him. My guess is the player didn’t take the heads up seriously. In this case though compared to prior, seems like processed.

Impossible to say. Usually a staff gives plenty of indicators, but some kids are either oblivious or obstinate.Or maybe it's something else.
Those scholarships aren't just free money, the players have to earn them. I have followed women's volleyball for a while and if those players don't hold up their end, if they don't uphold the standards of Penn State athletics and also the requirements of their coaches, their scholarship is not renewed. I'm sure it's the same with wrestling. Normally it doesn't happen because PSU is careful who it recruits.

There are undoubtedly mistakes made with scholarships and all teams end up with players who just aren't as good as the coaches hoped they would be. But that is a different animal.There are highly touted players on every Penn State team who end up as career backups. I don't think scholarships are terminated at Penn State just because there is a better player out there. (I can't speak for Alabama; I really don't know).

When we someone kicked off the team it is because they have either broken team rules or not met their commitments to the team that they agreed to when they accepted the scholarship. Call that processing if you want, I call it accountability.

In other word the four year scholarship guarantee ain't worth diddly, but you should have known that already.
TTBOMK, I am not aware of any Coaches who clear their roster decisions through the fan base.

If there ever has been one, that might make an interesting trivia question :)

In any event, the dearth of such situations would seem to make it unlikely that anyone would find the lack of such a methodology to be disconcerting.
Lee Corso did some pretty outlandish stuff. But, I'm not sure he went that far.
In other word the four year scholarship guarantee ain't worth diddly, but you should have known that already.

Well, you get a football scholarship it doesn't mean you can just sit on your butt and eat bags of Doritos and pretend to participate in practice. (Not that this is the case with Franklin, I have no idea). If to you that means a scholarship is "not worth diddly" - I think most of the players would disagree with you -- they're getting a free education, medical care, an expense stipend and the best coaching and training available -- probably worth $250-400k. But it doesn't come free. A free ride isn't really a free ride.

It's funny, remember when Tony Sacca refused Paterno's request to spend a summer training and working with the receivers? He wanted to hang out with his buddies at the Jersey Shore, so that's what he did. That would not happen today -- not at Penn State and probably not at 110 other Division 1-A schools.
Well, you get a football scholarship it doesn't mean you can just sit on your butt and eat bags of Doritos and pretend to participate in practice. (Not that this is the case with Franklin, I have no idea). If to you that means a scholarship is "not worth diddly" - I think most of the players would disagree with you -- they're getting a free education, medical care, an expense stipend and the best coaching and training available -- probably worth $250-400k. But it doesn't come free. A free ride isn't really a free ride.

It's funny, remember when Tony Sacca refused Paterno's request to spend a summer training and working with the receivers? He wanted to hang out with his buddies at the Jersey Shore, so that's what he did. That would not happen today -- not at Penn State and probably not at 110 other Division 1-A schools.

...or he's a DE and he realized PSU is absolutely loaded there (Miller, Buchholz, Simmons, Toney, Gross-Matos, Tarburton, Oweh etc) and he wasn't going to play...ever. Maybe he just likes football and wants to actually play somewhere before his playing days are over...which is totally reasonable. I don't know how solid they are but the rumors are he's headed to Sam Houston State.
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Well, you get a football scholarship it doesn't mean you can just sit on your butt and eat bags of Doritos and pretend to participate in practice. (Not that this is the case with Franklin, I have no idea). If to you that means a scholarship is "not worth diddly" - I think most of the players would disagree with you -- they're getting a free education, medical care, an expense stipend and the best coaching and training available -- probably worth $250-400k. But it doesn't come free. A free ride isn't really a free ride.

It's funny, remember when Tony Sacca refused Paterno's request to spend a summer training and working with the receivers? He wanted to hang out with his buddies at the Jersey Shore, so that's what he did. That would not happen today -- not at Penn State and probably not at 110 other Division 1-A schools.
A decision that Tony regrets to this day.
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