In what world has recruiting gotten worse? Do you always tend to not think before you type? You have biased opinions, I have facts below. You picked out the only recruit we have without another P5 offer, and then painted our entire class with that same "MAC-level" brush. That's just not fair or accurate, and then you use the phrase "in actuality" like I'm not speaking the truth. Read below. You'll probably say how it's some "Pitt spin" or bias or just resort to insulting my intelligence. But below are facts.
"There was some discussion in the “Big Class” thread about why people are excited about this class so far, whether that excitement is misplaced, and whether Narduzzi’s recruiting is really that much better than what we’ve seen in the past. I keep a spread sheet that shows each recruit we’ve signed from 2013 to present broken down by class.
It shows each recruit’s final Rivals ranking and the number of Power 5 offers, other than Pitt, that each recruit had. As well as each class’s final overall Rivals team ranking and each class’s ranking based on average Rivals rating numerically so that I can see how we compare with and without focusing solely on the top 20 recruits, as Rivals does.
Personally, I place a lot of value on the offer sheet, especially within a star rating, but using both makes the most sense. If recruit A is rated a 5.7 high three star but only has 1 non-Pitt P5 offer and recruit B is rated as a 5.5 but has 8 P5 offers, I tend to think more of recruit B. That’s just me. Nothing against Rivals, but P5 coaches have more at stake and I trust their analysis a little more.
Turning to the numbers, Pat Narduzzi’s recruiting is quantifiably better than Chryst’s in terms of overall class rankings, by average numerical ranking, and more importantly, I’d argue, his classes are substantially better in P5 offers. It doesn’t just feel like recruiting has gotten better, it has.
Chryst’s first full class was 2013. Dorian Johnson, Tyler Boyd, James Conner, etc. The class had 27 recruits and Rivals pegged that class at #35 nationally. Not a bad start. Going by numerical Rivals ranking, the class drops to #51, though, despite Johnson being a 5 Star. 8 were rated as 5.6 or higher. Looking at P5 offers, things don’t get better. In a 27 member class, there were only 75 total non-Pitt P5 offers extended, 28 of which were for DJ and Boyd. 12 of the 27 recruits had zero non-Pitt P5 offers. 2 more only had one other P5 offer. 44% of the class had zero other P5 offers and nine were 2 star recruits.
Chryst’s second full class was 2014. Bookser, Grimm, Chris James, and Jennings were the four 4 stars in this 23 member class. Rivals pegged this class as #44 nationally and the numerical average ranking improves it a little to #41. 9 were rated as 5.6 or higher. In this 23 member class, there were only 78 non-Pitt p5 offers, 52 of which came from the four 4 stars. 8 of the 23 had zero non-Pitt P5 offers and 4 more only had one. 35% of the class had zero non-Pitt P5 offers and four were 2 star recruits.
The 2015 class was the transitional class between Chryst and Narduzzi. It only had 15 members, headlined by 4 stars Jordan Whitehead and Darrin Hall who both committed to Chryst. This class came in at #65 nationally for Rivals overall and improves to #45 when looking at average numerical ranking. 7 were rated as 5.6 or higher. Despite its small size, this class garnered 79 total non-Pitt P5 offers. Of which, 40 came from Stocker, Brightwell, and McKee who committed after Narduzzi took over. 5 of the 15 had zero non-Pitt P5 offers and 2 more only had one. 33% of the class had zero other P5 offers and five were 2 star recruits.
Narduzzi’s first full class, 2016, was headlined by five 4 stars, Damar Hamlin, Amir Watts, Kazeon Pugh, George Hill, and Ruben Flowers. This 24 member class came in at #29 overall in Rivals national rankings and #31 when looking at numerical average rankings. An impressive 16 of 24 were rated as 5.6 or higher and there were 176 total non-Pitt P5 offers extended this class. More than Chryst’s two full classes combined. There were 0 recruits in this class without at least 1 non-Pitt P5 offer and 3 who only had one – MacVittie (LSU), Hargrove (Rutgers), and Ford (Maryland). 0% of this class had no other P5 offers and there were only three 2 star recruits – Weaver (9 P5 offers), Jones (7 P5 offers), and Reynolds (4 P5 offers).
Narduzzi’s second class, 2017, was headlined by 4 stars Ford, Davis, and Reeves. This 23 member class was ranked #38 overall and improved to #30 when looking at numerical average rankings. 10 were rated as 5.6 or higher and this class received 140 total non-Pitt P5 offers. 3 recruits in this class had zero non-Pitt P5 offers, Darian Street, Cam Bright, and the Australian kicker, Christodolou. 5 recruits had only one offer, Butler, Carrigan, Sear, Pinnock, and Drexel. 12% of this class had zero non-Pitt P5 offers and there were only two 2 stars, Owen Drexel and the Aussie.
So far, the current 2018 class, is in line with Narduzzi’s first two. Of the 11 commitments so far, 8 are rated 5.6 or higher and only 5.6 rated DE Palmer does not have at least one other P5 offer. There is only one 2 Star – FB Symonds – and there are 82 non-Pitt P5 offers including, OSU, Georgia, MSU, and PSU. While this class will be small with only 4 or 5 more recruits added, other than size, this class will again be strong.
Comparing Chryst’s two full classes with Narduzzi’s – 153 total non-Pitt P5 offers for Chryst vs Duzz’s 316 for nearly the exact same number of recruits. Narduzzi’s not taking guys who no other P5 coaches wanted the way Chryst did."