Captain Obvious

Jan 3, 2017
I have a few things to say here. And I know it will seem to be obvious, but it must be said regardless.

Last drive, if I recall correctly, PSU had 2 time outs. USC none.

So to a world where a coaching staff make obscene amounts of money to do things that people sitting on couches at home should not be capable of I have this to say.

I cant coach, I know little about the rigors of that profession. But on Third Down, in the Rose Bowl, with 2 time outs it is crystal clear what you do.

No excuses, no nothing. Million dollar coaching staffs do what I am about to write.

YOU RUN THE BALL! Whether or not you pick up the first is irrelevant, bear with me here.

Then you let the clock tick down to maybe 6 seconds, THEN CALL A TIME OUT!

Then the million dollar minds, do what MILLION DOLLAR MINDS ARE MANDATED TO DO in this situation!

You draw up one heck of a 4th down pass play to put you in field goal range. If you make the play the clock stops and you call another time out. With an incomplete pass, or McSorely throw away out of bounds it is the end of regulation.

A meaningful interception is highly unlikely in that scenario.

But, PSU, deciding to throw the ball on third down is illogical. Too many risks even if it hadnt been INTed. A great ensuing punt return, and other intangibles are possibilities that must simply NOT be gambled. 20 secons to USC could be an eternity to boot.

Im sorry but if that game was the stock market, and my life savings depended on getting to overtime.....I DONT F AROUND!

And I care little about the vanity of football. Its just the colossal inexcusable lapse.

Get to OT and lose....FINE!

But DO NOT put yourself in the position where about a million viewers 3000+ miles away would have ABSOLUTELY gotten the team into OT.
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I have a few things to say here. And I know it will seem to be obvious, but it must be said regardless.

Last drive, if I recall correctly, PSU had 2 time outs. USC none.

So to a world where a coaching staff make obscene amounts of money to do things that people sitting on couches at home should not be capable of I have this to say.

I cant coach, I know little about the rigors of that profession. But on Third Down, in the Rose Bowl, with 2 time outs it is crystal clear what you do.

No excuses, no nothing. Million dollar coaching staffs do what I am about to write.

YOU RUN THE BALL! Whether or not you pick up the first is irrelevant, bear with me here.

Then you let the clock tick down to maybe 6 seconds, THEN CALL A TIME OUT!

Then the million dollar minds, do what MILLION DOLLAR MINDS ARE MANDATED TO DO in this situation!

You draw up one heck of a 4th down pass play to put you in field goal range. If you make the play the clock stops and you call another time out. With an incomplete pass, or McSorely throw away out of bounds it is the end of regulation.

A meaningful interception is highly unlikely in that scenario.

But, PSU, deciding to throw the ball on third down is illogical. Too many risks even if it hadnt been INTed. A great ensuing punt return, and other intangibles are possibilities that must simply NOT be gambled. 20 secons to USC could be an eternity to boot.

Im sorry but if that game was the stock market, and my life savings depended on getting to overtime.....I DONT F AROUND!

And I care little about the vanity of football. Its just the colossal inexcusable lapse.

Get to OT and lose....FINE!

But DO NOT put yourself in the position where about a million viewers 3000+ miles away would have ABSOLUTELY gotten the team into OT.
Good Grief.

Why are those who are "most wrong" insist on proving it the strongest?


Please explain to us all :) this "magical play call" that - if it works - will pick up 30 yards, allow you to call under 6 seconds - - - - but, if it "doesn't work" will burn off all six seconds and not give USC a shot at either a Hail Mary or a long FG
That would be so much more likely to succeed than trying to move the ball into FG range in the final 40 seconds with one of the most effective passing games in the country

Please, please do tell. Don't keep that "font of knowledge all to yourself"

Good Lord

Stick to X-Box.

You likely got ONE thing right - - - "you can't coach"........ On the other hand, you failed to mention that "you can't think"
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Good Grief.

Why are those who are "most wrong" insist on proving it the strongest?


Please explain to us all :) this "magical play call" that - if it works - will pick up 30 yards, allow you to call under 6 seconds - - - - but, if it "doesn't work" will burn off all six seconds and not give USC a shot at either a Hail Mary or a long FG
That would be so much more likely to succeed than trying to move the ball into FG range in the final 40 seconds with one of the most effective passing games in the country

Please, please do tell. Don't keep that "font of knowledge all to yourself"

Good Lord

Stick to X-Box.

You likely got ONE thing right - - - "you can't coach"........ On the other hand, you failed to mention that "you can't think"

Yea and I don't get paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS either. I bet if I got paid millions of dollars, I would make the decision that a MILLION DOLLAR salary mandated.

You dont get paid that kind of money to NOT RUN THE BALL, and milk the clock.

These guys have all this KNOWLEDGE at their disposal. Stats, charts film, equations....stuff that professors and geniuses, scientists and LEARNED SCHOLARS have access to.

And what I am telling you, is that on that 3rd down, THROWING the ball MAKES NO SENSE. It was a gamble at best...even IF he would have caught it.

But you know what? THE ABOVE MENTIONED million dollar salary, scientists, geniuses, stats, FILM....all will say.....RUN THE DAMN BALL!

And then let the clock run down to 6 or whateve seconds it takes to throw the ball a mere 3o yards.

What I am saying is that WITH ALL THAT MONEY, FACILITIES, UNIVERSITY full of math scholars....and again MILLION DOLLAR COACHES with flow charts, probability and statistical time info


Again...there is no way in hell they should not have been capable of drawing up that play given all the resources they had......OT is the worst case scenario.

To whom MUCH is GIVEN much is required. A staff that makes THAT kind of money BETTER KNOW how to do that.

Or why are we paying them that much?

If you are my Ferrari Mechanic...well you better be able to tune it UP. Not use duct tape and say "I hope it holds you cross country"


That series I called should have been par for the course. I cant coach, but anyone could have coached the last 3rd down.
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Yea and I don't get paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS either. I bet if I got paid millions of dollars, I would make the decision that a MILLION DOLLAR salary mandated.

You dont get paid that kind of money to NOT RUN THE BALL, and milk the clock.

These guys have all this KNOWLEDGE at their disposal. Stats, charts film, equations....stuff that professors and geniuses, scientists and LEARNED SCHOLARS have access to.

And what I am telling you, is that on that 3rd down, THROWING the ball MAKES NO SENSE. It was a gamble at best...even IF he would have caught it.

But you know what. THE ABOVE MENTIONED million dollar salary, scientists, geniuses, stats, FILM....all will say.....RUN THE DAMN BALL!

And then let the clock run down to 6 or whateve seconds it takes to throw the ball a mere 3o yards.

What I am saying is that WITH ALL THAT MONEY, FACILITIES, UNIVERSITY full of math scholars....and again MILLION DOLLAR COACHES......


Again...there is no way in hell they should nopt have been capable of drawing up that play given all the resources they had......OT is the worst case scenario.

To whom MUCH is GIVEN much is required.

All that they got MANDATED that course of action!

Tell me Im wrong.
"Tell you you're wrong"?

I already did - weren't you paying attention?
You are "wrong" in more ways than you could count

If you got paid $0.10 for your "Insightful Strategery", it would be $0.25 too much
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Yea and I don't get paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS either. I bet if I got paid millions of dollars, I would make the decision that a MILLION DOLLAR salary mandated.

You dont get paid that kind of money to NOT RUN THE BALL, and milk the clock.

These guys have all this KNOWLEDGE at their disposal. Stats, charts film, equations....stuff that professors and geniuses, scientists and LEARNED SCHOLARS have access to.

And what I am telling you, is that on that 3rd down, THROWING the ball MAKES NO SENSE. It was a gamble at best...even IF he would have caught it.

But you know what. THE ABOVE MENTIONED million dollar salary, scientists, geniuses, stats, FILM....all will say.....RUN THE DAMN BALL!

And then let the clock run down to 6 or whateve seconds it takes to throw the ball a mere 3o yards.

What I am saying is that WITH ALL THAT MONEY, FACILITIES, UNIVERSITY full of math scholars....and again MILLION DOLLAR COACHES......


Again...there is no way in hell they should nopt have been capable of drawing up that play given all the resources they had......OT is the worst case scenario.

To whom MUCH is GIVEN much is required.

All that they got MANDATED that course of action!

Tell me Im wrong.
You're wrong.
"Tell you you're wrong"?

I already did - weren't you paying attention?
You are "wrong" in more ways than you could count

If you got paid $0.10 for your "Insightful Strategery", it would be $0.25 too much

So let me get this straight?

YOU wouldn't have run the ball?

And You wouldn't have let the clock wind down to however many seconds your MILLION DOLLAR EXPERTISE should have known would allow you to get one heave off and call a timeout on a clock that STOPS of first down in college?

And you wouldnt have used you MILLION DOLLAR staff to design ONE play to get the ball to a 6ft+ reciever. Maybe even using some kind of trick play. Even a FAKE kneel down DAMMIT.?!

What happened last night was as inexplainable as a surgeon deciding to eat a CHEESEBURGER while doing brain surgery on someone.

And I am not knocking Franklin in this. I respect him and his status is still solid. But he should have overode this call if it wast his.

Emotion cannot play a role in this....the Pitt game should have resonated in their minds and they should have gone to simple FUNDAMENTALS!

Sure, in the sports world, the going gets good with a certain player, but I even said this during the World Series you cannot take Such and such (Chapman) for GRANTED!

And the Cubs almost paid dearly for doing so.

So it is with FB, you must go to fundamentals in a game ending situation like that.

No excuse.
So let me get this straight?

YOU wouldn't have run the ball?

And You wouldn't have let the clock wind down to however many seconds your MILLION DOLLAR EXPERTISE should have known would allow you to get one heave off and call a timeout on a clock that STOPS of first down in college?

And you wouldnt have used you MILLION DOLLAR staff to design ONE play to get the ball to a 6ft+ reciever. Maybe even using some kind of trick play. Even a FAKE kneel down DAMMIT.?!

What happened last night was as inexplainable as a surgeon deciding to eat a CHEESEBURGER while doing brain surgery on someone.

And I am not knocking Franklin in this. I respect him and his status is still solid. But he should have overode this call if it wast his.

Emotion cannot play a role in this....the Pitt game should have resonated in their minds and they should have gone to simple FUNDAMENTALS!

Sure, in the sports world, the going gets good with a certain player, but I even said this during the World Series you cannot take Such and such (Chapman) for GRANTED!

And the Cubs almost paid dearly for doing so.

So it is with FB, you must go to fundamentals in a game ending situation like that.

No excuse.
Now we know why "Mike and Mike" is still on the air

Yeah, I don't think too many coaches would have run on 3rd and 4 and then go for it on 4th down with that field position. Seems pretty silly.

I would have preferred to see McS roll out for a short pass and then run if it isn't there. Throwing a jump ball to Godwin, when USC is cheating a safety toward him was a bad decision. Oh well. I'm not going to blame coaches or Qb after the performance they put up.

Good try Macdaddy.
Here's the thing. If the play calling works and we get into FG range and make the game winning FG everyone is calling it genius, gutsy play calling. But then some on this board would just find something else to bitch about.:eek:
Here's the thing. If the play calling works and we get into FG range and make the game winning FG everyone is calling it genius, gutsy play calling. But then some on this board would just find something else to bitch about.:eek:

EXACTLY! And that is only if it worked.

If it doesn't work we at least get to OT.

Overtime does a lot as well. Andn even if you lose, it takes a lot of the sting out of it. You have gotten to a extra period, which is a form of victory itself.

But to lose like that, when simple fundamentals and rationale that should come STANDARD for millionare coaching staffs, is most intolerable!

You don't screw around man! There was no need to rush it!

Oh and by the way I finally realized why there was no playoff for Penn State.

In my opinion it would have been the 30th anniversary of Sandusky's defense winning the Fiesta Bowl. The media would have had a field day.

Regardless that was NO reason to deny Penn State.

Calling Penn State names is like people labeling ALL Catholics for what a few priests have done. I mean why not give, say, Notre Dame, sanctiomns just because they are catholic? makes zero sense.

And honestly, in my opinion, crimes against children,was much more institutuinal, and ongoing in the Catholic Church than it ever was at, the single alleged incidents occuring Penn State.

Next year will be no excuse.
Yea and I don't get paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS either. I bet if I got paid millions of dollars, I would make the decision that a MILLION DOLLAR salary mandated.
You're right, you don't get paid millions of dollars and there's a reason. There's also a reason Franklin does. Leave the coaching decisions to the coaches who actually do it for a living.
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Yea and I don't get paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS either. I bet if I got paid millions of dollars, I would make the decision that a MILLION DOLLAR salary mandated.

You dont get paid that kind of money to NOT RUN THE BALL, and milk the clock.

These guys have all this KNOWLEDGE at their disposal. Stats, charts film, equations....stuff that professors and geniuses, scientists and LEARNED SCHOLARS have access to.

And what I am telling you, is that on that 3rd down, THROWING the ball MAKES NO SENSE. It was a gamble at best...even IF he would have caught it.

But you know what? THE ABOVE MENTIONED million dollar salary, scientists, geniuses, stats, FILM....all will say.....RUN THE DAMN BALL!

And then let the clock run down to 6 or whateve seconds it takes to throw the ball a mere 3o yards.

What I am saying is that WITH ALL THAT MONEY, FACILITIES, UNIVERSITY full of math scholars....and again MILLION DOLLAR COACHES with flow charts, probability and statistical time info


Again...there is no way in hell they should not have been capable of drawing up that play given all the resources they had......OT is the worst case scenario.

To whom MUCH is GIVEN much is required. A staff that makes THAT kind of money BETTER KNOW how to do that.

Or why are we paying them that much?

If you are my Ferrari Mechanic...well you better be able to tune it UP. Not use duct tape and say "I hope it holds you cross country"


That series I called should have been par for the course. I cant coach, but anyone could have coached the last 3rd down.
Not a lot of million dollar jobs you can get in your mom's basement.
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I'm just wondering, do football coaches get paid a lot? Someone once told me they can make a MILLION DOLLARS! But I'm not sure. It seems that if you're going to make a MILLION DOLLARS that you should be able to make good decisions. Some people work hard their entire lives and don't make a MILLION DOLLARS. Other people walk a sideline watching teenagers play a game and they can make a lot of money, maybe even a MILLION DOLLARS. But I'm not a coach, so I don't make a MILLION DOLLARS. But if I did, I'd make real good decisions like going for it on 4th from my own 30 yard line with 6 seconds to go. Now THAT is a MILLION DOLLAR decision!
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I'm just wondering, do football coaches get paid a lot? Someone once told me they can make a MILLION DOLLARS! But I'm not sure. It seems that if you're going to make a MILLION DOLLARS that you should be able to make good decisions. Some people work hard their entire lives and don't make a MILLION DOLLARS. Other people walk a sideline watching teenagers play a game and they can make a lot of money, maybe even a MILLION DOLLARS. But I'm not a coach, so I don't make a MILLION DOLLARS. But if I did, I'd make real good decisions like going for it on 4th from my own 30 yard line with 6 seconds to go. Now THAT is a MILLION DOLLAR decision!
We know what decision DIDNT work, now don't we!

Besides I said to RUN it on 3rd. Maybe Barkley picks up 5 or 6 yards. Maybe he doesn't. But still you let the clock run down and take a time out IF no yardage is lost. If a sack on third then you simply go to OT.

But I guess we will never know.

I do know this though. Million dollar minds should have taken into consideration THE IMMEDIATE MUSCLE MEMORY of a DEFENDER!

Especially, you know, on a NEAR INTERCEPTION the previous play. To throw it there again is asking for trouble.

Million dollar paychecks MANDATE that kind of KNOW. And if that concept is foreign...then I would expect a million dollar mind TO MAKE IT UP!

But I bet YOU never even heard of that concept have you? Immediate Muscle Memory of a DEFENDER?

That's probably because I JUST MADE IT UP! And im flat broke and cant coach a DAMN!

But million dollar coaches should have NATURALLY been aware of SOMETHING of that nature, when play calling after a NEAR INTERCEPT!

Im not sure what million dollar coaching staffs call it, but when he threw the ball to the exact same location I thought "Really?"

Sorry but million dollar coaching, must in turn, result in million dollar decisions.

I would have call that PARTICULAR run sweep pitch option or whatever it is that you see Army, Navy and Nebraska do with that sweep...that always seems to get them run yardage.

If im Franklin or ther OC I might not call that play my entire career, but I will keep it in mind for THAT EXACT MOMENT!

The brilliant minds at ARMY WEST POINT know that....even if their athletes aren't the best. And it doesnt matter who coaches them you always see them doing those run sweep.

PSU should have done it.

And frankly the handdoff "option" thing that McS and Barkley were doing were so poorly coordinated and telegraphed that I could have made a lot of tackes 300+ miles away through the freaking TV SET!

2 areas right there that I cannot excuse a OBSCENELY PAID coaching staff to fail at.

Tell me im wrong
We know what decision DIDNT work, now don't we!

Besides I said to RUN it on 3rd. Maybe Barkley picks up 5 or 6 yards. Maybe he doesn't. But still you let the clock run down and take a time out IF no yardage is lost. If a sack on third then you simply go to OT.

But I guess we will never know.

I do know this though. Million dollar minds should have taken into consideration THE IMMEDIATE MUSCLE MEMORY of a DEFENDER!

Especially, you know, on a NEAR INTERCEPTION the previous play. To throw it there again is asking for trouble.

Million dollar paychecks MANDATE that kind of KNOW. And if that concept is foreign...then I would expect a million dollar mind TO MAKE IT UP!

But I bet YOU never even heard of that concept have you? Immediate Muscle Memory of a DEFENDER?

That's probably because I JUST MADE IT UP! And im flat broke and cant coach a DAMN!

But million dollar coaches should have NATURALLY been aware of SOMETHING of that nature, when play calling after a NEAR INTERCEPT!

Im not sure what million dollar coaching staffs call it, but when he threw the ball to the exact same location I thought "Really?"

Sorry but million dollar coaching, must in turn, result in million dollar decisions.

I would have call that PARTICULAR run sweep pitch option or whatever it is that you see Army, Navy and Nebraska do with that sweep...that always seems to get them run yardage.

If im Franklin or ther OC I might not call that play my entire career, but I will keep it in mind for THAT EXACT MOMENT!

The brilliant minds at ARMY WEST POINT know that....even if their athletes aren't the best. And it doesnt matter who coaches them you always see them doing those run sweep.

PSU should have done it.

And frankly the handdoff "option" thing that McS and Barkley were doing were so poorly coordinated and telegraphed that I could have made a lot of tackes 300+ miles away through the freaking TV SET!

2 areas right there that I cannot excuse a OBSCENELY PAID coaching staff to fail at.

Tell me im wrong
The simple word of "WRONG" cannot come close the describing the bottomless depth of STOOPID you have managed to put into this thread

If idiocy was a misdemeanor, and insanity was a low grade felony........your accomplishments would qualify for the Death Penalty

Please lock yourself in a room - disengage yourself from society ......... And - for the love of God - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PROCREATE!!!!!
We know what decision DIDNT work, now don't we!

Besides I said to RUN it on 3rd. Maybe Barkley picks up 5 or 6 yards. Maybe he doesn't. But still you let the clock run down and take a time out IF no yardage is lost. If a sack on third then you simply go to OT.

But I guess we will never know.

I do know this though. Million dollar minds should have taken into consideration THE IMMEDIATE MUSCLE MEMORY of a DEFENDER!

Especially, you know, on a NEAR INTERCEPTION the previous play. To throw it there again is asking for trouble.

Million dollar paychecks MANDATE that kind of KNOW. And if that concept is foreign...then I would expect a million dollar mind TO MAKE IT UP!

But I bet YOU never even heard of that concept have you? Immediate Muscle Memory of a DEFENDER?

That's probably because I JUST MADE IT UP! And im flat broke and cant coach a DAMN!

But million dollar coaches should have NATURALLY been aware of SOMETHING of that nature, when play calling after a NEAR INTERCEPT!

Im not sure what million dollar coaching staffs call it, but when he threw the ball to the exact same location I thought "Really?"

Sorry but million dollar coaching, must in turn, result in million dollar decisions.

I would have call that PARTICULAR run sweep pitch option or whatever it is that you see Army, Navy and Nebraska do with that sweep...that always seems to get them run yardage.

If im Franklin or ther OC I might not call that play my entire career, but I will keep it in mind for THAT EXACT MOMENT!

The brilliant minds at ARMY WEST POINT know that....even if their athletes aren't the best. And it doesnt matter who coaches them you always see them doing those run sweep.

PSU should have done it.

And frankly the handdoff "option" thing that McS and Barkley were doing were so poorly coordinated and telegraphed that I could have made a lot of tackes 300+ miles away through the freaking TV SET!

2 areas right there that I cannot excuse a OBSCENELY PAID coaching staff to fail at.

Tell me im wrong
You're wrong and would make a terrible coach.
You're wrong and would make a terrible coach.

Yea Im a TERRRIBLE coach, because I would have RUN the ball on 3rd down.

Because I would have used the Army TRIPLE OPTION on THAT 3rd down PLAY....

And Im a bad coach because I would have chosen to use it for the FIRST TIME ever in my million dollar coaching career,....... completely catching USC off guard... having a more than mobile QB and super RB that I could trust with it.

And whatever the outcome Im a BAAAD coach becasee if I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS I would DAMN WELL, as a matter of FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to the TEAM, FANS and UNIVERSITY, would have some kind of advanced play, like the Army TRiple Option, tucked away and READY FOR A SCENARIO THAT DESERVED IT.......


end game, special situation strategy portfolios are expected DEMANDED if that kind of money is being spent on coaching staffs! To roll dice is inexcusable. If I pay genius money I expect GENIUS CONDUCT!

So I guess im a terrible coach because I would have known, depending on how that 3rd down TRIPLE OPTION went, (lets just say it didnt work...tho im pretty sure it would have), the EXACT MATH, probability and statistics on how much time it would take for ONE pass for the win.

So on 4th either throwing a bomb & hitting a REc in stride for a TD or getting a possible PI penalty on USC for one more try or McS simply throwing it away and expiring the 2 sec, none of it would have resulted in what we saw happen.

Even this guy inn the picture below would have made the right call. Damn coincidence he is in USC colors



Yea Im a TERRRIBLE coach, because I would have RUN the ball on 3rd down.

Because I would have used the Army TRIPLE OPTION on THAT 3rd down PLAY....

And whatever the outcome Im a BAAAD coach becasee if I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS I would DAMN WELL, as a matter of FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to the TEAM, FANS and UNIVERSITY, would have some kind of advanced play, like the Army TRiple Option, tucked away and READY FOR A SCENARIO THAT DESERVED IT.......


end game, special situation strategy portfolios are expected DEMANDED if that kind of money is being spent on coaching staffs! To roll dice is inexcusable. If I pay genius money I expect GENIUS CONDUCT!

So I guess im a terrible coach because I would have known, depending on how that 3rd down TRIPLE OPTION went, (lets just say it didnt work...tho im pretty sure it would have), the EXACT MATH, probability and statistics on how much time it would take for ONE pass for the win.

So on 4th either throwing a bomb & hitting a REc in stride for a TD or getting a possible PI penalty on USC for one more try or McS simply throwing it away and expiring the 2 sec, none of it would have resulted in what we saw happen.

Even this guy inn the picture below would have made the right call. Damn coincidence he is in USC colors



You do understand that Army practices that play every day, and has for years, right? You understand that you can't just throw in a play like that unless you have practiced it until you can do it in your sleep right? Then you must realize that practicing a play that much would take a lot of time from your standard practice, and that would be foolish for a play that you would only run once in your career.

The right play was to throw a pass on 3rd and 4. Unfortunately, the QB went gunslinger at the wrong time and should have thrown the ball away/made a safer pass/taken a knee and punted.
Yea Im a TERRRIBLE coach, because I would have RUN the ball on 3rd down.

Because I would have used the Army TRIPLE OPTION on THAT 3rd down PLAY....

And Im a bad coach because I would have chosen to use it for the FIRST TIME ever in my million dollar coaching career,....... completely catching USC off guard... having a more than mobile QB and super RB that I could trust with it.

And whatever the outcome Im a BAAAD coach becasee if I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS I would DAMN WELL, as a matter of FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to the TEAM, FANS and UNIVERSITY, would have some kind of advanced play, like the Army TRiple Option, tucked away and READY FOR A SCENARIO THAT DESERVED IT.......


end game, special situation strategy portfolios are expected DEMANDED if that kind of money is being spent on coaching staffs! To roll dice is inexcusable. If I pay genius money I expect GENIUS CONDUCT!

So I guess im a terrible coach because I would have known, depending on how that 3rd down TRIPLE OPTION went, (lets just say it didnt work...tho im pretty sure it would have), the EXACT MATH, probability and statistics on how much time it would take for ONE pass for the win.

So on 4th either throwing a bomb & hitting a REc in stride for a TD or getting a possible PI penalty on USC for one more try or McS simply throwing it away and expiring the 2 sec, none of it would have resulted in what we saw happen.

Even this guy inn the picture below would have made the right call. Damn coincidence he is in USC colors



For every game a million dollar coach loses, there's another million dollar coach on the other side who won. When you find a million dollar coach who wins 100% of their games and always makes the exact right call at the exact right time, then you keep that person for sure. And let's not forget that for every offensive call the million dollar coach makes there's a million dollar coach on the other side making a defensive call that is designed to stop your great call. Sometimes one team's million dollar coach's play works and sometimes the other team's million dollar coach's play works.
I have a few things to say here. And I know it will seem to be obvious, but it must be said regardless.

Last drive, if I recall correctly, PSU had 2 time outs. USC none.

So to a world where a coaching staff make obscene amounts of money to do things that people sitting on couches at home should not be capable of I have this to say.

I cant coach, I know little about the rigors of that profession. But on Third Down, in the Rose Bowl, with 2 time outs it is crystal clear what you do.

No excuses, no nothing. Million dollar coaching staffs do what I am about to write.

YOU RUN THE BALL! Whether or not you pick up the first is irrelevant, bear with me here.

Then you let the clock tick down to maybe 6 seconds, THEN CALL A TIME OUT!

Then the million dollar minds, do what MILLION DOLLAR MINDS ARE MANDATED TO DO in this situation!

You draw up one heck of a 4th down pass play to put you in field goal range. If you make the play the clock stops and you call another time out. With an incomplete pass, or McSorely throw away out of bounds it is the end of regulation.

A meaningful interception is highly unlikely in that scenario.

But, PSU, deciding to throw the ball on third down is illogical. Too many risks even if it hadnt been INTed. A great ensuing punt return, and other intangibles are possibilities that must simply NOT be gambled. 20 secons to USC could be an eternity to boot.

Im sorry but if that game was the stock market, and my life savings depended on getting to overtime.....I DONT F AROUND!

And I care little about the vanity of football. Its just the colossal inexcusable lapse.

Get to OT and lose....FINE!

But DO NOT put yourself in the position where about a million viewers 3000+ miles away would have ABSOLUTELY gotten the team into OT.


The only captain-obvious-esq part of your post here is when you said "I cant coach. I know little...."
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Hey Im not complaining about the OVERALL coaching. Its just the lack of fundamentals in a situation that clearly demanded it that left all scratching heads.

There are bad breaks for high paid NCAA coaches sure. BUT NOT LIKE THIS. There was, simply, no strategic or logical EXCUSE.

Sure on the blacktop on the Bball court, Ive made ONE really bad play that cost my team a pickup game....but thats all it was ....a STREET PICKUP GAME...not the ROSE BOWL! (2 different sports but you get the gist).

Some venues deserve a little more forethought.

And to be honest, a triple option cant be that hard to learn. A bunch of guys playing pickup could get proficient enough if practiced over the course of one weekend.

A unorthodox, complete surprise formation and bail out play, should be expected of a coaching staff of that SALARY! Its not like they are teaching on top of coaching like a HS coach!

Watch, maybe next year we will see PSU run one. Now THAT would be something. Use something that MILITARY strategists theres an idea, huh?

If anyone could do it it could be a PSU with a mobile McS and a powerful Saquon Barkely.

Look this is all im going to say about it any more.

I give PSU a pass anyway simply because they should have been in the Fiesta Bowl.

W Rose B win wasnt really crucial....the TRUE victory came in showing that PSU was a victim of moronic committees that were proven wrong on the national stage, as PSU put up a great game while OSU was punished before the whole country!

So in my book PSU got the only victory that mattered.

Thats the last ill say about the matter.
Do coaches really make a MILLION DOLLARS? Is it really possible that Kaptain Obvious missed the MILLION DOLLARS worth of sarcasm in my post?
EXACTLY! And that is only if it worked.

If it doesn't work we at least get to OT.

Overtime does a lot as well. Andn even if you lose, it takes a lot of the sting out of it. You have gotten to a extra period, which is a form of victory itself.

But to lose like that, when simple fundamentals and rationale that should come STANDARD for millionare coaching staffs, is most intolerable!

You don't screw around man! There was no need to rush it!

Oh and by the way I finally realized why there was no playoff for Penn State.

In my opinion it would have been the 30th anniversary of Sandusky's defense winning the Fiesta Bowl. The media would have had a field day.

Regardless that was NO reason to deny Penn State.

Calling Penn State names is like people labeling ALL Catholics for what a few priests have done. I mean why not give, say, Notre Dame, sanctiomns just because they are catholic? makes zero sense.

And honestly, in my opinion, crimes against children,was much more institutuinal, and ongoing in the Catholic Church than it ever was at, the single alleged incidents occuring Penn State.

Next year will be no excuse.
If we throw down the middle and it's incomplete the clock stops and USC gets the ball where we last snapped it from. Tell me why you would allow SC to try a long field goal to win the game?
If we throw down the middle and it's incomplete the clock stops and USC gets the ball where we last snapped it from. Tell me why you would allow SC to try a long field goal to win the game?
Because in his Monday morning world that doesn't happen.
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If we throw down the middle and it's incomplete the clock stops and USC gets the ball where we last snapped it from. Tell me why you would allow SC to try a long field goal to win the game?

Apparently you didnt read my suggestions entirely.

On that third down I said RUN the ball! Presumably a Army Triple Option.

If we did that its first down and this conversation isn't happening.

But lets just say they ran it on third and got nowhere.....AGAIN !.

Its 4th and 4.

So I said that you let the clock run down to 4 to 6 seconds and call a timeout. But I really meant 2 seconds and call a timeout. At the time I wrote the original post I had forgotten what yard line they were on...but still it would have changed things only slightly

But its still the same philosophy.

You have ONE pass play to win it or let the clock expire for OT.

So its 4th and 4 with 2 seconds left in the game

McSorely takes the snap in shotgun, He runs around a second...launches it downfield

Either incomplete for OT or a TD in stride end of regulation either way...we get to OT and who knows what after that

But I dont see a meaningful INT in MY scenario, and ID be more than willing to risk it. Even if it was a INT for a USC win....people are NOT second guessing things. They might have said weeeelllll you could have just taken a knee.....but certainly no one is scratching heads as that move would, more or less, be accepted as logical and peole would have been MUCH more comfortable with THAT risk...than the one we WITNESSED!

make sense?

I want to see the ARMY TRIPLE OPTION next year dammit! I bet PSU could just assume it and take it to heights unprecedented!
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Apparently you didnt read my suggestions entirely.

On that third down I said RUN the ball! Presumably a Army Triple Option.

If we did that its first down and this conversation isn't happening.

But lets just say they ran it on third and got nowhere.....AGAIN !.

Its 4th and 4.

So I said that you let the clock run down to 4 to 6 seconds and call a timeout. But I really meant 2 seconds and call a timeout. At the time I wrote the original post I had forgotten what yard line they were on...but still it would have changed things only slightly

But its still the same philosophy.

You have ONE pass play to win it or let the clock expire for OT.

So its 4th and 4 with 2 seconds left in the game

McSorely takes the snap in shotgun, He runs around a second...launches it downfield

Either incomplete for OT or a TD in stride end of regulation either way...we get to OT and who knows what after that

But I dont see a meaningful INT in MY scenario, and ID be more than willing to risk it. Even if it was a INT for a USC win....people are NOT second guessing things. They might have said weeeelllll you could have just taken a knee.....but certainly no one is scratching heads as that move would, more or less, be accepted as logical and peole would have been MUCH more comfortable with THAT risk...than the one we WITNESSED!

make sense?

I want to see the ARMY TRIPLE OPTION next year dammit! I bet PSU could just assume it and take it to heights unprecedented!
And which D-1 program do you coach at? I mean since you're smarter than Franklin and Moorhead, you obviously do this for a living.
And which D-1 program do you coach at? I mean since you're smarter than Franklin and Moorhead, you obviously do this for a living.

I never said I was a smarter coach than them. I merely suggested that fundamentals would have served PSU best on that last 3rd down. I DO NOT have the ability to coach......but I EXPECT a million dollar COACHING STAFF to do what is statistically logical in that scenario.

Besides we are talking about grown men, getting all excited over watching a bunch of kids play a, ultimately, MEANINGLESS GAME!

I have admitted in previous posts that it is all VANITY. I certainly don't benefit from a win or a loss. And at our lives end we will see how truly meaningless this vain-glory undertaking of football really is.

The pride, the idol worship and the iniquity of our sports border on pure satanism at times. And in its fullness in iniquity these venues could become a liability, and a issue of national security. That is why it is good to get a fix on how to best manage the philosophy of American competitive sports while evangelical Christians are still the majority.

There is a book on Amazon called "Conquering Basketball" where a guy addresses this weird spiritual issue concerning sports. Guy even thought up a practice basketball filled with water to oppose the negative spirit thing. I think he suggest that it could be adapted to football. maybe Penn State could incorporate some suggestions in their FB team to see if it works.

Anyway you can find it here .99 cents Amazon product ASIN B00NEB7R4Y
A unorthodox look at the matter, but intriguing to say the least. Some might say it is odd....but Churches, including worship tabernacles that litter the city of Happy Valley, are filled with people every Sabbath day that believe in this kind of stuff. So if this guy is weird then so is Tim Tebow and anyone else who "prays" before or after a game or when someone gets hurt.

Thus to claim this mans work as "weird" would be to treat Sunday State College as some kind of sanctuary for mutants because it is based on the same religion. Now there are really weird religious people that freak me out too. But I am confident that this guys work is not the same as the true religious weirdos. It is rare though, to discover and address this rarely considered force in American sports like this guy has.

Truly it is rare to see sports be used for the maximum good that sports can be used for. But by doing so, and curbing a few sports related bad habits, could prevent American sports venues from becoming a shooting gallery for insane and truly evil nuts with guns.

Now as far as my disgust with how the game ended, again, it wasn't really the loss, but the manner in which it was lost.

Really it could have been a bunch of kids setting up a row of DOMINOES that I encountered by chance! And then deciding to watch their undertaking only to see a careless act of stepping in the wrong place knock a afternoons worth of work down.

Some things deserve meticulous ATTENTION. And I, in that scenario, would be irritated at having spent all that time FOR NOTHING! My entertainment investment shattered moreso that expectation of VAIN GLORY!

Its just the philosophy of WASTE.....inexcusable waste that is the issue with me. That's why I was upset.

So to make me happy and to entertain me next year, LORD WILLING that is....I need to see the ARMY TRIPLE OPTION, used by Penn State.