Carl Nassib

And the point eludes another one.
Actually got doesn't . I don't use the term brave for something I don't think is a big deal . A bare fear isn't a realistic fear.
He's not facing a loss of job, no one cares anymore which is what I thought the gay community wanted a few years ago.
My gay buddy laughed at the coming out and admitted he played for the raiders joke. ( he lives in Castle Rock and sort of favors the Broncos).
I have a different definition of brave . Saying as a man that you like men to me means nothing more than you like men .
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Actually got doesn't . I don't use the term brave for something I don't think is a big deal . A bare fear isn't a realistic fear.
He's not facing a loss of job, no one cares anymore which is what I thought the gay community wanted a few years ago.
My gay buddy laughed at the coming out and admitted he played for the raiders joke. ( he lives in Castle Rock and sort of favors the Broncos).
I have a different definition of brave . Saying as a man that you like men to me means nothing more than you like men .
Well, you clearly need to "re-imagine" bravery.
Actually got doesn't . I don't use the term brave for something I don't think is a big deal . A bare fear isn't a realistic fear.
He's not facing a loss of job, no one cares anymore which is what I thought the gay community wanted a few years ago.
My gay buddy laughed at the coming out and admitted he played for the raiders joke. ( he lives in Castle Rock and sort of favors the Broncos).
I have a different definition of brave . Saying as a man that you like men to me means nothing more than you like men .
To him it means he likes men, but he’s doing this to help others….but you just keep looking at it from a sexual standpoint. And if you don’t think it’s a big deal, you really have no idea what he will have to deal with.
KANE POSTER: "I know nothing about evolution, just what I can reason through myself."

"Evolution doesn't have a "mind" - it works basically as follows. If a given characteristic increases the probability of breeding success, it tends to get amplified generation after generation. If a given characteristic lowers the probability of breeding success, it tends to get diminished over generations.

Evolution cannot "know" that the planet is "becoming over-populated".

ALSO KANE POSTER: I'm an atheist, as I've pointed out countless times. As such, my arguments are based on evolutionary biology, not religion.

Seems SUCH shame to deride this sort of genius.
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To him it means he likes men, but he’s doing this to help others….but you just keep looking at it from a sexual standpoint. And if you don’t think it’s a big deal, you really have no idea what he will have to deal with.
#1 jersey sales, fawning interviews on Oprah, a beacon of bravery to the homosexual community and people like you? He'll be okay.
When 70% of people wildly embrace his "truth," is it really such a hardship? People like you manufacture the "imminent negativity" sure, they'll be some beer gut football fans that call him a f*g, but for the most part, Carl will be roundly accepted and that is okay, that is enough, that is organic progress without manufactured downside.
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KANE POSTER: "I know nothing about evolution, just what I can reason through myself."

"Evolution doesn't have a "mind" - it works basically as follows. If a given characteristic increases the probability of breeding success, it tends to get amplified generation after generation. If a given characteristic lowers the probability of breeding success, it tends to get diminished over generations.

Evolution cannot "know" that the planet is "becoming over-populated".

ALSO KANE POSTER: I'm an atheist, as I've pointed out countless times. As such, my arguments are based on evolutionary biology, not religion.

Seems SUCH shame to deride this sort of genius.
That is absolutely true. Plants, vegetation, animals, bacteria, viruses do not evolve with intent or purpose. They do not “know” how to evolve, improve, or alter themselves for any gain. There is no plan by anything other than mankind. Humans are the only species on the planet that consciously, knowingly, and purposefully evolves.

Sadly, some times they devolve or their hubris forces the species to take several steps back.
Well, right off the bat, they say, "The time has come for a careful and forthright reassessment of group selection in evolutionary thinking. The most naive form of group selection—which axiomatically assumes that behaviors evolve for the good of the group—is clearly untenable."

Reading on, I get exactly what they're saying, and I agree that it is theoretically possible that groups of selfish individuals could destroy themselves (as a group), where groups of cooperative individuals could thrive when otherwise they would not.

But it seems pretty much theoretical, and in practice (they say as much, from what I've read), it really doesn't happen very much, and honestly, the hen example is really forced (but it is interesting and I agree that it seems valid).

From a practical standpoint, I think we can safely say that the vast, vast majority of evolution occurs because of individual procreation selection.
Sorry to be so long in getting back to this.

The review is from 2008, and there is more to support the hypothesis, but you're right - it's all theory, all the way from Darwin until now, and including what you seem to hang your hat on.

I'm a biologist, but not an evolutionary biologist; I'm close enough, though, to know that your very last statement is nowhere near as vast as you might suggest. Think, for example, about what we know about epigenetic influences on gene expression, and it's inheritance, among many other considerations in neo-Darwinist theory.

I don't have anything more to say about the social issue than has been adequately (and often eloquently) said by others here. My entry into this was to weigh in on the idea that any trait that seems at first glance to decrease fitness should be eliminated from the gene pool over generations is not altogether supported by the current understanding of evolutionary biology.
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So, you prefer people who lie about their knowledge base?

Note also: I was right.
It's alright to admit that you are not an expert at a topic - seriously. If this didn't take bravery, Carl would not have been in the closet, thinking about coming out, for 15 years. This absolutely took courage from him, if not it would have already happened.

Talk to the LGBTQ community, specifically about this process, and you will learn a thing or two. The ignorance that you are showing in this thread is also why it takes courage. Some people just do not understand and will not sit back and try to learn... But instead will try to center the discussion around what THEY understand.

Sit this one out, listen/read more than you share, and perhaps you can start to expand your understanding of this world.
Actually got doesn't . I don't use the term brave for something I don't think is a big deal . A bare fear isn't a realistic fear.
He's not facing a loss of job, no one cares anymore which is what I thought the gay community wanted a few years ago.
My gay buddy laughed at the coming out and admitted he played for the raiders joke. ( he lives in Castle Rock and sort of favors the Broncos).
I have a different definition of brave . Saying as a man that you like men to me means nothing more than you like men .
Honestly he is going to receive acclaim and be feted by our elites for the rest of his life. He isn’t going to face a backlash, but a wave of approbation. What’s courageous about standing up and telling people exactly what they want to hear and getting applauded for it? Totally with you here.
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Honestly he is going to receive acclaim and be feted by our elites for the rest of his life. He isn’t going to face a backlash, but a wave of approbation. What’s courageous about standing up and telling people exactly what they want to hear and getting applauded for it? Totally with you here.
He has been debating coming out for 15 years now, finally does it, and assholes like you are ragging him and saying that he isn't being courageous.

You cannot make this up. I don't know if it's bigotry or just pure ignorance on the subject. Either way, keep hateful rhetoric (bc, yes, that is what it is, hateful rhetoric out of ignorance is still hateful) to yourself
He has been debating coming out for 15 years now, finally does it, and assholes like you are ragging him and saying that he isn't being courageous.

You cannot make this up. I don't know if it's bigotry or just pure ignorance on the subject. Either way, keep hateful rhetoric (bc, yes, that is what it is, hateful rhetoric out of ignorance is still hateful) to yourself
Hateful is being used loosely here, people accepting and saying "keep it to yourself and I accept it" = hateful.
Honestly he is going to receive acclaim and be feted by our elites for the rest of his life. He isn’t going to face a backlash, but a wave of approbation. What’s courageous about standing up and telling people exactly what they want to hear and getting applauded for it? Totally with you here.
I guarantee he faces backlash in the locker room. Probably not like he would have ten years ago. But just like there are ignorant posters in this thread, there will be ignorant people in the locker room. Also guarantee there will be ignorant words from fans at games.
It's absolutely hateful. Its refusing to accept someone for who they are. And, yes,being a NIMBY is refusing to accept someone for who they are.
Good point, so please educate us on the levels of tolerance? Is tolerant referring to someone as "brave". Is tolerance pinning this on my LinkedIn account? Please, educate on the constructs of tolerance
Good point, so please educate us on the levels of tolerance? Is tolerant referring to someone as "brave". Is tolerance pinning this on my LinkedIn account? Please, educate on the constructs of tolerance
Tolerance is shutting the hell up and leaving this thread alone. Your words can discourage and hurt others who have realized that they are LGBTQ and are struggling accepting themselves.
Tolerance is shutting the hell up and leaving this thread alone. Your words can discourage and hurt others who have realized that they are LGBTQ and are struggling accepting themselves.

For anyone wondering, this is an example of intolerance. Deep breaths. No one is saying being gay is bad. They're simply disagreeing on what brave means. Different life experiences tend to cause things like this to happen. Recognize how much you actually agree on, especially the important part. Take the win.
I guarantee he faces backlash in the locker room. Probably not like he would have ten years ago. But just like there are ignorant posters in this thread, there will be ignorant people in the locker room. Also guarantee there will be ignorant words from fans at games.
Sadly true. There are enough fools on both sides of any issue that will throw shade on someone no matter the issue. Especially on the internet. He will take some heat and get some praise. Seems to be the norm these days.
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For anyone wondering, this is an example of intolerance. Deep breaths. No one is saying being gay is bad. They're simply disagreeing on what brave means. Different life experiences tend to cause things like this to happen. Recognize how much you actually agree on, especially the important part. Take the win.
Pointing out hate is not ****ing intolerance. I am legit pissed at the ignorance in this thread. Joe, stop trying to narrate this bull shit, it's not appreciated.

What if I posted racist shit in here?? This is not any different. Not at all. Both are things people have no say in - race or sexuality.

Some of the shit posted here can only hurt kids depressed about the realization that they are LGBTQ and in the closet. I'm going to support them.
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Honestly he is going to receive acclaim and be feted by our elites for the rest of his life. He isn’t going to face a backlash, but a wave of approbation. What’s courageous about standing up and telling people exactly what they want to hear and getting applauded for it? Totally with you here.
What do you think it will be like on the field for him and especially the road games? What do you think the opposing players may say or do?
You keep saying this as if bravery is one size fits all and that there is a definitive line drawn that delineates brave from not brave.

I don't say bravery is one size fits all. On the contrary, I recognize many people can have different views on it. It's called an opinion, and opinions are by their very definition neither right nor wrong. Some people cannot seem to accept that though.
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I don't say bravery is one size fits all. On the contrary, I recognize many people can have different views on it. It's called an opinion, and opinions are by their very definition neither right nor wrong. Some people cannot seem to accept that though.
Some opinions can absolutely be incorrect, and at the very least should be kept to themselves.
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I don't say bravery is one size fits all. On the contrary, I recognize many people can have different views on it. It's called an opinion, and opinions are by their very definition neither right nor wrong. Some people cannot seem to accept that though.
When a guy says it took him 15 years to decide to come out, it’s obvious it took courage to do it. Those saying it didn’t are just trying to minimize what Carl did. You playing gatekeeper isn’t doing this conversation any favors.
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Pointing out hate is not ****ing intolerance. I am legit pissed at the ignorance in this thread. Joe, stop trying to narrate this bull shit, it's not appreciated.

What if I posted racist shit in here?? This is not any different. Not at all. Both are things people have no say in - race or sexuality.

Some of the shit posted here can only hurt kids depressed about the realization that they are LGBTQ and in the closet. I'm going to support them.

You know, I've read a lot of very insightful and enlightening posts in this thread about people coming out of the closet. The overwhelming majority of them seem to deal with the concern the gay person has about how their family, their friends, and their peers will or will not accept them. Not once did I read a post about how the gay person was concerned about some anonymous message board member commenting how their announcement was not that big of a deal to them. Take the win, because it really is one.

As an aside, I have read posts in this thread where minority members take exception to equating this with racism.
He has been debating coming out for 15 years now, finally does it, and assholes like you are ragging him and saying that he isn't being courageous.

You cannot make this up. I don't know if it's bigotry or just pure ignorance on the subject. Either way, keep hateful rhetoric (bc, yes, that is what it is, hateful rhetoric out of ignorance is still hateful) to yourself
He has been debating coming out because he is in an industry of meatheads. That has nothing to do with the societal acclaim he will receive.

And honestly, you can go **** yourself with the hateful rhetoric bullshit. Anyone who disagrees with you is hateful. You believe that because you can’t reason yourself out of a paper bag.
You know, I've read a lot of very insightful and enlightening posts in this thread about people coming out of the closet. The overwhelming majority of them seem to deal with the concern the gay person has about how their family, their friends, and their peers will or will not accept them. Not once did I read a post about how the gay person was concerned about some anonymous message board member commenting how their announcement was not that big of a deal to them. Take the win, because it really is one.

As an aside, I have read posts in this thread where minority members take exception to equating this with racism.
A distinct difference between this and racism is being LGBTQ can be hidden whereas one's race cannot be. However, when ones sexuality is this public, I would argue that it cannot be hidden in this instance
Some opinions can absolutely be incorrect, and at the very least should be kept to themselves.

Now this is just lunacy. Driving debate and dialog underground is how you marginalize people, and push them to the extemes. Suddenly instead of disagreeing on one or two issues they will simply view you as the enemy on everything.
He has been debating coming out because he is in an industry of meatheads. That has nothing to do with the societal acclaim he will receive.

And honestly, you can go **** yourself with the hateful rhetoric bullshit. Anyone who disagrees with you is hateful. You believe that because you can’t reason yourself out of a paper bag.
Incorrect. It's hateful because it's hateful, no because I disagree with it. Learn a little bit more about the process and psychology of coming out.
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A distinct difference between this and racism is being LGBTQ can be hidden whereas one's race cannot be. However, when ones sexuality is this public, I would argue that it cannot be hidden in this instance

We're all the same race. A little bit of nature's food coloring doesn't change that.
We're all the same race. A little bit of nature's food coloring doesn't change that.
So you decide to side step a convo by posting captain obvious?

Yes, race does not exist, it was a human construction that I could go on about. However, since humans created different races, we are part of a racial society and pretending it doesn't exist and you are colorblind can do harm (read "How to be an Anti-Racist" if you need more clarification on that).

Replace race with ethnicity, then
Incorrect. It's hateful because it's hateful, no because I disagree with it. Learn a little bit more about the process and psychology of coming out.

The difference between us is I have actually helped kids come out and teach them every day while you read about it in your little psychology books. You **** these kids up so badly telling them that it is courageous to make this choice and at the same time tell them that it isn’t a choice. Everything you morons believe has a logical contradiction at its’ heart.

I am going to keep helping kids by treating every human being the same while you dumb asses destroy them by telling them all of their self-esteem should be derived from their sexual partners. You can climb on your pretend, moral, high horse but your philosophies and theories harm children daily.
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The difference between us is I have actually helped kids come out and teach them every day while you read about it in your little psychology books. You **** these kids up so badly telling them that it is courageous to make this choice and at the same time tell them that it isn’t a choice. Everything you morons believe has a logical contradiction at its’ heart.

I am going to keep helping kids by treating every human being the same while you dumb asses destroy them by telling them all of their self-esteem should be derived from their sexual partners. You can climb on your pretend, moral, high horse but your philosophies and theories harm children daily.
You have noooooo idea what I do by making that statement. I have helped thousands of kids out and will help thousands more.

I do both - read and do. Also, "being gay" is more than simply your sexual partner. Although, what that means is a personal thing and different for different people
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. You **** these kids up so badly telling them that it is courageous to make this choice and at the same time tell them that it isn’t a choice.
WTH??? Being LGBTQ is not a choice, at all. However, coming out is a choice. If someone stays a closeted gay, it does not make them straight and can cause unhappiness
You claim that we should respect the rights of gay people but have probably posted over 50 times in this thread about your objection to any public acknowledgement of gay people's existence. Who is forcing you to celebrate pride month? If you do not want to attend a pride parade don't.

Your point about Christians being persecuted is laughable. Many so called Christians have persecuted gays for centuries and now that they are being called out on it they feel that they themselves are being persecuted for not being able to openly discriminate and spout their bigotry.

Marching bands, parades, government buildings bathed in colors, rainbow flags on embassy buildings, adulation of athletes and celebrities who advertise their sexual orientation, an entire month of fawning...this is not an "acknowledgement of gay people's existence" but rather a bizarre glorification of their sexual orientation.

Right, nobody is forcing me to do anything. I'm retired and don't have much to lose by expressing an unfashionable opinion. However, in other settings -- corporations, the government, the military, academia, the media -- people are being pressured, in ways subtle or overt, to conform to the new order on this and related issues...under threat of censorship or cancellation.

Let me turn your question around: Why is my statement of an unfashionable opinion so threatening? Why does it provoke such irrational anger? Who is being forced to read my posts on the subject?

With regard to traditionalist Christians, I haven't used the word "persecution," though it could apply in the broad sense. Rather, the point I've made is that the term "marginalized" much more aptly describes this religious group than the LGBTQ community in today's America.

Meanwhile, your notion that Christians are seeking to "openly discriminate" or "spout bigotry" is what's laughable...a caricature having no relationship to reality...just like the claims of hatred and homophobia which are now standard on the list of wild accusations and imaginary thought crimes.

Again: I absolutely support equal rights, dignity, and protection for gay people under the law. But I object to being force-fed the ideological trappings of the LGBTQ movement under the umbrella of the new religion of Wokeism that rules our culture. The only flag flying on our embassy buildings around the world should be colored red, white, and blue.