Carl Nassib

So you decide to side step a convo by posting captain obvious?

Yes, race does not exist, it was a human construction that I could go on about. However, since humans created different races, we are part of a racial society and pretending it doesn't exist and you are colorblind can do harm (read "How to be an Anti-Racist" if you need more clarification on that).

Replace race with ethnicity, then

I do like to replace the term race with ethnicity, because every time I hear the term race I can't help but think how the slavers are still winning. It really is a horrible thought to think the slavers viewed people as different races as a way to justify their actions, and all these hundreds of years later the notion still holds.

Now, as far as your original point about racism and lgbtq being equivalent or similar or whatever term you prefer, I took no stance, and still don't. Simply put, I don't particularly feel qualified to go into the nuances. What I care is that people should not be discriminated against. Now, if you feel so strongly about this you can easily pick a fight with the poster(s) who made the comments.
Meanwhile, your notion that Christians are seeking to "openly discriminate" or "spout bigotry" is what's laughable...a caricature having no relationship to reality...just like the claims of hatred and homophobia which are now standard on the list of wild accusations and imaginary thought crimes.
A pastor I know who was multiple theology degrees and really, really knows the Bible was once staunchly against monogamous, homosexual relationships. However, over the course of the past 5-10 years, has really changed his stance, and over the past handful of years has been struggling with Christianity due to Trump's blasphemous behaviors while claiming Christianity, the QANON followers who claim an Americanized version of Christianity, and the Church's view of the LGBT community. He actually broke off from his denomination and is now independent bc his church wouldn't allow him to marry a gay couple who was in love, devoted, and monogamous.

Really good, smart guy who has given his life to Jesus many times over, but is really struggling with what is becoming of Christianity in the US
And the virtue signaling continues. What a bunch of pompous “look at me, I’m enlightened and tolerant and you’re not because you don’t agree with me” a-holes in this thread. I really should do myself a favor and just look away. In fact, I think I will.

Carry on ...
And the virtue signaling continues. What a bunch of pompous “look at me, I’m enlightened and tolerant and you’re not because you don’t agree with me” a-holes in this thread. I really should do myself a favor and just look away. In fact, I think I will.

Carry on ...
Nope, not virtue signaling. Rather, it's called standing up for friends, family, and what I know.
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#1 jersey sales, fawning interviews on Oprah, a beacon of bravery to the homosexual community and people like you? He'll be okay.
When 70% of people wildly embrace his "truth," is it really such a hardship? People like you manufacture the "imminent negativity" sure, they'll be some beer gut football fans that call him a f*g, but for the most part, Carl will be roundly accepted and that is okay, that is enough, that is organic progress without manufactured downside.
Please provide a link showing that 70% of people will embrace his truth….that I’d like to see. I’m not sure why you’re so hostile about this….a little insecure in your sexuality or just worried because you’re an easy sale?
For anyone wondering, this is an example of intolerance. Deep breaths. No one is saying being gay is bad. They're simply disagreeing on what brave means. Different life experiences tend to cause things like this to happen. Recognize how much you actually agree on, especially the important part. Take the win.
But why do they feel the need to disagree on this being brave. There are different levels of bravery, so to stay on here and argue that this is not anywhere on the bravery spectrum points to thinking being gay is bad even though they’re not actually saying it. These same posters will point to the WWII veterans as being brave, yet many of them were forced to be there and had they been given a choice, they would not have been there at all….so being somewhere because you’re forced to is bravery, but what Carl did is not?
A pastor I know who was multiple theology degrees and really, really knows the Bible was once staunchly against monogamous, homosexual relationships. However, over the course of the past 5-10 years, has really changed his stance, and over the past handful of years has been struggling with Christianity due to Trump's blasphemous behaviors while claiming Christianity, the QANON followers who claim an Americanized version of Christianity, and the Church's view of the LGBT community. He actually broke off from his denomination and is now independent bc his church wouldn't allow him to marry a gay couple who was in love, devoted, and monogamous.

Really good, smart guy who has given his life to Jesus many times over, but is really struggling with what is becoming of Christianity in the US
If your pastor is struggling with a lifelong commitment to Christianity because of Trump, than he’s the biggest moron on the planet and should be a fry cook at McDonalds (although he’d likely burn his face off) and not influencing people in any way.
And the virtue signaling continues. What a bunch of pompous “look at me, I’m enlightened and tolerant and you’re not because you don’t agree with me” a-holes in this thread. I really should do myself a favor and just look away. In fact, I think I will.

Carry on ...
If you think that this is virtue signaling, it's obvious that you have absolutely zero irons in the fire and are just trying to stir up stuff. That says a lot more about you than anyone else.
Wow, you didn’t really think this one through, did you?

When you tell the truth, you don't need to think it through.

I don't know very much at all about evolutionary biology, but having read Darwin, I understand the basics.

It was amazing that, without being an expert, I was easily able to predict what academic papers would find.

So, no I didn't think it through.

But it wouldn't have worked any better had I thought it through.

Dishonest people like Demlion, I think they confuse their behavioral characteristics with other people. I'm not adverse to admitting what I do know and what I don't. Not sure why that's considered a bad thing.

The left is happy to lie (about anecdotal Covid cases, and so forth), so they assume that those of us who are honest would do the same. What do they call that - projection?
Is February a bizarre glorification of African Americanism?

Yes. yes it is. Morgan Freemen's response to black history month is awesome. Look it up, he finds having his entire history relegated to a month offensive and ridiculous and more so, I love his line about black history. "Black history should be American history." Imagine that?
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Yes. yes it is. Morgan Freemen's response to black history month is awesome. Look it up, he finds having his entire history relegated to a month offensive and ridiculous and more so, I love his line about black history. "Black history should be American history." Imagine that?
IDK about all of this but I had to laugh that IKEA got into trouble celebrating Junteenth. I know when there are Greek Days and Polish Dayz and Italian Days it is common to eat food that aligns with the ethnicity. Those crazy Sweadish IKEAns decided to feature fried chicken and watermelon.

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IDK about all of this but I had to laugh that IKEA got into trouble celebrating Junteenth. I know when there are Greek Days and Polish Dayz and Italian Days it is common to eat food that aligns with the ethnicity. Those crazy Sweadish IKEAns decided to feature fried chicken and watermelon.


Collard greens, too. Fuzzy Zoeller does not approve.
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But why do they feel the need to disagree on this being brave. There are different levels of bravery, so to stay on here and argue that this is not anywhere on the bravery spectrum points to thinking being gay is bad even though they’re not actually saying it. These same posters will point to the WWII veterans as being brave, yet many of them were forced to be there and had they been given a choice, they would not have been there at all….so being somewhere because you’re forced to is bravery, but what Carl did is not?

I like what Carl did. I think it was brave for him to do so. I simply recognize people may have a different opinion than that. It's OK, its not the end of the world.
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Yes. yes it is. Morgan Freemen's response to black history month is awesome. Look it up, he finds having his entire history relegated to a month offensive and ridiculous and more so, I love his line about black history. "Black history should be American history." Imagine that?
I've seen that. It's fine. It's his opinion. He's not the universal voice for African Americans though. People always look for that one dissenting vote within the target group and use that as their evidence. As if "see, Morgan Freeman says so. Therefore it must be so." is good enough.

At some point we must get to that level. But we are far from there right now. American history has been so whitewashed for so long that we need more education to learn the truth.

It's the same thing with the LGBTQ agenda. People just want to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away. If everyone would just learn more about their plight, we wouldn't need announcements, parades, celebrations or anything else. Everyone would just live together, accept each other and nobody would feel to "come out" because they would have always been "out".
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I've seen that. It's fine. It's his opinion. He's not the universal voice for African Americans though. People always look for that one dissenting vote within the target group and use that as their evidence. As if "see, Morgan Freeman says so. Therefore it must be so." is good enough.

At some point we must get to that level. But we are far from there right now. American history has been so whitewashed for so long that we need more education to learn the truth.

It's the same thing with the LGBTQ agenda. People just want to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away. If everyone would just learn more about their plight, we wouldn't need announcements, parades, celebrations or anything else. Everyone would just live together, accept each other and nobody would feel to "come out" because they would have always been "out".

No you're right, he is not the voice of African American's...or LBGTQ people. It is amazing to me how many straight white people seem to think they are the voice of these groups though. Ask a Latin what they think of the white concocted name of LatinX, no fans. I can't think of anything more "colonized" than to tell these groups of people how they should be identified and what should appeal to their sensitivities.
No, I don't think so, but again, that's apples and oranges.

That said, the Wokeist mutation of the historic causes of civil rights and racial justice into the monstrosity of hateful "critical race theory" is a pea right out of the same pod as the bizarre glorification of the LGBTQ ideology.

There are a bunch of dots, and when you connect them all, you get a very ugly picture.

You seem like an interesting dude -- intelligent and articulate. I'd love to have this conversation with you face to face because typing this out takes too long.

I don't see it as apples and oranges. Both groups have been discriminated against for centuries. And the months are simply meant as a way for the rest of us to get more knowledge on their respective cultures. So at least the concept is very similar.

Anyway, just my opinion. I'm trying to bow out of this thread. I've made my point and I think we both know each others stance on the topic. Have a good day Jerry.
I like what Carl did. I think it was brave for him to do so. I simply recognize people may have a different opinion than that. It's OK, its not the end of the world.

I think the whole "bravery" thing is a red herring.

On the one hand, it was entirely predictable and has now become the standard scenario that such an announcement would be met with an enthusiastic chorus of praise and approval from points north, south, east, and west -- not to mention a glowing statement of support from the league itself.

On the other hand, Carl's world is a lot different from the world inhabited by other celebrities and public figures who make such declarations to worshipful applause. In Carl's world of professional football, as others here have said, this statement had to take some personal bravery on his part. And bravery is an admirable thing...even if sometimes misguided or in service to the wrong cause.

But as I see it, Carl's personal bravery is beside the point of the debate here. At least it's beside the point of my argument, which goes to a much larger picture and principle. As an isolated case, absent that larger context, I don't think we'd even be having this discussion.
No you're right, he is not the voice of African American's...or LBGTQ people. It is amazing to me how many straight white people seem to think they are the voice of these groups though. Ask a Latin what they think of the white concocted name of LatinX, no fans. I can't think of anything more "colonized" than to tell these groups of people how they should be identified and what should appeal to their sensitivities.

Latinx? First I heard of it (had to look it up). I'm not trying to be anyone's voice. I told a story about how I found out my younger brother was gay in the beginning of this thread. And I've just stayed engaged trying to find out why people think they way they do and offering my own thoughts. That's all. As I said to Jerry, I'm trying to bow out of this thread -- no use continuing to beat this to death. Have a nice day Ram.
No, I don't think so, but again, that's apples and oranges.

That said, the Wokeist mutation of the historic causes of civil rights and racial justice into the monstrosity of hateful "critical race theory" is a pea right out of the same pod as the bizarre glorification of the LGBTQ ideology.

There are a bunch of dots, and when you connect them all, you get a very ugly picture.
People pushing the buzzword of "critical race theory" cracks me up. So many people use it as an umbrella term and don't even know what they are talking about. And, no, it's NOT being taught in public schools, so y'all can put your pitchforks down.

The Republican party has become the party of buzzwords, conspiracy, and angry opposition over nothing. I was a life-long Repub, but switched over to independent when I realized what that party is becoming
People pushing the buzzword of "critical race theory" cracks me up. So many people use it as an umbrella term and don't even know what they are talking about. And, no, it's NOT being taught in public schools, so y'all can put your pitchforks down.

The Republican party has become the party of buzzwords, conspiracy, and angry opposition over nothing. I was a life-long Repub, but switched over to independent when I realized what that party is becoming

So those folks in Loudon County are misinformed?
You seem like an interesting dude -- intelligent and articulate. I'd love to have this conversation with you face to face because typing this out takes too long.

I don't see it as apples and oranges. Both groups have been discriminated against for centuries. And the months are simply meant as a way for the rest of us to get more knowledge on their respective cultures. So at least the concept is very similar.

Anyway, just my opinion. I'm trying to bow out of this thread. I've made my point and I think we both know each others stance on the topic. Have a good day Jerry.

We'll agree to disagree on whether Black History Month is an apple and Pride Month is an orange.

Thanks for the comment. The thing is, I am not threatened by nor do I resent opposing opinions, even those vigorously held, if expressed in a spirit of basic respect. (I do make allowance for some snark, however.)

Unfortunately, the ability to have such debates, which are critical for the health of a democracy, is rapidly eroding as one side more and more attempts to delegitimize opposing views by the use of noxious labels while deploying the powers of bureaucracy, management, and culture to exile or punish people for holding them.

I appreciate that you took a different tack here. Have a good one yourself.
1) Right, nobody is forcing me to do anything. I'm retired and don't have much to lose by expressing an unfashionable opinion. However, in other settings -- corporations, the government, the military, academia, the media -- people are being pressured, in ways subtle or overt, to conform to the new order on this and related issues...under threat of censorship or cancellation.

Let me turn your question around: Why is my statement of an unfashionable opinion so threatening? Why does it provoke such irrational anger? Who is being forced to read my posts on the subject?

2) Again: I absolutely support equal rights, dignity, and protection for gay people under the law.

1) I wouldn't say its threatening but it is ironic. You claim to want to get to a point where anyone coming out of the closet isn't newsworthy and therefore not "celebrated", yet you oppose the mechanisms that will get society there. There will be a point in the future where its nbd and people just are what they are but its going to be a lot more announcements and parades and celebrities coming out before that point is reached. Based on the number of grandkids you have it sounds like you'll be here for all of the announcements but miss out on it just being another thing.

2) You don't really walk the walk here with everything you've stated and the questions you won't answer or acknowledge.

You're saying gay PDA is fine?

Should a furniture store should be able to deny entry to a gay couple?

Gay couples can hold hands if they're out to dinner and sitting at a table next to Jerry?

If the Raiders win the super bowl, Jerry is ok with Carl kissing his boyfriend in the middle of the field?

Yes or No will do.
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People pushing the buzzword of "critical race theory" cracks me up. So many people use it as an umbrella term and don't even know what they are talking about. And, no, it's NOT being taught in public schools, so y'all can put your pitchforks down.

The Republican party has become the party of buzzwords, conspiracy, and angry opposition over nothing. I was a life-long Repub, but switched over to independent when I realized what that party is becoming

You're right, the term "critical race theory" is much too elegant. A more direct and accurate word is plain old racism...and oh yeah, it is being taught, indoctrinated, propagated...whatever verb you want to schools, universities, companies, government agencies all over the country.

In fact, I could post about 10 links from just the last few weeks to illustrate the point, but that would take us even further afield from the original debate. As it is, my post was in response to another's question.
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1) I wouldn't say its threatening but it is ironic. You claim to want to get to a point where anyone coming out of the closet isn't newsworthy and therefore not "celebrated", yet you oppose the mechanisms that will get society there. There will be a point in the future where its nbd and people just are what they are but its going to be a lot more announcements and parades and celebrities coming out before that point is reached. Based on the number of grandkids you have it sounds like you'll be here for all of the announcements but miss out on it just being another thing.

2) You don't really walk the walk here with everything you've stated and the questions you won't answer or acknowledge.

You're saying gay PDA is fine?

Gay couples can hold hands if they're out to dinner and sitting at a table next to Jerry?

If the Raiders win the super bowl, Jerry is ok with Carl kissing his boyfriend in the middle of the field?

Yes or No will do.
Lets remember that it wasn't that long ago (2015) that Indiana tried the to put the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law, which critics argued gave businesses the right to discriminate, against gays and lesbians in particular.
Never quite understood how that was going to work. Was there a test involved at the door?
Fortunately and in one of the NCAA's better moves they said no bueno and threatened to move the NCAA bball finals.
Proving the old adage true...Money talks and bullshit walks.
Lets remember that it wasn't that long ago (2015) that Indiana tried the to put the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law, which critics argued gave businesses the right to discriminate, against gays and lesbians in particular.
Never quite understood how that was going to work. Was there a test involved at the door?
Fortunately and in one of the NCAA's better moves they said no bueno and threatened to move the NCAA bball finals.
Proving the old adage true...Money talks and bullshit walks.

Man 2015 feels like forever ago. I'll add that to the list of questions Jerry ignored again.
Jerry wrote: "Marching bands, parades, government buildings bathed in colors, rainbow flags on embassy buildings, adulation of athletes and celebrities who advertise their sexual orientation, an entire month of fawning...this is not an "acknowledgement of gay people's existence" but rather a bizarre glorification of their sexual orientation."

What I thought while reading it was: Marching bands, parades, government buildings bathed strung in colors, rainbow flags on embassy buildings, adulation of athletes and celebrities who advertise their sexual orientation religion, an entire month of fawning...this is not an "acknowledgement of gay Christian people's existence" but rather a bizarre glorification of their sexual orientation religion.

And then I thought of the time I nearly hit a pedestrian with my car because I the traffic light blended so wonderfully with the red and green Christmas lights strung across the road.
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Jerry wrote: "Marching bands, parades, government buildings bathed in colors, rainbow flags on embassy buildings, adulation of athletes and celebrities who advertise their sexual orientation, an entire month of fawning...this is not an "acknowledgement of gay people's existence" but rather a bizarre glorification of their sexual orientation."

What I thought while reading it was: Marching bands, parades, government buildings bathed strung in colors, rainbow flags on embassy buildings, adulation of athletes and celebrities who advertise their sexual orientation religion, an entire month of fawning...this is not an "acknowledgement of gay Christian people's existence" but rather a bizarre glorification of their sexual orientation religion.

And then I thought of the time I nearly hit a pedestrian with my car because I the traffic light blended so wonderfully with the red and green traffic lights strung across the road.

I don't speak for Jerry, I can only speak for myself, and I have a question/comparison.

Despite more than a few wrongs, Christianity and Western Civilization (the two are definitely intertwined) have brought the common man everything he has today - freedom (fast disappearing), a good living standard, etc.

Despite being an atheist, I think there's a ton to celebrate about the culture of Christianity. You may argue that we can celebrate those individual things in Western Civilization without any reference to Christ. OK, I might concede that.

What is there to celebrate about homosexuality? What has it brought us? Would Nassib be better straight or gay? Obviously, the answer is straight - he'd have tons of women, children as he desires, in his old age, he'd get to see his son be a "chip off the old block", and on his deathbed, he'd have the satisfaction of knowing that his genes have been passed on (a natural desire in 99% of us).

Tell me - what is there to celebrate? Difference for difference's sake? That's just completely stupid.
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What is there to celebrate about homosexuality? What has it brought us? Would Nassib be better straight or gay? Obviously, the answer is straight - he'd have tons of women, children as he desires, in his old age, he'd get to see his son be a "chip off the old block", and on his deathbed, he'd have the satisfaction of knowing that his genes have been passed on (a natural desire in 99% of us).

Tell me - what is there to celebrate? Difference for difference's sake? That's just completely stupid.
He can celebrate being himself and living his life...hopefully celebrating being happy and finding a partner to share his life's journey with (if that's what he wants).

It's like saying there is nothing to celebrate about being a priest, nun, monk, etc, since they don't get any of those things you just brought up. They can still live a very fulfilling life and find happiness in their own way, even if their genes aren't passed down.

Carl can still have children, raise a family, and enjoy everything that life has to offer. A generation or two ago, he wouldn't have had this same opportunity. Sounds like something to celebrate to me.

I'm happy to see how far things have come in the ~25 years since I was at PSU. I'm sure that this is much more tolerance on campus today than in my day when we had Darrin Loccarini and his crew starting up the STRAIGHT club, and a neighbor of mine felt comfortable enough to walk around campus in a t-shirt with the Trix rabbit that said "Silly F****t, Dicks are for Chicks".
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He can celebrate being himself and living his life...hopefully celebrating being happy and finding a partner to share his life's journey with (if that's what he wants).

It's like saying there is nothing to celebrate about being a priest, nun, monk, etc, since they don't get any of those things you just brought up. They can still live a very fulfilling life and find happiness in their own way, even if their genes aren't passed down.

Carl can still have children, raise a family, and enjoy everything that life has to offer. A generation or two ago, he wouldn't have had this same opportunity. Sounds like something to celebrate to me.

I'm happy to see how far things have come in the ~25 years since I was at PSU. I'm sure that this is much more tolerance on campus today than in my day when we had Darrin Loccarini and his crew starting up the STRAIGHT club, and a neighbor of mine felt comfortable enough to walk around campus in a t-shirt with the Trix rabbit that said "Silly F****t, Dicks are for Chicks".

All those things you say he can enjoy (and I do think that in some cases, you're right), he will enjoy less because he's gay.

Can he adopt? Yes. But nature drives us to appreciate our own genetic offspring more. That is a simple fact. He'd be happier (on average) if his children were his genetic offspring.

I get that you're not scientific, and so prose and flowery words make you feel good. But I deal in the harsh reality of life - and it seems pretty clear that there's nothing to celebrate.

Of course, it goes without saying that there's no reason for anyone but a moron to needlessly taunt people who have caused them no harm with a T-shift designed to mock.
When you tell the truth, you don't need to think it through.

I don't know very much at all about evolutionary biology, but having read Darwin, I understand the basics.

It was amazing that, without being an expert, I was easily able to predict what academic papers would find.

So, no I didn't think it through.

But it wouldn't have worked any better had I thought it through.

Dishonest people like Demlion, I think they confuse their behavioral characteristics with other people. I'm not adverse to admitting what I do know and what I don't. Not sure why that's considered a bad thing.

The left is happy to lie (about anecdotal Covid cases, and so forth), so they assume that those of us who are honest would do the same. What do they call that - projection?
I was referring to the fact that you said you weren’t an expert on evolution than proceeded to espouse on your vast knowledge of evolution. You should have stopped after you admitted you weren’t an expert.
You're right, the term "critical race theory" is much too elegant. A more direct and accurate word is plain old racism...and oh yeah, it is being taught, indoctrinated, propagated...whatever verb you want to schools, universities, companies, government agencies all over the country.

In fact, I could post about 10 links from just the last few weeks to illustrate the point, but that would take us even further afield from the original debate. As it is, my post was in response to another's question.
Critical Race Theory is essentially understanding the past has shaped/led to the present. It's not "plain old racism", nor is it taught in public schools. I have taught in public schools in multiple states and am currently in online classes with administrators from schools throughout the nation.

I'm fairly in-tune with what is being taught in schools and can firmly tell you that CRT IS NOT in the curriculum.

It's a false Boogeyman for the far right to get up in arms over
Can he adopt? Yes. But nature drives us to appreciate our own genetic offspring more. That is a simple fact. He'd be happier (on average) if his children were his genetic offspring.
How can you possibly know this? My children are adopted. I believe that it was the grace of God that brought my family together. I'm one of the happiest people I know, in large part because I'm the luckiest person I know. This is my life: throw up a deck of cards and it falls and makes a perfect two-story house of cards, with the Ace of Hearts somehow perfectly balanced on top. How could I possibly appreciate my children any less because they don't have my genes? Such a SHM stupid post.
How can you possibly know this? My children are adopted. I believe that it was the grace of God that brought my family together. I'm one of the happiest people I know, in large part because I'm the luckiest person I know. This is my life: throw up a deck of cards and it falls and makes a perfect two-story house of cards, with the Ace of Hearts somehow perfectly balanced on top. How could I possibly appreciate my children any less because they don't have my genes? Such a SHM stupid post.
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