
Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010

But, seriously....I've been off the Board since mid July, chasing dreams, and have returned to find that our Board family will be going our separate ways. That saddens me. For over 10 years I have shared the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, of men and women I never met. There are a lot of good people here and I hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps it will be at a social function where we will meet as strangers and soon realize we are actually friends. But, if it is not to be, I will always carry with me memories of a happy time in my life. Through the years this community has been a good place to be. While our parting is not yet here, I will take this time to wish all of you a long, healthy, happy life. May God bless us, every one.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!!


But, seriously....I've been off the Board since mid July, chasing dreams, and have returned to find that our Board family will be going our separate ways. That saddens me. For over 10 years I have shared the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, of men and women I never met. There are a lot of good people here and I hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps it will be at a social function where we will meet as strangers and soon realize we are actually friends. But, if it is not to be, I will always carry with me memories of a happy time in my life. Through the years this community has been a good place to be. While our parting is not yet here, I will take this time to wish all of you a long, healthy, happy life. May God bless us, every one.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!!


Two words we hold dear: Rut gers

See you on the other side Fair.
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Fair, you’ve warmed countless hearts here, there and everywhere over the years, you are truly a very very special person!

Meeting you in person somewhere someday remains high on my bucket list!
Thanks for the kind words ILLINOIS. You are one of the good guys here and your wit and humor have made laugh, or groan;), many a time. The good Lord willing, we will indeed meet. Hearing FONZIE bark is high on my bucket list.:)
Fair, you’ve warmed countless hearts here, there and everywhere over the years, you are truly a very very special person!

Meeting you in person somewhere someday remains high on my bucket list!

I find stalking to be just as effective, plus you don't have to bring a tribute of bacon to the Pope of BWI Baconzantium Catholicism, Pope Fair the Wise Baconator I.

This just reminded me, who's in charge of saving all the bacon threads?!?

But, seriously....I've been off the Board since mid July, chasing dreams, and have returned to find that our Board family will be going our separate ways. That saddens me. For over 10 years I have shared the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, of men and women I never met. There are a lot of good people here and I hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps it will be at a social function where we will meet as strangers and soon realize we are actually friends. But, if it is not to be, I will always carry with me memories of a happy time in my life. Through the years this community has been a good place to be. While our parting is not yet here, I will take this time to wish all of you a long, healthy, happy life. May God bless us, every one.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!!

Fair, I tried to take advantage of the "Pick 3, Pay for 4" deal on your website, but your check out page always times out before I get order confirmation.
Fair - I called customer service about my 1998 order for a Hartford Whalers sweater, and I was put on hold for a half hour. Apparently I fell asleep, because when I woke up, all I heard was a dial tone.
I find stalking to be just as effective, plus you don't have to bring a tribute of bacon to the Pope of BWI Baconzantium Catholicism, Pope Fair the Wise Baconator I.

This just reminded me, who's in charge of saving all the bacon threads?!?
Ah, yes. The bacon threads.

Fair, I tried to take advantage of the "Pick 3, Pay for 4" deal on your website, but your check out page always times out before I get order confirmation.
That Pick 3, Pay for 4, is one of our best deals. I can't understand the check out problem. Assuming we have your credit card information (and we do), keep trying and if you still have problems after 30 days, have your people call my people.:)

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Fair - I called customer service about my 1998 order for a Hartford Whalers sweater, and I was put on hold for a half hour. Apparently I fell asleep, because when I woke up, all I heard was a dial tone.
Geeze Mt.Nittany. You want high prices and customer service? What's up with that??
OK, OK, since you are a valued member here, have your people call my people. (enormous charges may apply) ;)
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But, seriously....I've been off the Board since mid July, chasing dreams, and have returned to find that our Board family will be going our separate ways. That saddens me. For over 10 years I have shared the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, of men and women I never met. There are a lot of good people here and I hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps it will be at a social function where we will meet as strangers and soon realize we are actually friends. But, if it is not to be, I will always carry with me memories of a happy time in my life. Through the years this community has been a good place to be. While our parting is not yet here, I will take this time to wish all of you a long, healthy, happy life. May God bless us, every one.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!!

Your posts have been a major reason I have enjoyed this board and have spent time reading so many funny and heartful things.
Here’s to the continued success of gambit enterprises.Now that’s out of the way I have some prime real estate in sudan that I will sell you at a special price.It’s ready to take off.Think diamonds in the desert.You can’t go wrong I have a map
Your posts have been a major reason I have enjoyed this board and have spent time reading so many funny and heartful things.
Here’s to the continued success of gambit enterprises.Now that’s out of the way I have some prime real estate in sudan that I will sell you at a special price.It’s ready to take off.Think diamonds in the desert.You can’t go wrong I have a map
That's very kind of you to say.
Even though I had been off the Board since July, I always intended to return because I really love this place. I did come back early because a friend who lurks here told me big changes were happening. I was shocked at the news and just hope the new board will maintain the community atmosphere of this one.
Fortunately, Fairgambit Worldwide Enterprises will continue to do what it has always done better than anyone else....offer the poorest quality products at the highest possible prices.
As for your real estate in Sudan. I am interested! I do love diamonds, but beyond that, we are thinking of expanding our Sheep and Goat Farming west of Khartoum. I must say good shepherds are difficult to find but if I can hire a few dozen I will have my people call your people. :)

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Ok, so I installed the router I bought last year from FWE, and now when I try to open my shopping cart I get redirected to some Turkmenistani Halloween costume distributor. You wouldn't know anything about this?

Ooh, make sure you get the Creature from the Black Lagoon face mask. It's like it never comes off.

Which reminds me of the Tom Atkins and Dan O'Herily classic, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch.

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But, seriously....I've been off the Board since mid July, chasing dreams, and have returned to find that our Board family will be going our separate ways. That saddens me. For over 10 years I have shared the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, of men and women I never met. There are a lot of good people here and I hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps it will be at a social function where we will meet as strangers and soon realize we are actually friends. But, if it is not to be, I will always carry with me memories of a happy time in my life. Through the years this community has been a good place to be. While our parting is not yet here, I will take this time to wish all of you a long, healthy, happy life. May God bless us, every one.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!!
Just checked out the Fairgambit Enetrprises web site and after doubling prices in July, the 10% BWI farewell discount is a steal! Even more than the regular prices.

Your posts have always been a hoot. Hope to see you on whatever replaces the FREE McAndrew Board. Yes, I'm a cheap SOB. Take care, brother.
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Ok, so I installed the router I bought last year from FWE, and now when I try to open my shopping cart I get redirected to some Turkmenistani Halloween costume distributor. You wouldn't know anything about this?
Damn. We have a problem. You should have been redirected to Kathmandu. I will have my people call my people and fix it.
Just checked out the Fairgambit Enetrprises web site and after doubling prices in July, the 10% BWI farewell discount is a steal! Even more than the regular prices.

You're posts have always been a hoot. Hope to see you on whatever replaces the FREE McAndrew Board. Yes, I'm a cheap SOB. Take care, brother.
Discount? Our site has a discount? I need better people.
Thanks. I imagine I'll give the new board a try. I need a place to market my wares.
You take care as well.
Is it true that ollies has refused to buy out your overstocked,overpriced goods?
Also is there any truth to the rumor that Svenghoulie and fairgambit enterprises are one and the same?
Ummmmm. No comment.
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But, seriously....I've been off the Board since mid July, chasing dreams, and have returned to find that our Board family will be going our separate ways. That saddens me. For over 10 years I have shared the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, of men and women I never met. There are a lot of good people here and I hope our paths will cross again. Perhaps it will be at a social function where we will meet as strangers and soon realize we are actually friends. But, if it is not to be, I will always carry with me memories of a happy time in my life. Through the years this community has been a good place to be. While our parting is not yet here, I will take this time to wish all of you a long, healthy, happy life. May God bless us, every one.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!!!!

And to you worthy Lion🦁.