Coaches being advesarial


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
I hardly see much interaction before or after a match like you do in other sports even amoungst the wrestlers themselves. During the match most of them are screaming at each other. Even the post match shake is cold and intense. I understand it is a brutal sport but they do not give the impression of unity or brotherhood.
With move tv coverage I think we would see more. Maybe not Cael and Brands. Now that Cael has some former wrestlers in the coaching ranks I am sure it happens.
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With move tv coverage I think we would see more. Maybe not Cael and Brands. Now that Cael has some former wrestlers in the coaching ranks I am sure it happens.
Just out of curiosity, because Cael hold his emotions so close to the vest, who are Cael’s least liked and most liked head coaching adversaries?

Least: Koll, Brands, Tan Tom
Most: Zeke Jones, anyone else?
Just out of curiosity, because Cael hold his emotions so close to the vest, who are Cael’s least liked and most liked head coaching adversaries?

Least: Koll, Brands, Tan Tom
Most: Zeke Jones, anyone else?
No clue not in the know at all. I wasn't referring to just head coaches. Now that Mark and Joseph are coaching else where and of course Berge in two months.
Just out of curiosity, because Cael hold his emotions so close to the vest, who are Cael’s least liked and most liked head coaching adversaries?

Least: Koll, Brands, Tan Tom
Most: Zeke Jones, anyone else?
From what I have read, Tom Ryan is pretty well respected. I would think that Goodale would probably irritate Cael, especially if you factor in the Suriano issue. In addition, Rutgers and PSU have competed for the same talent (ex.Howard).
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I'm not a big Ryan fan but when compared to the mat monkeys at Iowa he's a saint. The brands just can't get out of the way and let their wrestlers do the talking they have to interject themselves into the dual and with the fans. Both are dumb as shit. There I said it. I would not recommend any young man to be around them they are toxic. When I watched that special Iowa getting desanto made perfect sense. He acts just like the brands brothers did when they were at Iowa.
I love the Brands. They are a product of their environment, and have done well. That said, they're totally out of control beside the mat. Refs need to do their job. The other night was absolutely pathetic.
I know everyone says Ryan is a good guy—he may be, but the car salesmen thing is a big turn off, personally. Can’t imagine the stuff he’s been through though. And my “hate” for him is all in good fun.

I think TnT are entertaining enough. If my kid was being recruited by those guys, I’d have my reservations for sure. The Gable Tough thing dominated the sport for a long time and still does in many ways. But I think that approach has significant limits, and I think we’re seeing more and more that another approach is more successful, and frankly also produces better functioning adults.
For whatever the reason, Nebraska's Mark Manning rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it was the freestyle match when DT wrestled JB and hit a cradle and JB won it with a blast double at the end. Manning was jumping around yelling and pointing at Cael and Casey.
Coaches, I believe, all deserve a certain level of respect for what they do -- unless they cross any of the societal lines where there will be consequences. They are asked to win, plus do their part to develop young people, all the while navigating a landscape that is tougher than ever (social media, unreasonable fans, changing NCAA rules, portals, recruiting that is more intense, RTC's, etc.).

That aside, it's the behaviors we as fans see and little else, whether it's Tom and Terry violating Control of the Mat rules, Ryan's tweets, or others. That's what clouds our judgement into their coaching ability, we often can't see past the antics.

In the end, my experience is that the wrestling coaches are a small fraternity, with far more mutual respect than most know. Yet there are differences of opinion and stressers that cause friction, not unlike any other group in society. Some will never be able to "enjoy a brew together".
I hardly see much interaction before or after a match like you do in other sports even amoungst the wrestlers themselves. During the match most of them are screaming at each other. Even the post match shake is cold and intense. I understand it is a brutal sport but they do not give the impression of unity or brotherhood.
In general, I would say wrestlers share an unconditional loyalty/brotherhood like no other sport’s athletes. It may not show on the mat or in season so much, but it runs deep and is lasting.
So, I didn't notice, but did Terry Brands go through the handshake line on Friday night, or did he chose to duck out the back boor?
I love the Brands. They are a product of their environment, and have done well. That said, they're totally out of control beside the mat. Refs need to do their job. The other night was absolutely pathetic.
Not penalizing Terry at CHA might have been a self-preservation move on Rivera’s part.