Not a coach, but close enough to the program to give an opinion (so Cody, when you read this, I hope I'm close

CKLV Invitational and Midlands are quality tournaments, no doubt. So is the Scuffle, and I'm wondering...if we were wrestling in Chattanooga this year, would this question even come up? That aside, here's one man's thoughts;
There's many factors in building a schedule. Here's those that imo determine our tournament choices;
2 Tournaments Per Year. By all appearances, the coaches scheduling "model" will contain 2 tournaments per year, one in early December, the other in late-December, early January. The days (2009-10 and 2010-11) of having the Sprawl & Brawl Duals, the NLO, the Scuffle or Reno, AND the Virginia Duals, are gone. Too much wrestling, and with the theme of "keeping an eye on the prize", those days won't be seen any time soon, imo.
Historically (except for 2013 and 2016), the NLO (a money-maker) was held the first week of December, same weekend as the CKLV Invitational, which would be a costly trip (meaning
$$$'s is also a factor).
Familiarity. 5 B1G teams attended CKLV last year, and 8 went to Midlands. Only 2 (Minny and MSU) sent starters to the Southern Scuffle last year, and Minnesota wasn't on our conference slate. Seeing a variety of wrestlers throughout the season, and not the same B1G guys, is a benefit.
Relationship with a Tournament. Tournaments develop relationships with teams, and many teams return to the same tournament year after year. Not all, mind you, but many. I can't say what our coaches opinions are about CKLV or Midlands, but I know they love the Scuffle.
Weather. Yeah, weather, at least for Midlands.
So that's my short list.
CKLV is inconvenient (travel & $$$'s) as compared to the NLO, or even the Keystone Classic, and as a tough tournament, may be too much, too early in the eyes of our coaches (my words). Remember, the prize is in March, not December. The coaches will only choose 1 early December tournament, and the smart money will be the NLO, or if they don't have it, then some other east coast tournament like the Classic.
Midlands has not been on the radar, I'm guessing, due to some past relationship situations with our coaches, the whole familiarity thing (remember, 8 B1G teams went in 2015), and the weather.
Lastly, don't lose sight of the 16 Competition Date limit. 9 Conference Duals, 1 Lehigh Dual, and 2 tournaments, and that leaves only 4 dates for "other" duals. The coaches shoot for 7 HOME Duals per year, complicated when negotiating (most teams want a home-and-away deal) contracts.