Article by Davidson College Associate Professor and a Senior Math Major on Analytics of college football this year. Looked at over 300 games mathmatically. Asked the question "Where on the field is a position where an offensive score is imminent"
The traditional "Red" zone (20 years line) is not the most telling field marker as it relates to scoring on a drive.
Interviewed today on Detroit WJR Frank Beckman show. Some highlights from the interview:
o Defines "Orange Zone"- crossing the 50 yard line- over 50% chance you'll score points.
o "Hot" Zone- 15 yard line- more predictive of whether you'll score a TD
For Tonights Alabama/Clemson game:
o Alabama reaches Orange zone: 68% chance they'll score
o Clemson reaches Orange zone: 58% change they'll score
o Clemson reaches "Hot" zone: 89% chance they'll score TD
o Alabama reaches "Hot" zone: 73% chance they'll score TD
Plenty to digest and I wonder how much and how sophisticated PSU's use of analytics is.
The traditional "Red" zone (20 years line) is not the most telling field marker as it relates to scoring on a drive.
Interviewed today on Detroit WJR Frank Beckman show. Some highlights from the interview:
o Defines "Orange Zone"- crossing the 50 yard line- over 50% chance you'll score points.
o "Hot" Zone- 15 yard line- more predictive of whether you'll score a TD
For Tonights Alabama/Clemson game:
o Alabama reaches Orange zone: 68% chance they'll score
o Clemson reaches Orange zone: 58% change they'll score
o Clemson reaches "Hot" zone: 89% chance they'll score TD
o Alabama reaches "Hot" zone: 73% chance they'll score TD
Plenty to digest and I wonder how much and how sophisticated PSU's use of analytics is.