Just a couple of thoughts on the game-day experience:
Isnt it long overdue that somebody publishes an annual Top Twenty list of college football's best, friendliest, most welcoming fans? Of the best game-day experience? And that each university have a way to monitor behavior at its stadium and how it's perceived by others?
We publish all kinds of lists and gather all kinds of stats. Why not something like this?
Just recognize desirable behavior and make CFB more enjoyable for all, at home and away, by recognizing and complimenting those schools/fans that support sportsmanship and show respect to visitors by their behavior at games and on game day?
Not sure if this is done anywhere yet, but if not, IMO, it should be.
Does Penn State have an email address where those purchasing visitor's tickets are invited to post their experiences? Having such feedback might prove instrumental to all institutions in the education of their fans, training of game day employees, and for the prevention of ugly incidents before they happen. In fact, why dont all universities do something like this? At least the major CFB schools.
We sure dont want CFB turning into the mess pro football stadiums are becoming.
Isnt it long overdue that somebody publishes an annual Top Twenty list of college football's best, friendliest, most welcoming fans? Of the best game-day experience? And that each university have a way to monitor behavior at its stadium and how it's perceived by others?
We publish all kinds of lists and gather all kinds of stats. Why not something like this?
Just recognize desirable behavior and make CFB more enjoyable for all, at home and away, by recognizing and complimenting those schools/fans that support sportsmanship and show respect to visitors by their behavior at games and on game day?
Not sure if this is done anywhere yet, but if not, IMO, it should be.
Does Penn State have an email address where those purchasing visitor's tickets are invited to post their experiences? Having such feedback might prove instrumental to all institutions in the education of their fans, training of game day employees, and for the prevention of ugly incidents before they happen. In fact, why dont all universities do something like this? At least the major CFB schools.
We sure dont want CFB turning into the mess pro football stadiums are becoming.