Current PSU Recruits & Commits news

I am so looking forward to Blaze's Penn State career! His stellar defense bodes well for a great college career, especially since he has the offense to complement his great defense. He has all the tools. Add in Duke for next year and I'll just repeat how spoiled we Penn State wrestling fans are!
I am so looking forward to Blaze's Penn State career! His stellar defense bodes well for a great college career, especially since he has the offense to complement his great defense. He has all the tools. Add in Duke for next year and I'll just repeat how spoiled we Penn State wrestling fans are!

Yep, I'm right there with you. I'm not one of the PSU fans who poo-pooed the Bo Bassett recruiting experience and I did want Bassett to choose PSU (admittedly, I want ALL of the good ones to choose PSU and that's obviously not possible), but if you were to offer to trade Bassett for either of Blaze or Duke, I'd reject the offer in a heartbeat.
Imagine being the kid Blaze beat at 150 hearing Blaze was bumping up to his weight class to help his team. That had to be a buzzkill heading the news.
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Imagine being the kid Blaze beat at 150 hearing Blaze was bumping up to his weight class to help his team. That had to be a buzzkill heading the news.

Maybe Blaze's opponent saw it as a reverse Vision Quest and looked forward to the challenge and chance to be the one*.
As crazy as it sounds, Blaze and Duke are both at the very top level of any recruits Cael has gotten a PSU. I'd say best two, but there's been so many great ones.

I'll put it this way - there hasn't been any recruit so far that you could say was clearly better than these two.
Duke top ten but no better then a few guys RECRUIT WISE.
Imagine being the kid Blaze beat at 150 hearing Blaze was bumping up to his weight class to help his team. That had to be a buzzkill heading the news.
FYI: Marcus's team finished 3rd in Ohio. St. Edwards won it. Still....props to Marcus for making the move up.
Marcus says he's 135 after practice (so probably upper 130s walk around).

As expected, he doesn't cut in high school (good!) which is why he wrestled 138 this year. I don't think it would be hard for him to get to 141 as a freshman since he seems to be growing still (he wrestled 121 to win his U17 gold then was 134 to win U20 bronze)

Guessing he starts the year in redshirt and will be ultimately up to him if he wants to go or not.
I am so looking forward to Blaze's Penn State career! His stellar defense bodes well for a great college career, especially since he has the offense to complement his great defense. He has all the tools. Add in Duke for next year and I'll just repeat how spoiled we Penn State wrestling fans are!
Blaze starts at 141 next yr
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Imagine being the kid Blaze beat at 150 hearing Blaze was bumping up to his weight class to help his team. That had to be a buzzkill heading the news.
It happened to me back in the day. I wanted to kick his ass. But..... we are still good friends.