Daiquan Kelly dismissed from team...

The previous coaching staff of note kept things quiet and a certain group of posters on this board screamed that they were owed the information.

This coaching staff does the same thing, and the same posters say "they trust the staff".

Interesting perspectives.

Junior1 .... The 1 represents your IQ and the junior means you are not mature yet. Thanks for making my point. You are too stupid to place your childish and irrelevant post in the correct thread. I wonder how many folks here have read the tweets from Daquan Kelly regarding his situation. One or two of us. Ya all need to ph'ing grow up!

No... My post was in the correct thread. So your post filled with immature insults is not only wrong, it is also ironically irrelevant. Your post is so far removed from reality, I'm going to have to assume you replied to the wrong person. Just admitting that will look less embarrassing for you than if you actually intended to reply to my post.
No... My post was in the correct thread. So your post filled with immature insults is not only wrong, it is also ironically irrelevant. Your post is so far removed from reality, I'm going to have to assume you replied to the wrong person. Just admitting that will look less embarrassing for you than if you actually intended to reply to my post.

I did not reply to your post.... The system had your post and Junior1s post together as one post for some reason. So, the intent was to reply to Junior1's post. Don;t know how two posts would be blended together as one..... have only seen screwy things like that on Facebook. Sorry, if my post appears to have been intended as a response to your post.
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Thanks for responding to my post as always

I'll fix that.."welcome to ignore".
