Proud father today. Daughter was accepted into nursing at University Park. Anyone have experience with the nursing program? I'm not quite understanding the clinical portion of the program though. It states clinical will be done at Hershey during her junior OR senior year. Who and when do they decide which year it will be? I've heard you can do clinical at UP also but might travel between Mt. Nittany Medical Center and Altoona. So if she does clinical at Hershey one year does that mean she will be traveling the other? Or can both years of clinical be done at Hershey? We have a meeting/tour with the department on February 10th but thought it would be nice to answer some questions now. PSU is her dream school but she's been accepted at Gannon PA program, Duquesne Nursing, IUP Nursing, Clarion Nursing, and Penn College Nursing with all but Penn College offering much better financial deals. Decisions decisions