David Jones is at it again


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Gold Member
Apr 2, 2008
I hate giving this guy clicks, but this is unbeleivable, and needs to be noticed.

It's not the fact he is suggesting that going to USC would be good for Franklin. He goes seven steps further, and when mentioning Hall of Fame college coaches that weren't all about football, but had a personality, tried to relate with the players, and were "witty", he mentioned Bowden and Frye, but refused to mention Paterno.
There is no other local paper in the country that would intentionally write this about the home team. This is beyond ridiculous.
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USC has been promising coaches that they would fix the facilities issues and help them make USC great again since Pete Carroll left. It doesn't happen. They keep firing the coach with years remaining on his contract then don't have the money to upgrade. Leadership at USC is a joke. Franklin knows this and wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole, but would use it for leverage.
I hate giving this guy clicks, but this is unbeleivable, and needs to be noticed.

It's not the fact he is suggesting that going to USC would be good for Franklin. He goes seven steps further, and when mentioning Hall of Fame college coaches that weren't all about football, but had a personality, tried to relate with the players, and were "witty", he mentioned Bowden and Frye, but refused to mention Paterno.
There is no other local paper in the country that would intentionally write this about the home team. This is beyond ridiculous.
no big deal. does anyone even read jones anymore? heard he's living in a van under a bridge by the susquehanna;)
I hate giving this guy clicks, but this is unbeleivable, and needs to be noticed.

It's not the fact he is suggesting that going to USC would be good for Franklin. He goes seven steps further, and when mentioning Hall of Fame college coaches that weren't all about football, but had a personality, tried to relate with the players, and were "witty", he mentioned Bowden and Frye, but refused to mention Paterno.
There is no other local paper in the country that would intentionally write this about the home team. This is beyond ridiculous.
Why no Ryan Day on the USC list? I guess the loss to Oregon knocked him off. James Franklin called PSU his dream job, so why are people expecting him to leave now, especially when he has a staff and team that could compete for a playoff spot.
Why no Ryan Day on the USC list? I guess the loss to Oregon knocked him off. James Franklin called PSU his dream job, so why are people expecting him to leave now, especially when he has a staff and team that could compete for a playoff spot.
My question is why is Harbaugh’s name not being thrown out there? He had a lot of success on the west coast. He has connections out there. Michigan has had a hell of a lot less success against OSU than PSU has. Every reason they use for Franklin to leave and go to USC could be just as easily said about Harbaugh yet no one is floating that name out there. And no one can convince me that Michigan is a better job than PSU.

I hate giving this guy clicks, but this is unbeleivable, and needs to be noticed.

It's not the fact he is suggesting that going to USC would be good for Franklin. He goes seven steps further, and when mentioning Hall of Fame college coaches that weren't all about football, but had a personality, tried to relate with the players, and were "witty", he mentioned Bowden and Frye, but refused to mention Paterno.
There is no other local paper in the country that would intentionally write this about the home team. This is beyond ridiculous.
He’s just p*ssed that the Buckeyes took it up the keester from a team that looked a lot like 2016 PSU …. So He’s working out some issues
Kinda' overlooked that Franklin would have to take a pay cut to take the job. Yeah, I know, all Mike Bohn has to do is snap his fingers and someone will appear with an open checkbook. Is Mossimo out of prison yet?

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Why no Ryan Day on the USC list? I guess the loss to Oregon knocked him off. James Franklin called PSU his dream job, so why are people expecting him to leave now, especially when he has a staff and team that could compete for a playoff spot.
That’s beneath Day. He’s so good, he could coach 2 NFL teams at the same time - and don’t get me started about Brian Hartline
David Jones has made a living (not sure how good) on trashing Penn State Football for a long time, because he couldn’t do it well enough covering his Buckeyes in Ohio.
Yep, and he and his sidekick Flounders trained Pickel. You watch what's going to start to happen around here. It starts with a few seemingly innocent comments that could easily be interpreted in multiple ways (already has) and progresses from there...
USC Football brought to you by Beats by Dre.
Iovine Young Academy only cost them $30.0 Million....amazing place. My son was interviewed on campus for their 2nd class. Close but no cigar. I'm ok with not having to root for SC. My buddies' son is now at UMiami. That's worse. Money isn't the issue there. It is a very eclectic place...
I hate giving this guy clicks, but this is unbeleivable, and needs to be noticed.

It's not the fact he is suggesting that going to USC would be good for Franklin. He goes seven steps further, and when mentioning Hall of Fame college coaches that weren't all about football, but had a personality, tried to relate with the players, and were "witty", he mentioned Bowden and Frye, but refused to mention Paterno.
There is no other local paper in the country that would intentionally write this about the home team. This is beyond ridiculous.

He should stick with his obsession with auto-felatio....he is much better at that one.
All Franklin has to do is say I’m not interested and that would take care of it but he won’t so it’s on Franklin
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Jones remains angry that he's trapped in a small town, working in a dying industry. In trying to compete with the free content of dozens of bright internet bloggers and YouTube content providers, Jones is always a day late and a dollar short. His sour outlook worked for real newspaper men like Dick Young, but unlike Jones he made it fifty years ago when print media was king. I'm not sure when PennLive will turn out the lights, but they certainly will. People like Jones will guarantee it. They have nothing.
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