
Glad that his injury isn’t serious. While the legitimacy of the default may still be in question by some, I’m pleased that he’s able to compete again. Looking forward to another match with RBY.
Brands will be having some words with the Big10 refs about those potentially dangerous vice tight near cradles. Poor kid.
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Injuries are never a joke, but this thread is. Hmmm
Injuries are never a joke....agreed
But momentary Bodily discomfort are not always injuries

It reminds me a little of the Cox "Injury" against Taylor. Sometimes you can just tell that when the whistle blows and they are not limited in movement and flexibility when they are not thinking about the injury... it really is not an injury. But I remember people getting destroyed, not for being rude necessarily but just pointing out that the movements being made on the mat would be highly improbable if was a true injury.
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Just to give all u great fans something to watch how RBY can defeat Gross. Don't give him any take downs and get some of your own really that is not that hard. So wish him good luck at big ten..:)

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Just to give all u great fans something to watch how RBY can defeat Gross. Don't give him any take downs and get some of your own really that is not that hard. So wish him good luck at big ten..


Gross May be practicing the Cradle....Kryptonite?
I have to agree. Epic.

AD might just have earned a new handle for the rest of his career, at least maybe on this board. "Wrestling 133 for the Iowa Hawkeyes - Keyser Soze"
Thanks -- but I hope not. Keyser Soze killed off all his rivals and won.
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Pretty clear from the IA-MN match earlier that ADS looked damn near, if not completely, 100% healthy. Wonder if anyone in the Hawkeye State will admit that he most likely "greatly exaggerated" his injury vs RBY? My guess is their narrative will remain that he miraculously recovered from the grave injury inflicted by RBY (as he was being cradled, twice). Yes, PSU got 6 points for that match, and yes, they did lose the dual vs Iowa, so save those responses HR fans.
So what is my point? My point is that ADS doesn't seem to have the mental fortitude to take the next step to elite. His actions against PSU, as well as other instances (Micic's arm says hello), reflect a mental weakness that is all that really separates the top wrestlers from one another at this level.
Iowa, you can have ADS, I'll gladly take AB, who demonstrated true grit when he beat Assad (at Carver no less) after losing to Venz.
Pretty clear from the IA-MN match earlier that ADS looked damn near, if not completely, 100% healthy. Wonder if anyone in the Hawkeye State will admit that he most likely "greatly exaggerated" his injury vs RBY? My guess is their narrative will remain that he miraculously recovered from the grave injury inflicted by RBY (as he was being cradled, twice). Yes, PSU got 6 points for that match, and yes, they did lose the dual vs Iowa, so save those responses HR fans.
So what is my point? My point is that ADS doesn't seem to have the mental fortitude to take the next step to elite. His actions against PSU, as well as other instances (Micic's arm says hello), reflect a mental weakness that is all that really separates the top wrestlers from one another at this level.
Iowa, you can have ADS, I'll gladly take AB, who demonstrated true grit when he beat Assad (at Carver no less) after losing to Venz.

Yea, watched the IA-MN dual last night - AD was involved in several scrambles early where it was beyond clear that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his right knee/leg. On the first scramble of match, Desanto extended his leg straight forward with Dryden latched onto his right ankle to avoid being taken down. His knee has infinitely more pressure placed on it than against RBY and Desanto showed no signs of the position even causing the slightest pain.
Pretty clear from the IA-MN match earlier that ADS looked damn near, if not completely, 100% healthy. Wonder if anyone in the Hawkeye State will admit that he most likely "greatly exaggerated" his injury vs RBY? My guess is their narrative will remain that he miraculously recovered from the grave injury inflicted by RBY (as he was being cradled, twice). Yes, PSU got 6 points for that match, and yes, they did lose the dual vs Iowa, so save those responses HR fans.
So what is my point? My point is that ADS doesn't seem to have the mental fortitude to take the next step to elite. His actions against PSU, as well as other instances (Micic's arm says hello), reflect a mental weakness that is all that really separates the top wrestlers from one another at this level.
Iowa, you can have ADS, I'll gladly take AB, who demonstrated true grit when he beat Assad (at Carver no less) after losing to Venz.
The only thing that bothers me is that Desanto is still ranked above RBY. RBY was beating Desanto early in the match, not a last second fluke. RBY should be ranked number 2 at 133.
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The only thing that bothers me is that Desanto is still ranked above RBY. RBY was beating Desanto early in the match, not a last second fluke. RBY should be ranked number 2 at 133.

Typical of this bushleague Conference and its clown homer Refs and Officials - they've done the diametric opposite of what the rulebook very clearly calls for in this situation and outright rewarded Desanto for his classless, bush, unsportsmanlike behavior -- and didn't just reward him for the bush behavior multiple times on the mat, they've now gone and compounded it by rewarding the behavior in the Rankings (beyond absurd as only this classless conference can do as Desanto was not only bailed-out from being pinned twice in the match, but he was also traiing when he Injury Forfeited! Just beyond bullshit.).