Did anyone else think the PF/targeting call on Shelton was bogus?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2001
From what I saw one of the OSU defenders was pushing Shelton in the back which caused him to contact the ball carrier. Other than that I thought the game was relatively well called. Exception was the ref stopping the momentum of the PSU offense to announce 4th and 1.
Targeting might have been excessive but he lowered his head slightly at the end. We really needed him at the end. Without the helmet dip i think its just a personal foul, can't argue with the call based on how the rule is written.

Stopping play to "Clarify" that it was 4th down was total bullshit.
Targeting might have been excessive but he lowered his head slightly at the end. We really needed him at the end. Without the helmet dip i think its just a personal foul, can't argue with the call based on how the rule is written.

Stopping play to "Clarify" that it was 4th down was total bullshit.
I was surprised to see the targeting call come down from the booth after the fact, though it was probably the right call. The clarification was like a free timeout for tOSU and slowed tempo. Not as bad as some calls we've had against them, but pretty bogus.
No question a late hit personal foul.

Targeting, would need to watch a replay a few times, but wasn’t surprised at the time of the call.
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I was surprised it wasn’t called immediately on the field. That was a dumb play. Looked like he just ran into him live, but on the replay he definitely lowered his head.
From what I saw one of the OSU defenders was pushing Shelton in the back which caused him to contact the ball carrier. Other than that I thought the game was relatively well called. Exception was the ref stopping the momentum of the PSU offense to announce 4th and 1.
That’s what I saw. They showed it twice and neither Kirk or the other guy said a word about the push. Shelton was just running hard and couldn’t. The push didn’t help.
Besides the fact that a buckeye shoved him in the back, conveniently ignored by the refs, and he held up his hands as if to say I'm not hitting him on purpose. It did appear he lowered his head at the end but I'd have to see it again to reference the entire sequence to better understand that in relation to the entire sequence.

The push in the back was a key as I saw it which I had not see originally. Much like Brown's late hit on the Illi. QB last week only to discover he had been shoved into the QB. Something looks egregiously bad only to be shown as a set of events contributing to a seemingly nefarious ending. Don't want to make our young men into a comparison of the undisciplined PItt defenders penalty machine.

I the end, like many other calls, plays, penalties we see it differently. LIfe goes on. Losing Shelton sue did hurt us as the game wore on.
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Caller on Mark Packer's show on Sirius/XM last night was whining that OSU's player got ejected for (obvious) targeting and Shelton did not. Nobody corrected him.

Packer is not a Franklin fan, so not surprised.
Sorry, the Buckeye hardly touched him. It was a bad play and the right call.

Can’t do that.
He had his hand on him until the instant before contact and that was in slow motion. There was no way Shelton's momentum could have been stopped. A 300 lb guy going full speed with someone pushing him in the back is simply not going to be able to stop momentum. It's physics.