Did nobody notice what the Trustees just pulled?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2005
Last year they put this BS in the by-laws where a subcommittee of ~9 Trustees get to "evaluate" you to decide if they deem you worthly to run for a seat in their little club. So now being an Alumnus and getting signatures isn't enough, especially if you might be challenging for a seat held by one of their buddies.

They just completed their "evaluation" process, and "approved" every candidate except Fenchak. Setting aside anything about that individual, this just seems super shady to me, and I won't be the least bit surprised if we end up paying out even more in legal fees, and potentially a judgment, for their continued shenanigans. It's also another reason for people to really think about where their donations go.

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Last year they put this BS in the by-laws where a subcommittee of ~9 Trustees get to "evaluate" you to decide if they deem you worthly to run for a seat in their little club. So now being an Alumnus and getting signatures isn't enough, especially if you might be challenging for a seat held by one of their buddies.

They just completed their "evaluation" process, and "approved" every candidate except Fenchak. Setting aside anything about that individual, this just seems super shady to me, and I won't be the least bit surprised if we end up paying out even more in legal fees, and potentially a judgment, for their continued shenanigans. It's also another reason for people to really think about where their donations go.

These clowns are why donations have dried up, and will continue to do so. A pack of gumpy losers. The sad part is, we let this happen with decades of apathy to their antics.
Last year they put this BS in the by-laws where a subcommittee of ~9 Trustees get to "evaluate" you to decide if they deem you worthly to run for a seat in their little club. So now being an Alumnus and getting signatures isn't enough, especially if you might be challenging for a seat held by one of their buddies.

They just completed their "evaluation" process, and "approved" every candidate except Fenchak. Setting aside anything about that individual, this just seems super shady to me, and I won't be the least bit surprised if we end up paying out even more in legal fees, and potentially a judgment, for their continued shenanigans. It's also another reason for people to really think about where their donations go.

I wonder how the existing non-alumni elected Trustees would feel if the alumni went through a similar 'evaluative process' to determine whether they feel that the Trustees that they are unable to vote on should be allowed to continue as Trustees.

It seems like a similar thought process that I'm sure they'd be all happy to embrace....
Last year they put this BS in the by-laws where a subcommittee of ~9 Trustees get to "evaluate" you to decide if they deem you worthly to run for a seat in their little club. So now being an Alumnus and getting signatures isn't enough, especially if you might be challenging for a seat held by one of their buddies.

They just completed their "evaluation" process, and "approved" every candidate except Fenchak. Setting aside anything about that individual, this just seems super shady to me, and I won't be the least bit surprised if we end up paying out even more in legal fees, and potentially a judgment, for their continued shenanigans. It's also another reason for people to really think about where their donations go.

Fenchak needs to take them to court ASAP. Got to believe this is personal since he already served but now is ineligible because of a committee.
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Last year they put this BS in the by-laws where a subcommittee of ~9 Trustees get to "evaluate" you to decide if they deem you worthly to run for a seat in their little club. So now being an Alumnus and getting signatures isn't enough, especially if you might be challenging for a seat held by one of their buddies.

They just completed their "evaluation" process, and "approved" every candidate except Fenchak. Setting aside anything about that individual, this just seems super shady to me, and I won't be the least bit surprised if we end up paying out even more in legal fees, and potentially a judgment, for their continued shenanigans. It's also another reason for people to really think about where their donations go.

They don’t mind. Its not their money
Last year they put this BS in the by-laws where a subcommittee of ~9 Trustees get to "evaluate" you to decide if they deem you worthly to run for a seat in their little club. So now being an Alumnus and getting signatures isn't enough, especially if you might be challenging for a seat held by one of their buddies.

They just completed their "evaluation" process, and "approved" every candidate except Fenchak. Setting aside anything about that individual, this just seems super shady to me, and I won't be the least bit surprised if we end up paying out even more in legal fees, and potentially a judgment, for their continued shenanigans. It's also another reason for people to really think about where their donations go.

I'd be upset if it was anybody other than Fenchak. It's impossible to set aside anything about that guy.
Stuff like this is invariably the sign of people trying to cover up malfeasance.
Exactly. Which is why just about every university that has alumni slots on their Board have a committee that screens and/or searches for qualified applicants ... because they're all malfeasing up in here! Nothing gets by 91Joe!
These clowns are why donations have dried up, and will continue to do so. A pack of gumpy losers. The sad part is, we let this happen with decades of apathy to their antics.
Time for those of you who are alums (especially PA residents) to put pressure on the Pennsylvania legislators and demand a total revamping of the BOT composition.
total revamping of the BOT composition
I believe that a good portion of the people that voted for Barry did so as a proxy vote for their dissatisfaction with the current BOT composition.

And the disruption of business as usual is their way of protesting the lack of meaningful power currently possessed by the alumni elected Trustees.

Disqualifying the disruptor without addressing its underlying cause will resolve nothing.

Time for those of you who are alums (especially PA residents) to put pressure on the Pennsylvania legislators and demand a total revamping of the BOT composition.
The only way for that to happen is for alumni (and others) to get involved and encourage people to really flood the legislature and governors office with calls/ emails. This is where a ChiTown (and other posters) are really helpful with their contacts and spreading the word.
Unfortunately, the only avenue for regress and meaningful change of the current makeup of the BOT - is with a Bill in the PA Legislature, approved and signed. There are too many members - 36 and the B&I and Ag segments are not useful in today's business climate. This is money, programs, projects and a Prez that is wasted on itself. I would like to see an outside firm conduct a forensic audit of the BOT expenditures.
I believe the Purdue board has 9 members - refreshing!
Time for those of you who are alums (especially PA residents) to put pressure on the Pennsylvania legislators and demand a total revamping of the BOT composition.

The BoT is overloaded with members who are self serving rats that preclude any meaningful input or reform.

The size needs to be cut in order that uniform representation is present. The legislature is ducking responsibility.
Time for those of you who are alums (especially PA residents) to put pressure on the Pennsylvania legislators and demand a total revamping of the BOT composition.
A lot of boards have no explicit alumni representation, and many of those that do have a longstanding requirement of a committee that identifies/screens qualified alumni candidates ... so what kind of BoT composition are you hoping for?
If anything, alums outnumber L&I and AG clowns, and those members should hold sway over all others. But like the dirty river, the scum has risen to the top on the BoT.

The filthy BoT is doing everything they can to continue with their control and perks. These swine are a total embarrassment to Penn State.

Aside from contacting your reps and Shapiro, boycott the businesses of the greedy BoT members.
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Exactly. Which is why just about every university that has alumni slots on their Board have a committee that screens and/or searches for qualified applicants … because they're all malfeasant up in here! Nothing gets by 91Joe!
If someone is a graduate of a university and is running for a BOT seat, why would we need to determine their qualifications? You the BOT conferred a degree on the candidate for a BOT seat; are you conferring degrees to unqualified individuals?