Michael Cohen plead guilty to making illegal payoffs/campaign contributions to a porn star and playboy model a month before the general election at the direction of Donald Trump. Do you think if those illegal payments had not been made it might have cost Trump 100,000 votes and the election? Maybe.
Although Russia didn't directly come up in Paul Manaforts first trial, the money that he was convicted of not paying taxes on came from a Russian.
So far the witch hunt has 5 convictions or guilty pleas with individuals associated with the Trump campaign. Two dozen Russian's have been indicted. And the end is not in sight.
Although Russia didn't directly come up in Paul Manaforts first trial, the money that he was convicted of not paying taxes on came from a Russian.
So far the witch hunt has 5 convictions or guilty pleas with individuals associated with the Trump campaign. Two dozen Russian's have been indicted. And the end is not in sight.