Duke-MSU, Wisconsin-Kentucky. Who wins tonight?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2001
Duke has been playing well, and part of me thinks that MSU as a 7-seed will run out of answers tonight. Still, one can't count out Izzo.

Kentucky is more athletic (as they always are), but Wisconsin is disciplined and smart.

Duke is better than MSU. Duke wins.

As athletic as Kentucky is and easy as they make it look at times, I think Wisconsin presents a game they aren't used to. Wisconsin wins.

So, Duke-Wisconsin in the final.

What do you think?
Re: Same as you; Duke-Wiscy in final with Wiscy the champ. Just a guess tho****

I think Duke-Wisconsin would be great game. If Wisconsin beats Kentucky, then they would have to beat another team that is more athletic than they are for the championship.

Duke may be the best of them in terms of athleticism and discipline.
Re: Kentucky - Duke. Neither are close***

I am a bit torn between Kentucky-Wisconsin. Kentucky's athleticism and size are scary, but I don't think they have seen a team like Wisconsin. On the one hand, I could see Wisconsin's discipline and smarts frustrating the younger, rawer Kentucky. On the other hand, I could see Kentucky's athleticism blowing Wisconsin's doors off.

Wisconsin developed a reputation under Bo Ryan for frustrating fast-paced, athletic teams with good defense and a patient offense. That is how they kept games in the 40s and 50s. However, they haven't been doing that as much this year. Wisconsin can't get into a track meet with Kentucky. That won't work, so I think Wisconsin has to slow the game down some to keep the game under control.
all tournament people have been trying to find a way...

to pick Kentucky to lose.

It's not happening.

Especially not after a long break like this.

Re: Duke and Kentucky**

I can only hope. I like Izzo, but never forget the MSU president (not to mention the rest of this conference).
I will not watch a single play, of the Final Four of the NCAA.

I will not view it on my TV.
I would not attend if I got in free.
I will not listen in my car.
I'll pay no attention if I'm in a bar.
And if a friend invites me for a game or two. I'll tell him I've got better things to do.
I will not watch because it's corrupt,
So my family time I won't disrupt.
But please feel free to scream and cheer.
I'll join you when we're in next year.

This post was edited on 4/4 10:27 AM by fairgambit
Re: all tournament people have been trying to find a way...

I agree with DeNittany. Too many people have been picking Kentucky to lose. They will win tonight. Although I'll be rooting for Wisky
I think it's Duke vs Kentucky. Wisconsin will get in foul trouble due to UK depth and frankly if it wasn't for Decker playing lights out the last 2 games they aren't in the final 4. If he gets in foul trouble it's over quickly IMO.
I have Duke v Kentucky in my bracket but I think any of the 4 teams are capable of winning. I would love to see and all B1G final but I doubt that happens.
The Notre Dame scare may be the best thing that happened....

to Kentucky the entire season in regards to going undefeated.