East Coast Touring


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Dec 1, 2009
This Left Coaster is back east on a ballpark tour. Hitting Citizens Bank Ballpark tonight for a Phillies-Cubs matchup. I’m wondering if our Club Level seats will provide us with a good vantage point for the action and/or some good ballpark food and drink options.

We’re now at the Museum of the American Revolution on Third Street. What a great museum! Washington’s Tent (and the movie accompanying it) are fantastic. This Museum opened just four years ago, according to our tour guide. Very impressive.

Heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon (after a visit to Reading Terminal) to take in the Orioles-Yankees game at Camden Yards. Then on to D.C. for a Nationals-Rockies game. (An instant classic, to be sure.)

Back to Phiily on Saturday afternoon to take in the White Out game at a Philly sports bar. Considering the Misconduct Tavern. Anyone familiar with it?

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. We are staying at the Doubletree Hilton on Broad Street.
Nice trip! Enjoy the ballgames, although the Yankees should be handing it to the pathetic Orioles.

Don't miss the cheesesteaks (or Italian pork subs) in Philly, the crabcakes in the Baltimore area, and the half-smokes in DC. Might as well eat the area you are visiting, locavore-style.

Not sure what the status of the Smithsonian museums are during the pandemic, but American History, Air and Space, African American, and Native American are all good venues. Strolling the waterfront near Nats Park will also result in some fine eating.
Nice trip! Enjoy the ballgames, although the Yankees should be handing it to the pathetic Orioles.

Don't miss the cheesesteaks (or Italian pork subs) in Philly, the crabcakes in the Baltimore area, and the half-smokes in DC. Might as well eat the area you are visiting, locavore-style.

Not sure what the status of the Smithsonian museums are during the pandemic, but American History, Air and Space, African American, and Native American are all good venues. Strolling the waterfront near Nats Park will also result in some fine eating.
The Crab Soup at Camden Yards may not be up to locals' quality standards- but is certainly a local cuisine and ballpark specialty. I have it every time I'm there. Enjoy!
This Left Coaster is back east on a ballpark tour. Hitting Citizens Bank Ballpark tonight for a Phillies-Cubs matchup. I’m wondering if our Club Level seats will provide us with a good vantage point for the action and/or some good ballpark food and drink options.

We’re now at the Museum of the American Revolution on Third Street. What a great museum! Washington’s Tent (and the movie accompanying it) are fantastic. This Museum opened just four years ago, according to our tour guide. Very impressive.

Heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon (after a visit to Reading Terminal) to take in the Orioles-Yankees game at Camden Yards. Then on to D.C. for a Nationals-Rockies game. (An instant classic, to be sure.)

Back to Phiily on Saturday afternoon to take in the White Out game at a Philly sports bar. Considering the Misconduct Tavern. Anyone familiar with it?

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. We are staying at the Doubletree Hilton on Broad Street.
Give BankofStupidity a call! He is knocking on doors somewhere near Citizens Bank Park!!
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This Left Coaster is back east on a ballpark tour. Hitting Citizens Bank Ballpark tonight for a Phillies-Cubs matchup. I’m wondering if our Club Level seats will provide us with a good vantage point for the action and/or some good ballpark food and drink options.

We’re now at the Museum of the American Revolution on Third Street. What a great museum! Washington’s Tent (and the movie accompanying it) are fantastic. This Museum opened just four years ago, according to our tour guide. Very impressive.

Heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon (after a visit to Reading Terminal) to take in the Orioles-Yankees game at Camden Yards. Then on to D.C. for a Nationals-Rockies game. (An instant classic, to be sure.)

Back to Phiily on Saturday afternoon to take in the White Out game at a Philly sports bar. Considering the Misconduct Tavern. Anyone familiar with it?

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. We are staying at the Doubletree Hilton on Broad Street.
Just as an FYI

What is a “half-smoke?” Snarky replies welcome.
It's sort of the national food of Washington DC, right up there with Senate Bean Soup, but no need to go out of your way for either one. Just a taste of Washington.

Whenever I go anywhere, I like to eat local -- think cioppino in San Francisco, clam chowder in Boston, deep dish pizza in Chicago, that sort of thing.
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This Left Coaster is back east on a ballpark tour. Hitting Citizens Bank Ballpark tonight for a Phillies-Cubs matchup. I’m wondering if our Club Level seats will provide us with a good vantage point for the action and/or some good ballpark food and drink options.

We’re now at the Museum of the American Revolution on Third Street. What a great museum! Washington’s Tent (and the movie accompanying it) are fantastic. This Museum opened just four years ago, according to our tour guide. Very impressive.

Heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon (after a visit to Reading Terminal) to take in the Orioles-Yankees game at Camden Yards. Then on to D.C. for a Nationals-Rockies game. (An instant classic, to be sure.)

Back to Phiily on Saturday afternoon to take in the White Out game at a Philly sports bar. Considering the Misconduct Tavern. Anyone familiar with it?

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. We are staying at the Doubletree Hilton on Broad Street.
You're in a good location for dining and drinking...many good choices in the area.

If you've never visited, a stroll across Walnut St, past Rittenhouse Square over to the UPenn campus might be enjoyable. You can come back across the river via Chestnut for a change of scenery.

If you like or want to try Belgian food (mussels, fries, Belgian beer) Monk's Cafe is close to your hotel. For good Italian, I like Giorgio's On is casual and BYOB so you will need to stop at a State Store to pick up a couple of bottles of nice wine first.

For viewing the PSU game, I see that ro posted information regarding PSU watch parties. Unless something has changed/improved, I would avoid the FieldHouse near Reading Terminal Market. I once went watch a PSU game there and thought it was the most sterile, boring sports bars I've ever been to.

Also close to your hotel is McGillin's Olde Ale House. I wouldn't eat there, but it's a neat place to grab a drink.
This Left Coaster is back east on a ballpark tour. Hitting Citizens Bank Ballpark tonight for a Phillies-Cubs matchup. I’m wondering if our Club Level seats will provide us with a good vantage point for the action and/or some good ballpark food and drink options.

We’re now at the Museum of the American Revolution on Third Street. What a great museum! Washington’s Tent (and the movie accompanying it) are fantastic. This Museum opened just four years ago, according to our tour guide. Very impressive.

Heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon (after a visit to Reading Terminal) to take in the Orioles-Yankees game at Camden Yards. Then on to D.C. for a Nationals-Rockies game. (An instant classic, to be sure.)

Back to Phiily on Saturday afternoon to take in the White Out game at a Philly sports bar. Considering the Misconduct Tavern. Anyone familiar with it?

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. We are staying at the Doubletree Hilton on Broad Street.
Philadelphia Chapter of the Alumni Association will be watching football games at the City Tap House at Logan Square this year since their normal venue has closed.

If you like Greek food, we've been to Estia's across the street from the DT.
Tried going to Estia the night we got into town (Tuesday night). But it was 8:22 PM by the time we got there, and they were already closed. Great menu and ambience, though.

I was surprised that every restaurant seemed to be closed up at 8:00 PM. It WAS a Tuesday night, but still ...

The food at Citizens Bank ballpark was OK, but not memorable. Liked Bull’s Barbecue in the left field pavilion and my buddies liked the Shake Shack, but it was otherwise unremarkable. Really liked the stadium itself, particularly how it was oriented so that the downtown skyline looms above the outfield stands.

What a brutal game. The Cubbies’ lineup screams “Triple A.” The Phils won on a wild pitch. Yikes.
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Thanks, everyone, for the tips. Much appreciated. Really enjoying this trip. 😎😎

If you like museums, check out the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Guaranteed.

Don‘t eat first…
This Left Coaster is back east on a ballpark tour. Hitting Citizens Bank Ballpark tonight for a Phillies-Cubs matchup. I’m wondering if our Club Level seats will provide us with a good vantage point for the action and/or some good ballpark food and drink options.

We’re now at the Museum of the American Revolution on Third Street. What a great museum! Washington’s Tent (and the movie accompanying it) are fantastic. This Museum opened just four years ago, according to our tour guide. Very impressive.

Heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon (after a visit to Reading Terminal) to take in the Orioles-Yankees game at Camden Yards. Then on to D.C. for a Nationals-Rockies game. (An instant classic, to be sure.)

Back to Phiily on Saturday afternoon to take in the White Out game at a Philly sports bar. Considering the Misconduct Tavern. Anyone familiar with it?

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. We are staying at the Doubletree Hilton on Broad Street.

LOL! Why do you retrace the step of our founders when you don't believe in the tenants of the constitutional republic as a going concern. Want to wax nostalgic? Then stick to Ken Burns baseball. See you outside (Test Board) counsellor.
LOL! Why do you retrace the step of our founders when you don't believe in the tenants of the constitutional republic ...
Dear Genius: The proper word is “tenets,” not “tenants.” 😎😎
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Trip update: Went to Oriole Park at Camden Yards last night to take in the O’s-Yanks game. The rain started in the fourth inning. The ground crew worked miracles, keeping the field playable for the duration. The Yanks were one strike away from winning it 2-1 in regulation, when their RP uncorked a wild pitch to allow in another Oriole run. The O’s won it in the bottom of the 10th inning, sending O’s fans home happy and Yanks fans home stunned and pissed. It was great! The O’s had no business winning that game. They are every bit as Triple A-worthy as the Cubbies.

Today, we have gone to the National Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian (Castle), and the Spy Museum. Loved the exhibits.

Considering taking in the big “Stop the Steal” rally here tomorrow morning. Wonder if the Kraken will make an appearance. 😎😎
@LafayetteBear , you do get bragging rights with Cal-Berkeley being ranked the #1 University as shown by Forbes.

Just one magazine editor’s opinion, Roy. I don’t set too much store by it. Also, I gotta say that I would trade a number of notches in that (or any other) ranking for just one chance to see my Sturdy Golden Bears play in the Rose Bowl. But seeing the Lions play in that game is just about as good.

Big White Out Game tomorrow. I can’t wait to take it in in Philadelphia. One of my sons flew back to SC for the game. Woot!
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Considering taking in the big “Stop the Steal” rally here tomorrow morning. Wonder if the Kraken will make an appearance. 😎😎

Agent provocateur, eh? Heard they will outnumber peaceful demonstrators.

If you like museums, check out the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Guaranteed.

I've found the Naitonal Museum of Health and Medicine to be quite similar. Also it's free, whch the Mutter is not.

If you go, check out Sickels' leg. He used to take people to visit post amputation!
Agent provocateur, eh? Heard they will outnumber peaceful demonstrators.
Well, I have ZERO interest in getting in the middle of what is likely to be a scrum of some sort. But spectating from a respectful distance might be entertaining.

Gotta factor in the two hour drive back to Philly, and the fact that the three Cal fraternity brothers with whom I am traveling are much more interested in securing a spot in a good Philly sports bar to watch the White Out Game than they are with the Stop the Steal spectacle. I think there should be time to see both events, but I may be outvoted.

Where is the Stop the Steal event supposed to take place?
Well, I have ZERO interest in getting in the middle of what is likely to be a scrum of some sort. But spectating from a respectful distance might be entertaining.

Gotta factor in the two hour drive back to Philly, and the fact that the three Cal fraternity brothers with whom I am traveling are much more interested in securing a spot in a good Philly sports bar to watch the White Out Game than they are with the Stop the Steal spectacle. I think there should be time to see both events, but I may be outvoted.

Where is the Stop the Steal event supposed to take place?
Are your Cal Frat Bro's like you or did they make something of themselves? 🤷‍♂️ I suspect it's the latter; hence the "vacation tensions". :cool:

If you were a real fan, you would be road-tripping right now on the way to State College. There would be plenty of time for you and friends to make it back to Philly in time to catch the Eagles game. Your lack of planning (improvisation) is disappointing, but not surprising.
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