Boots in is fine, if you are trying to turn. If you are playing with your food, stalemate. I never wrestled or coached, just my opinion.
I was at a local tourny where and Iowa wrestlers team was participating. Small gym, I know the coach at the host school and his wife. He is busy, she and I are chatting watching Iowa wrestlers team destroy their opponents. One light weight, not Iowa Wrestler, takes his guy down, puts in boots and proceeds to maul the poor chap. Bottom would lift his head to try to get up and "boots" would push his face into the mat with one hand and put his forearm across the neck. over and over, Inflicting pain, you bet, scoring points, no. When boots wasn't grinding face, he was pleading for the ref to call stalling on bottom. Two arms extended, pleading. The ref would have none of it.
Iowa wrestlers coaches were pitching fits, but nothing was happening. End of period. Start the next, boots quickly gets on top and it is more of the same. Now these coaches are fit to be tied. I start bellowing..." stalling on top, stalling on top, that's not wrestling, stalling on top" Soon I have three coaches screaming at me. The match is going on and they are yelling and pointing, saying God knows what.
I thought it was hilarious as did the coaches wife I was with.
Never embarrass an opponent. If they suck, beat them, shake their hand and move on.