Ending of Arkansas-Seton Hall


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2014
One of the worst calls I have seen in along time, they called Seton Hall for a flagrant 1 on a total flop by Arkansas.

When are these leagues going to hold officials accountable for these type of calls? It was that bad.
One of the worst calls I have seen in along time, they called Seton Hall for a flagrant 1 on a total flop by Arkansas.

When are these leagues going to hold officials accountable for these type of calls? It was that bad.

The arena hated the call. It determined the winner of the game and gave the toss up game to Arkansas. It was a stupid foul but you don't determine a game on a call like that.
No play on the ball. 2 handed push in the back is an easy call. Flagrant 1. They could've stopped the replay review before Arkansas play tripped and made the call.
He pushed him, no big deal if that's all that happened.


Taking his feet out from beneath him WHILE pushing him.....even though I think the trip was accidental.....resulted in the call.

NO WAY was that a flop NO WAY!

I wish the officials would call all these intentional fouls INTENTIONAL FOULS. Get the free throws AND get the ball out of bounds.
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Not only did he push him, he followed through with the push. Obvious flagrant foul. He could have grabbed him or held him, out he pushed him with both hands open and continued through the push. I thought the call was exactly right.
he did not follow through. the accidental trip coupled with a little acting caused the fall. unless you dont understand physics. a push on the side doesnt cause you fall forward perpindicular to the force acted upon you. you also don't grab or hold. your exactly the type of dumb fan that would get tossed. hopefully through the rest of the state tournament i don't come across you
he did not follow through. the accidental trip coupled with a little acting caused the fall. unless you dont understand physics. a push on the side doesnt cause you fall forward perpindicular to the force acted upon you. you also don't grab or hold. your exactly the type of dumb fan that would get tossed. hopefully through the rest of the state tournament i don't come across you
Not just a fan, sport...coached for 25 years, but thanks for playing. That was absolutely flagrant regardless of how you spin it.
he did not follow through. the accidental trip coupled with a little acting caused the fall. unless you dont understand physics. a push on the side doesnt cause you fall forward perpindicular to the force acted upon you. you also don't grab or hold. your exactly the type of dumb fan that would get tossed. hopefully through the rest of the state tournament i don't come across you

You need to watch the replay a few times. The SH player didn't give much of a push by his left hand to the left shoulder, 90% of the strength of the push was by his right hand directly on the #8 on the back of the jersey and the direction of the push was towards the basket support, the same direction the Arkansas player fell.

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I guess it depends on how you define tripping. Yes their feet got tangled. No the defensive player did not intentionally trip the offensive player.

The issue I have is this - many times towards the end of the game the refs will let small contact go and won't call a foul. If you are the defensive player you want to foul the offensive player in a manner that causes the ref to definitely call a foul so you don't run more time off. In this case the defensive
Player was simply tying to stop the clock. The foul wasn't aggregators and definitely wasn't dirty. I don't agree with the flagrant foul call at all
He pushed him in the back and TRIPPED him (he did not flop). You have to make a play on the ball.

The lower body conduct was incidental. No way is that a flagrant foul. Horrible call, and anyone arguing the opposite is either a troll or contrarian.
The incidental lower body conduct made it look like a push when he just fell due to the incidental conduct.
Watch the video...he pushed him open handed right in the middle of the number on his back. Anyone who argues differently is either a troll or a contrarion.
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So it's okay to shove someone in the middle of the back? Ok.

No. It was a foul. Arkansas got 2 free throws. The flagrant call gave away the game with Arkansas getting 2 free throws, the ball back, and 2 additional free throws in the closing seconds.

Refs should have just called a foul and 2 free throws and let the rest of the game play out on its own IMO.
He is not pushing him in any way. He touches him on the back to make sure the ref knows he is trying to foul. This happens multiple times every night at all levels of basketball. The reason this got called a flagrant is because at the same time he touched his back the feet got tangled and it causes it to look like the defender is pushing the ball handler. It is an unfortunate call but if you reach for the players back this is a risk you take.
No. It was a foul. Arkansas got 2 free throws. The flagrant call gave away the game with Arkansas getting 2 free throws, the ball back, and 2 additional free throws in the closing seconds.

Refs should have just called a foul and 2 free throws and let the rest of the game play out on its own IMO.
If it's a flagrant foul, then it's a flagrant foul whether there's 30 minutes left or 30 seconds left. Maybe the player should have been smarter.
He is not pushing him in any way. He touches him on the back to make sure the ref knows he is trying to foul. This happens multiple times every night at all levels of basketball. The reason this got called a flagrant is because at the same time he touched his back the feet got tangled and it causes it to look like the defender is pushing the ball handler. It is unfortunate call but if you reach for the players back this is a risk you take.
Touched his back? Really? Way more than a touch. Watch the video and if you think that's just a touch in the back then you may want to check your eyesight.
If it's a flagrant foul, then it's a flagrant foul whether there's 30 minutes left or 30 seconds left. Maybe the player should have been smarter.

Fine, so long as you're going to call it every time- but they don't. How many times do you see a player wrap up and grab another (making no effort to grab the ball) and it's just called a foul. It was a foul to stop the clock. The arena agreed it was not the time to call that in the Arkansas game.
Fine, so long as you're going to call it every time- but they don't. How many times do you see a player wrap up and grab another (making no effort to grab the ball) and it's just called a foul. It was a foul to stop the clock. The arena agreed it was not the time to call that in the Arkansas game.
It was not called an intentional foul, which I would agree with you they never call when they could quite frequently at the end of games. But this one went beyond a normal intentional foul, pushing someone in the middle of the back is flagrant.
It was not called an intentional foul, which I would agree with you they never call when they could quite frequently at the end of games. But this one went beyond a normal intentional foul, pushing someone in the middle of the back is flagrant.

It was a rough foul (and stupid) but for the time and place I don't think it should have been called. We are likely going to disagree here. ;) (For the record- 2 of the 3 officials were against calling it flagrant. The 3rd insisted).
It was a rough foul (and stupid) but for the time and place I don't think it should have been called. We are likely going to disagree here. ;) (For the record- 2 of the 3 officials were against calling it flagrant. The 3rd insisted).
The fact that there's so much discussion about it shows me that it wasn't a horrible call, as the OP wrote. It's easy to see why it was called.
The fact that there's so much discussion about it shows me that it wasn't a horrible call, as the OP wrote. It's easy to see why it was called.

I don't think it was horrible- just not the right place and time. Any game altering or game deciding call, (right or wrong), is going to get a lot of attention- especially in the tournament. ;)

Troy fans are totally in the minority here now but despite that- any time Grayson Allen touches the ball the boos rain down (and there's hardly any Carolina fans in the building). Glov would be pleased. :D
I don't think it was horrible- just not the right place and time. Any game altering or game deciding call, (right or wrong), is going to get a lot of attention- especially in the tournament. ;)

Troy fans are totally in the minority here now but despite that- any time Grayson Allen touches the ball the boos rain down (and there's hardly any Carolina fans in the building). Glov would be pleased. :D
I've never understood the hatred for Duke, but I certainly understand the hatred for Grayson Allen.
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It was a rough foul (and stupid) but for the time and place I don't think it should have been called. We are likely going to disagree here. ;) (For the record- 2 of the 3 officials were against calling it flagrant. The 3rd insisted).

If two of three officials said no and one insisted, then IMHO that's bad officiating.
Close call. I didn't see the trip. But I saw the push. it was hard to tell from replay how hard he pushed the guy. If it was just a touch, it was no flagrant. It is was more than a touch, it was the right call.
You call the foul but the flagrant foul is bs hence let the kids play
You call the foul but the flagrant foul is bs hence let the kids play
If it was a Duke player that did that, especially if it was Grayson Allen, most posters on here would be calling for his head and saying it was definitely a flagrant foul. Perception is changed by what you're looking for.
No it was clear he fouled him in that situation but to make it a ref judgement call that determines the game is just wrong. Let them play. Ok I'm out. Back to wrestling!!!'
I don't need to watch it. OK on your 90% part. You must be a god damn PhD for NASA to know that.

I said the kid got tripped. And yes he acted a bit to make it look worse. Every single player does it. Good for him he got the call. Congrats.

Same thing just happened (literally identical) in Hempfield Archbishop Ryan game. Not only was it not an X foul. But the kid only stumbled went down bounced up went to the line shot his two and we moved on.

You need to watch the replay a few times. The SH player didn't give much of a push by his left hand to the left shoulder, 90% of the strength of the push was by his right hand directly on the #8 on the back of the jersey and the direction of the push was towards the basket support, the same direction the Arkansas player fell.