Okay, admittedly, I'm fed up with ESPN when it comes to the Sandusky scandal but it still infuriates me when one of their radio personalities gets it 100% wrong... The Dan Levatard Show was discussing Betino when Dan Levatard posed the question "If there wasn't a link to what went on, could Rick Betino survive? I mean, look at Joe Paterno, at least there there was a link"... he then went on to say "Mike McQueary told Paterno about the sex acts he saw going on in the shower and Paterno did nothing, there was a link"... I know it's pointless but the facts are never, ever going to be properly expressed, but it's naive comments like that that drive me up a freakin wall. If I send a message- the response will be "Another Penn State crazy" because that's how anything that questions the agenda gets portrayed. Just venting cause it really pissed me off. God, I wish there was some other sports outlet to listen to during my work lunch break. If you're going ot make a point, at least get the facts right already. Anyone listening today thinks Joe was toald a) it was a sex act and b) Paterno did nothing. Wrong on both counts but why should that get in the way, right? How many times did Mike M. change his story?