...had this conversation last night with some guys at my local watering hole....most of our rememberances were from the late 60s/70s/80s, and a few guys had some thoughts from the 90s....
When I was a kid, my dad worked his tail off and really never watched TV. That changed when All in the Family came on. One episode was when Archie drove Sammie Davis Jr in his cab and SDJ forgot a satchel. SDJ came over to Archie's house to get it. A set up was when Archie, a bigot, was in awe of SDJ so meathead was making fun of him. At one point, Archie asked SDJ if he wanted one eye or two (sugar) in his coffee. At the end, they wanted a photo of Archie and SDJ; just as the camera snapped SDJ kissed Archie on the cheek. My dad almost fell out of his chair laughing. I'll never forget him laughing like that at a TV show.
Runners up: last show of The Fugitive. Last show of MASH. First network showing of "War of the World". Lots of news events, like 911, but I'll skip that.
Great question....
I was just about to post this clip. From a show with so many great moments, this one was perfect.
Great. I read an interview with Paul McCartney. He was visiting Lennon and watching SNL. At one point, someone offered the Beatles $5m for one concert, an incredible amount at the time. SNL offered the Beatles $5 to play. Paul and John got up to drive to SNL and just walk on to play a song for the $5. However, once they looked at the logistics, realized they couldn't make it on time. now that would have been an incredible TV moment: Paul and John playing for the closing credits.
...had this conversation last night with some guys at my local watering hole....most of our rememberances were from the late 60s/70s/80s, and a few guys had some thoughts from the 90s....
Sports and news events are too easy.Do sports on TV count?
Loved Lorne's creative distribution of money...Sir Ringo always getting the short-end of the stick!
Your girl.....Maybe the best scene from the best show in recent memory (IMO)...
Justified Final Scene
Justified Raylan vs. Boon
Mad Men Contract Negotiations
Game of Thrones - Dracarys
You know it brother.That Ava!?
You know it brother.
I had to watch that clip of Danny with the slave masters. Such an incredible scene.
I just got done rewatching GOT from the start and it may have been better the second time. So much easier to follow.
When I was a kid, I loved watching Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett show. I loved when they made each other crack up.
Cal just signed three football recruits from the State of Arizona, and it prompted Rivals' Arizona high school football analyst (did not know there was such a position) to post on the Cal Board about the three recruits. The Rivals analyst's name is Ralph Amsden. I told him his name was close to perfect. ("To the moon, Alice!")Could only find the entire episode, but one of the greatest TV moments ever starts at minute 21...
The Honeymooners - Better Living Through TV
...had this conversation last night with some guys at my local watering hole....most of our rememberances were from the late 60s/70s/80s, and a few guys had some thoughts from the 90s....