FC: and I'll apologize in advance but this is a question about the new board formats...


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2001
Baltimore, MD
ok not so new but anyway...
There used to be a "search" function that allowed you to type in a posters name and it would bring up a
list of his or her most recent posts.
Does anyone know if thats still around somewhere?
It probably is I just cant find it.
ok not so new but anyway...
There used to be a "search" function that allowed you to type in a posters name and it would bring up a
list of his or her most recent posts.
Does anyone know if thats still around somewhere?
It probably is I just cant find it.
Take one of their recent posts and click on their name below their picture. That will pull up their information in a rectangular box and just click "Profile Page". Their recent posts will come up and at the bottom it will say "Show older items" which will do exactly that.
ok not so new but anyway...
There used to be a "search" function that allowed you to type in a posters name and it would bring up a
list of his or her most recent posts.
Does anyone know if thats still around somewhere?
It probably is I just cant find it.

Go up to the very top where it says "search forums".
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I miss the "who's on line" thing that named all present.
It's still there, but it's awkward and there may be a better way of getting to it. Go to the Home Page and click Message Boards....then "Message Board Index" . On the bottom of the page on the far right it should say "Members Online Now."
It's still there, but it's awkward and there may be a better way of getting to it. Go to the Home Page and click Message Boards....then "Message Board Index" . On the bottom of the page on the far right it should say "Members Online Now."
