Your conclusion, I believe is based on a few false or at least unproven positions. First you assume that MM actually reported abuse. Yet none of the 5 people he told have corraberated that assertion. Second you assume Paterno reporting to PSU administration was inappropriate. However that is exactly what he was supposed to do. Lastly you assume to know exactly what the C&S actually did. There here has been a lot of back and forth on this board about what PSU council did or did not know or do, whether a report was made to CYS, etc. I have a hard time deciphering opinion from fact in much but it seems to me no one 'knows'. I am not sure if trials will ever happen but they appear to be the best hope for understanding what happened. As it relates to Paterno's legacy I choose to give a man who gave his whole life in service to PSU the benefit of the doubt. I do not believe a man whose whole life was about helping young people would knowingly abandon children to a predator. He reported what MM told him promptly to the university administration - people he believed had the authority and resources to investigate. He answered honestly at the GJ and has never been charged with a crime. In his last interview and his biography he stated he was not aware of 1998 and said MM was not specific in his description of the shower incident (I believe MM confirmed this) and he never understood children were being abused. He has been the only one, when confronted with the reality of JS, has expressed regret by his 'with the advantage of hindsight...'. It short, in my opinion, Paterno when faced with the vague but unsettling report from MM tried to do the right thing and there is no evidence to the contrary. He should be judged by whether it was right given what was known at that time and acknowledging he had no experience with pedophilia. His legacy may not be repairable for many, but it does not mean the false and completely unproven belief that Paterno knowingly covered for a known pedophile should go unchallenged. Finally I have had many folks stop me outside of Pa. when wearing a PSU t-shirt and almost universally they speak highly of Paterno and express regret about his treatment.