FC- Iowa band assaulted at Iowa St. Any PSU band members ever experience this at road games?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
It appears the Iowa band had some run ins with ISU fans at the game in Ames. Originally what happened was vague and the Iowa band was told not to talk about it on social media.

Now they allege they were subjected to verbal and racist abuse, had beer cans shaken, opened, and then thrown at their feet as they marched, had 1 band member get assaulted with broken ribs and another that claims some sort of sexual assault (not specified what exactly).

The Iowa AD met with them and told them they’d investigate and had their backs. Apparently the next day he released a statement with the ISU AD and said the investigation was closed.

Iowa band members were angry and lashing out on social media. Now the Iowa investigation is open again. (Are all university administrators so incompetent- it seems pretty common ;)).

ISU AD says the Iowa band had 4 policemen with them at the game. None of them reported anything and the ISU police have not received any formal complaints from the Iowa band members.

He said much of the altercation was when the Iowa band didn’t exit the stadium through the wide open west gate as they were told (where ISU band went too). Instead, they went in the opposite direction and marched in unison playing their instruments right into the back of a large crowd trying to get through the smaller east gate. They apparently pushed their way into the crowd and issues resulted. (Didn’t Ohio St do something similar in the parking lots at PSU a few years ago?).

Any Penn State current or former band members experience anything like this at an away game?
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Rumor has it the Iowa band was a willing participant in it all and hardly the victim.
A related item from many moons ago....

In 1995, when we first played Wisconsin as a B1G opponent, they brought their band to PSU. Apparently their band has a tradition that they take a chunk of turf back with them from each stadium they visit. They do this after the game. A PSU groundskeeper (or some Athletic Admin person?) saw them starting to dig at the turf and told them to stop. So, the trumpet players formed a circle around this guy, and blared their horns into his face and ears. He suffered permanent hearing damage as a result, and from what I recall, Wisconsin more or less just said 'Too bad, so sad, don't get in our way next time.'

I believe PSU then told Wisconsin that their band would not be invited back for some extended period of time.

Maybe someone here can recall this instance also and clean up anything I've misstated. Long time since I thought about that story.
A related item from many moons ago....

In 1995, when we first played Wisconsin as a B1G opponent, they brought their band to PSU. Apparently their band has a tradition that they take a chunk of turf back with them from each stadium they visit. They do this after the game. A PSU groundskeeper (or some Athletic Admin person?) saw them starting to dig at the turf and told them to stop. So, the trumpet players formed a circle around this guy, and blared their horns into his face and ears. He suffered permanent hearing damage as a result, and from what I recall, Wisconsin more or less just said 'Too bad, so sad, don't get in our way next time.'

I believe PSU then told Wisconsin that their band would not be invited back for some extended period of time.

Maybe someone here can recall this instance also and clean up anything I've misstated. Long time since I thought about that story.

I can’t believe I hadn’t heard that story before. Who knew bands were involved in so much controversy (outside of the Stanford and Harvard bands)?
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OSU had it's band director fired due to sexual assault claims on bus trips to games along with a litany of other problems with his reign. The Iowa situation appears to be assisted by their using the wrong exit route, like the OSU band did at PSU when they claim issues from years ago. Visiting bands would be wise to follow directions and protocol to avoid problems. Have to wonder if the rivalry between Iowa & ISU wasn't a big part of the problems claimed on the post game alleged melee. We will never know. Next is a body cam on drum majors, baritones and color guards.:rolleyes:
A related item from many moons ago....

In 1995, when we first played Wisconsin as a B1G opponent, they brought their band to PSU. Apparently their band has a tradition that they take a chunk of turf back with them from each stadium they visit. They do this after the game. A PSU groundskeeper (or some Athletic Admin person?) saw them starting to dig at the turf and told them to stop. So, the trumpet players formed a circle around this guy, and blared their horns into his face and ears. He suffered permanent hearing damage as a result, and from what I recall, Wisconsin more or less just said 'Too bad, so sad, don't get in our way next time.'

I believe PSU then told Wisconsin that their band would not be invited back for some extended period of time.

Maybe someone here can recall this instance also and clean up anything I've misstated. Long time since I thought about that story.
My wife and I stayed after the 1995 game just to watch the antics of the Wisconsin band. They had a reputation and more than upheld it that night. They were having a good old time being a mob of loud, dancing fools - and TEARING UP the turf. They did a number on the field. The PSU AD was not impressed, and they were banned from returning for a time. I also remember the anecdote concerning the gent who suffered hearing loss at their hands. It was huge win for Wiscy and they were stoked!

That happened after the disappointing 17-9 loss. I believe Darrell Bevell was the Wiscy QB. He played pretty much flawless and completed almost all of his passes. It was not one of the PSU coaching staff's better games either. Joe lost track of the down and distance at the end of the first half and then Bobby Engram dropped a pass on 4th down deep in Wiscy territory. It was just one of those games. Wally Richardson had a ton of completions, most to the sideline, but not one was for 20 yards or better. The middle of the field was the forbidden zone for the passing game that evening.
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The Blue Band went to the Syracuse game in the Carrier Dome in 1985, my freshman year. We sat in the lower deck and had beer poured down on our heads from the fans above us and other garbage. It got so bad that even after band members complained to the stadium ushers, they wouldn't do anything about it. Luckily it wasn't anything physical such as fighting, but it was still nasty.

Interestingly enough, at every Pitt home game, the band was treated to a group of Pitt frat boys mooning the band during warm-ups and after the game was over. I always wondered if they were showing us their intelligent side to us....:confused:
The Blue Band went to the Syracuse game in the Carrier Dome in 1985, my freshman year. We sat in the lower deck and had beer poured down on our heads from the fans above us and other garbage. It got so bad that even after band members complained to the stadium ushers, they wouldn't do anything about it. Luckily it wasn't anything physical such as fighting, but it was still nasty.

Interestingly enough, at every Pitt home game, the band was treated to a group of Pitt frat boys mooning the band during warm-ups and after the game was over. I always wondered if they were showing us their intelligent side to us....:confused:

Can’t remember if it was the team or the band bus, but I seem to recall an incident where Pitt fans threw rocks and or bottles at a bus at one of the last games we played at Pitt Stadium?
Rumor has it the Iowa band was a willing participant in it all and hardly the victim.


Yes. Apparently the Iowa band tried to force an exit out through a crowded gate instead of using another gate which was also used by the ISU band. That's not to imply the actions of some ISU fans were OK but what's the point of trying to push through a gate choked with people?
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In ‘85 at the Pitt game, we were in the bowels of Pitt Stadium waiting to go out for pre-game. Crowded and nowhere to go. Pitt fans were entering the stadium on the catwalks above us. And proceeded to spit on us while we couldn’t move, and throw/dump things on us.

Funny story... same game, we’re on the sideline, waiting for the first half to end to go on the field for halftime. Some Pitt fan threw eggs (why do you take eggs to a game?) and hit the bell of my rank leaders tuba. We’re right behind the Pitt bench. He was a tall guy, and he was pissed. He went off on the Pitt football players that were standing by us, yelling at them about their fans being rude and disrespectful, etc. We were like, oh shit, this isn’t going to end well. He demanded they get a towel and clean the egg off his bell. And to our surprise, they ran and got some towels and cleaned up the mess, and were apologetic. I think they were just so shocked that anyone would yell at them like that, and he was as tall or taller than many of them, so they just did what he said.
The ‘82 visit to WVU was rough. We pulled down our chin straps to keep our caps on heads until band members started getting their necks cranked. Fans threatening to pee on as we went out to buses. You know, the usual...
It appears the Iowa band had some run ins with ISU fans at the game in Ames. Originally what happened was vague and the Iowa band was told not to talk about it on social media.

Now they allege they were subjected to verbal and racist abuse, had beer cans shaken, opened, and then thrown at their feet as they marched, had 1 band member get assaulted with broken ribs and another that claims some sort of sexual assault (not specified what exactly).

The Iowa AD met with them and told them they’d investigate and had their backs. Apparently the next day he released a statement with the ISU AD and said the investigation was closed.

Iowa band members were angry and lashing out on social media. Now the Iowa investigation is open again. (Are all university administrators so incompetent- it seems pretty common ;)).

ISU AD says the Iowa band had 4 policemen with them at the game. None of them reported anything and the ISU police have not received any formal complaints from the Iowa band members.

He said much of the altercation was when the Iowa band didn’t exit the stadium through the wide open west gate as they were told (where ISU band went too). Instead, they went in the opposite direction and marched in unison playing their instruments right into the back of a large crowd trying to get through the smaller east gate. They apparently pushed their way into the crowd and issues resulted. (Didn’t Ohio St do something similar in the parking lots at PSU a few years ago?).

Any Penn State current or former band members experience anything like this at an away game?

Re: whether former Blue Band members experienced harassment at away games.
I was in the Blue Band in the 70s—
—when we played West Virginia in Morgantown, we were pelted during our halftime show by many WVU fans throwing anything they could at us. A clarinetist got hit in the eye with a piece of ice, and had to be rushed to the hospital.
— when we played Pitt at Three Rivers stadium, I got jumped by two drunk Pitt fans who tried to grab my Blue Band hat. As one of them reached down to grab my hat that had fallen to the ground, I smashed the back of his head with my fist. He got up up groggy and cussed me out and I did the same to him.
—the most respectful away game treatment— West Point. Perfect fans. Very friendly to us. And when we played “the Caissons keep rolling along” during halftime, the crowd went crazy.
A related item from many moons ago....

In 1995, when we first played Wisconsin as a B1G opponent, they brought their band to PSU. Apparently their band has a tradition that they take a chunk of turf back with them from each stadium they visit. They do this after the game. A PSU groundskeeper (or some Athletic Admin person?) saw them starting to dig at the turf and told them to stop. So, the trumpet players formed a circle around this guy, and blared their horns into his face and ears. He suffered permanent hearing damage as a result, and from what I recall, Wisconsin more or less just said 'Too bad, so sad, don't get in our way next time.'

I believe PSU then told Wisconsin that their band would not be invited back for some extended period of time.

Maybe someone here can recall this instance also and clean up anything I've misstated. Long time since I thought about that story.

Yes, it happened. I was in the Blue Band in 1995.
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My wife and I stayed after the 1995 game just to watch the antics of the Wisconsin band. They had a reputation and more than upheld it that night. They were having a good old time being a mob of loud, dancing fools - and TEARING UP the turf. They did a number on the field. The PSU AD was not impressed, and they were banned from returning for a time. I also remember the anecdote concerning the gent who suffered hearing loss at their hands. It was huge win for Wiscy and they were stoked!

That happened after the disappointing 17-9 loss. I believe Darrell Bevell was the Wiscy QB. He played pretty much flawless and completed almost all of his passes. It was not one of the PSU coaching staff's better games either. Joe lost track of the down and distance at the end of the first half and then Bobby Engram dropped a pass on 4th down deep in Wiscy territory. It was just one of those games. Wally Richardson had a ton of completions, most to the sideline, but not one was for 20 yards or better. The middle of the field was the forbidden zone for the passing game that evening.

LOL, Joe always had issues using the middle of the field.
LOL, Joe always had issues using the middle of the field.
For the heck of it, I just searched and found some info on the game. Wally set a school record that game with 33 completions. He only had 259 yards on those 33 completions though and, according to the linked article, his longest completion was 18 yards. It would be hard to imagine a QB with 33 completions and less than 300 yards nowadays. Freddie Scott had 13 catches.
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Can’t remember if it was the team or the band bus, but I seem to recall an incident where Pitt fans threw rocks and or bottles at a bus at one of the last games we played at Pitt Stadium?

The game at WVU in 1984, the buses were "stoned and bottled'. Last time we went to Morgantown for a game.
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The game at WVU in 1984, the buses were "stoned and bottled'. Last time we went to Morgantown for a game.

Yes. There was also some incident at Pitt Stadium involving the team or the band during one of the last visits there.
Yes. There was also some incident at Pitt Stadium involving the team or the band during one of the last visits there.

Speaking of Pitt, I saw their band marching to and from the stadium this year. I didn't see anyone even look at them sideways. After the game as they marched though the parking lot I saw several PSU fans applauding as they passed by. Unlike the imaginary OSU piss balloon incident, I haven't heard any stories of the Pitt band being treated badly.
Or the Pitt players were just decent people. They got the guy a towel, it's a little thing but it's the right thing. The players for both teams are usually a lot classier and more disciplined than the drunken fools who buy football tickets.

Funny story... same game, we’re on the sideline, waiting for the first half to end to go on the field for halftime. Some Pitt fan threw eggs (why do you take eggs to a game?) and hit the bell of my rank leaders tuba. We’re right behind the Pitt bench. He was a tall guy, and he was pissed. He went off on the Pitt football players that were standing by us, yelling at them about their fans being rude and disrespectful, etc. We were like, oh shit, this isn’t going to end well. He demanded they get a towel and clean the egg off his bell. And to our surprise, they ran and got some towels and cleaned up the mess, and were apologetic. I think they were just so shocked that anyone would yell at them like that, and he was as tall or taller than many of them, so they just did what he said.
A related item from many moons ago....

In 1995, when we first played Wisconsin as a B1G opponent, they brought their band to PSU. Apparently their band has a tradition that they take a chunk of turf back with them from each stadium they visit. They do this after the game. A PSU groundskeeper (or some Athletic Admin person?) saw them starting to dig at the turf and told them to stop. So, the trumpet players formed a circle around this guy, and blared their horns into his face and ears. He suffered permanent hearing damage as a result, and from what I recall, Wisconsin more or less just said 'Too bad, so sad, don't get in our way next time.'

I believe PSU then told Wisconsin that their band would not be invited back for some extended period of time.

Maybe someone here can recall this instance also and clean up anything I've misstated. Long time since I thought about that story.
The Wisconsin band was there in 2001. The stadium was all red white and blue that day. Very patriotic as it was the first weekend of football after 9-11.
Or the Pitt players were just decent people. They got the guy a towel, it's a little thing but it's the right thing. The players for both teams are usually a lot classier and more disciplined than the drunken fools who buy football tickets.
Pitt’s players weren’t classier this year, but I suspect they were “coached up” to behave that way.
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It might have been..without looking it back up. I know it was the last time we went to Morgantown.
I think it was ‘82. I remember hearing about it from upperclassmen, and we never went to Morgantown while I was in the band starting in ‘84. I did go to a game there with some friends, as “civilians.”
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I think it was ‘82. I remember hearing about it from upperclassmen, and we never went to Morgantown while I was in the band starting in ‘84. I did go to a game there with some friends, as “civilians.”

Yeah, things back in the day of ‘82 were so different than ‘84. :p
The ‘82 visit to WVU was rough. We pulled down our chin straps to keep our caps on heads until band members started getting their necks cranked. Fans threatening to pee on as we went out to buses. You know, the usual...
I know people in the Blue Band in the early 80’s who said even the old WVU fans in Morgantown were pelting them with ice cubes.