FC: Judge orders release of Sandusky settlement records

Someone planned this. From what I've read, there was no reason for PSU to enter filings with parts of these documents. Someone wants the Joe story to stick.

What about the documents detailing the actions of the "settlement committee"?
You know, the important stuff. No one cares to see them?

Shocked! Shocked!!!! That the only documents the press wants to see are the settlement documents
If that is all that comes out - and it appears that will likely be the case (though you can never have full faith that a PhillyInky article is accurate) this is a gigantic, FUBAR failure - - - due to our refusal to ask for a transparent settlement process from Day 1 (and every day thereafter)


I doubt that any of the elected members of the BOT will choose to address (maybe A Lub, if anyone, he seems to carry that full load)
What a shame
What a failure
No, they are not the bad guys - - - but we (have) need(ed) so much more
Someone planned this. From what I've read, there was no reason for PSU to enter filings with parts of these documents. Someone wants the Joe story to stick.
And that it will. As others have said, the media will have a field day spinning this anyway they like, and the public will eat it up. Why do you suppose it's the media that brought suit? And if what they want to see is not readily apparent, they'll embellish any small thing they can and leave out the rest. You think they're going to ask the questions re: Bernie, etc. ? No f'ing way. Let's see what Barron has to say now. He'll go into hiding like the little spineless scumbag that he is.
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31 days is 11-July-2016 ..... only one day off from the 4-year-anniversary of the Freeh Report release.

For whatever that is worth.
One of my biggest gripes with Penn State leadership is their inability to get in front of stories and allow the media to control the narrative to disparage PSU. The university has a 31 day notice to get ahead of this story, as there shouldn't be any surprises for them in these settlements.

There has been talk that the BoT was united in their support behind Barron's letter when the last stuff came out, let's see if that continues and they're prepared in a month.
One of my biggest gripes with Penn State leadership is their inability to get in front of stories and allow the media to control the narrative to disparage PSU. The university has a 31 day notice to get ahead of this story, as there shouldn't be any surprises for them in these settlements.

There has been talk that the BoT was united in their support behind Barron's letter when the last stuff came out, let's see if that continues and they're prepared in a month.
Which "leadership" are you referring to?

Serious question - no snark
Does anyone know exactly what will be released? For example, is it the entire file including depositions? Or is it just the terms of the settlement, i.e. alleged victim was paid X$. Won't be surprised if it is only the latter.
We know how this ends. The media will report what they want and how they want to report it, facts be darned. I am certainly glad I am not on the job market right now. Prior to IT, I had offers from from about every employer I interviewed with. After, it got real hard to even get an interview for a couple of years.
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31 days is 11-July-2016 ..... only one day off from the 4-year-anniversary of the Freeh Report release.

For whatever that is worth.
It's worth a lot more than you think. Google "slowest sports day of the year" and see what you find.
The MLB all star game, and the days immediately preceding and following it (the day of the Freeh Report) are known as the slowest sports days of the year. Coincidence that the Freeh report was served up on a silver platter on a day when literally nothing else was going on in the sports world? And now this?
But Joe's wins get restored on a January Friday afternoon.
A large wave of charges dropped against CSS on a January Friday afternoon when everyone's freaking out about a giant winter storm?
I mean, come on.
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It's worth a lot more than you think. Google "slowest sports day of the year" and see what you find.
The MLB all star game, and the days immediately preceding and following it (the day of the Freeh Report) are known as the slowest sports days of the year. Coincidence that the Freeh report was served up on a silver platter on a day when literally nothing else was going on in the sports world? And now this?
I mean, come on.

Yeah, the Freeh Report being released on that Thursday was always curious. I don't believe the "Freeh was told what to write by his masters" theory, but its release on that day, combined with the supposedly rushed interviewing of Dr. Spanier --- I will admit that that is a decent piece of circumstantial evidence for the theory. The Freeh Report definitely didn't get lost among other news stories --- because there were no other news stories.

But in this case: 31 calendar days between ruling and release of the redacted reports --- that does seem to be a case of standard operating procedure. See page 6 of the linked pdf.
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Prior to IT, I had offers from from about every employer I interviewed with. After, it got real hard to even get an interview for a couple of years.

Yeah, right.

And prior to IT, Kate Upton and other supermodels were sexually harassing me. After, they just stopped calling for a couple of years.
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Wow, a PA judge who makes a ruling quickly. I must admit that I'm surprised by this ruling. I've never heard of settlement details being made publicly available. Then again, it is Penn State, where it appears lawyers fight and lose every time. I can understand lawyers like a paycheck, but they must get tired of racking up the losses.
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Yeah, the Freeh Report being released on that Thursday was always curious. I don't believe the "Freeh was told what to write by his masters" theory, but its release on that day, combined with the supposedly rushed interviewing of Dr. Spanier --- I will admit that that is a decent piece of circumstantial evidence for the theory. The Freeh Report definitely didn't get lost among other news stories --- because there were no other news stories.

But in this case: 31 calendar days between ruling and release of the redacted reports --- that does seem to be a case of standard operating procedure. See page 6 of the linked pdf.
LOL can't help yourself, can you?
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One of my biggest gripes with Penn State leadership is their inability to get in front of stories and allow the media to control the narrative to disparage PSU. The university has a 31 day notice to get ahead of this story, as there shouldn't be any surprises for them in these settlements.

There has been talk that the BoT was united in their support behind Barron's letter when the last stuff came out, let's see if that continues and they're prepared in a month.

What Phucking leadership are you talking about?
Wow, a PA judge who makes a ruling quickly. I must admit that I'm surprised by this ruling. I've never heard of settlement details being made publicly available. Then again, it is Penn State, where it appears lawyers fight and lose every time. I can understand lawyers like a paycheck, but they must get tired of racking up the losses.

Their 'w's come in the billable hours column.
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Reading Settlements based on mediation are to the kitty litter peddlers of the PG....PDN....HbgP..... and CDT getting closer to the facts...... lol. I have been part of mediation settlements (many) where you yield to a settlement with a know liar....just to save excessive attorney fees .... LOL .... idiots.'
What's next another appeal by Penn State to a higher court keeping this in the news for eternity. It is time for Penn States. pseudo - leadership to get up off their comatose asses read a self-help book about leadership. Step out within the next 31 days make bold and direct statements about why the settlements were made some of them need to step down from their positions and own up to the fact that they acted like a bunch of hysterical fools when confronted with the situation in the first place. Given this will not happen ever because there isn't a single cell of leadership in any of these corporate kiss asses, I guess we can expect idiotic half-witted releases of pseudo information every few months for the rest of the history of the University's existence. Board of Trustees?
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Hate to say this folks, but I think this is going to be worse then 2011.
It already is worse than 2011. A lot worse

Everything from here on in - especially wrt this stuff, the settlements from Lubert's "black box" committee - is a self-inflicted wound

We have had YEARS to get in front of this stuff, and make it a huge positive
But, alas, we continue to drop the f$cking ball - even when the right path is lit up with giant flashing lights and neon signs

We need stronger representation on the BOT - STAT
It may already be too late - but maybe not, and every day wasted just deepens the hole
Hate to say this folks, but I think this is going to be worse then 2011.

Our mistake is hoping that the Old Guard will eventually step up and come clean. It ain't happening folks, so it's time to make them pay for their incompetence . Once this news breaks there should be massive, daily, protests demanding that the Old Guard step down immediately. Make them wear these settlements around their neck until they find the first road out of town. Lead us Anthony & Franco, we need generals.
Our mistake is hoping that the Old Guard will eventually step up and come clean. It ain't happening folks, so it's time to make them pay for their incompetence . Once this news breaks there should be massive, daily, protests demanding that the Old Guard step down immediately. Make them wear these settlements around their neck until they find the first road out of town. Lead us Anthony & Franco, we need generals.
Four years overdue .......and probably too late
Certainly - in the best case scenario - "now" will be MUCH less impactful than if we started when we should have.........and I am anything but confident that we will even start now (aside from the all too few who have been fighting - ALub, Franco etc)

WAY too much deadwood chewing up the few resources we have at our disposal
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Our mistake is hoping that the Old Guard will eventually step up and come clean. It ain't happening folks, so it's time to make them pay for their incompetence . Once this news breaks there should be massive, daily, protests demanding that the Old Guard step down immediately. Make them wear these settlements around their neck until they find the first road out of town. Lead us Anthony & Franco, we need generals.

I don't believe just getting rid of the remaining "Old Guard" 11/9/11 trustees will work: We need to restructure the entire BoT. They've installed enough sycophants over the past 5 years that chasing away the reminding scoundrels will no longer make a difference. We need a board comprised only of elected trustees. This is America. It's supposed to be a democracy. These criminals appoint each other to positions and aren't accountable to anybody. They need to be responsible for their many errors and total disregard of transparency. They're hiding something and the only way the truth will be exposed is by getting rid of the entire crooked lot.
Four years overdue .......and probably too late
Certainly - in the best case scenario - "now" will be MUCH less impactful than if we started when we should have.........and I am anything but confident that we will even start now (aside from the all too few who have been fighting - ALub, Franco etc)
I don't believe just getting rid of the remaining "Old Guard" 11/9/11 trustees will work: We need to restructure the entire BoT. They've installed enough sycophants over the past 5 years that chasing away the reminding scoundrels will no longer make a difference. We need a board comprised only of elected trustees. This is America. It's supposed to be a democracy. These criminals appoint each other to positions and aren't accountable to anybody. They need to be responsible for their many errors and total disregard of transparency. They're hiding something and the only way the truth will be exposed is by getting rid of the entire crooked lot.
Thank you

What should be obvious to an 8 year old is apparently too complex for our Legislature, our Governor, and our TTEEs
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I feel like our board still isn't taking this seriously...we need statements ready to go and A PR offensive once this hits
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I'll admit, with this and the recent comments about Franco's speech by our so-called "alumni leader", I'm just about done with the place. Not sure it is worth saving anymore.
I ask myself three questions. Is Penn State worth saving? If so, is it possible to save it? If it is possible to save it, is it worth my time and effort? As to the 1st, I answer yes, it is worth saving. As to the 2nd, I am not so sure it can be saved. Just like so many lost causes (the South after Gettysburg, for example), you reach a point where no matter what you do, you can only delay the inevitable. However, assuming for the sake of argument that there is some chance it can be saved, then I ask myself if it is worth my time and effort? With regret, I must answer "no". The last 4+ years have taken their toll. I am no longer a young man, and there are so many more important things in my life (family and unfulfilled goals) that devoting any further time to Penn State can no longer be a priority. That is not to say I will totally walk away. I will still vote in elections, and raise my voice in the quest for truth and justice when appropriate, but my efforts will be a fraction of what they were just a few months ago. For me, it is not a matter of moving on as much as changing my priorities. I have given Penn State as much as I can. I must now leave her future to others.
I feel like our board still isn't taking this seriously...we need statements ready to go and A PR offensive once this hits

I agree. Since the university and bot aren't doing it, the alumni trustees should be busy contacting news orgs and use Masser and Barron's statements that the settlements were not vetted as part of their presentations. They should also make the settlements available to all news orgs, not just the one or two who can selectively leak stuff. May I add, perhaps some of the rationale presented that Lubert would be so quick to approve would be his very close ties to Sandusky.
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