FC: Nick Saban complains about student section; Alabama long-snapper tweets about Penn State

There is a part of me that somehow OOC schedules should be scheduled by the NCAA, as the NFL does. On the other hand conferences are getting old, other than a few games most conference games are meaningless.
There is a part of me that somehow OOC schedules should be scheduled by the NCAA, as the NFL does. On the other hand conferences are getting old, other than a few games most conference games are meaningless.

NCAA? Yeah, when the regain control over college football television rights.
NCAA? Yeah, when the regain control over college football television rights.
There has to be someone setting a standard for scheduling. Playing a FCS school does nothing while other conferences are pounding one another.
Tell Saban to schedule an OOC team with a pulse then the fans might show up.
Spot on. Noon start against a completely over whelmed opponent. The PSU crowd vs. Kent State was nothing to cheer about. Knowing Saban he was trying to distract the press from some other issue. The dude is a nut. Smile Nick you live at the top of the mountain. Enjoy the ride!
You're missing the point, this isn't about simply the non-conference schedule... it's about putting a schedule together that is compelling for fans to shell out 80 dollars (or 300) a ticket to see.

Dating back to 2000, Alabama has played 3 home and homes w/ power 5 teams.

  • @UCLA in 2000,(L 35-24) VS UCLA 2001 (L 20-17)
  • @Oklahoma in 2002, (L 37-27) VS Oklahoma in 2003 (L 20-13)
  • VS Penn State in 2010,(W 24-3) @Penn State in 2011 (W 27-11)

Originally Bama was supposed to face Penn State in 2004 & 2005, however due to Alabama's sanctions and stadium reconstruction (those were the actual reasons if remember correctly) they pushed the games back to 2010 & 2011.

Had we faced the Crimson tide in 04 and 05 it's likely we would have split the series with them. Hindsight is 20/20 but it looks like prior to Saban arriving, the schedule makers at Bama realized it wasn't worth it to play power 5 home and homes because they wanted to get back on track post sanctions. Sure enough, that's what they did. One might even make the argument that Penn State did the same thing once we were sanctioned. Thankfully, starting in 2020 we're seeing the marquee matchups return... (Sorry Pitt, you just don't count)

The point I think BBrown is trying to make, is that due to Alabama's weak scheduling and dominance over inferior opponents, they are having a hard time filling the seats in the 100 degree heat they play in early in the year. I don't blame the students for not showing up for the lies of U Lafayette, The Citadel and Furman.

And now, you see articles highlighting Bama's recent miniscule struggles in the recruiting game, slow starts, etc. Which is what lead to Saban's comment this week. Yes Alabama has been unstoppable the past 10 years, but then again how could they not be "elite" they've brought home the #1 ranked recruiting class 8 straight years! How long will Bama's dynasty last? .... follow the recruiting trail.

I think recruits are starting to notice they can make an immediate impact, and when they see Notre Dame & Michigan, Clemson & A&M, UCLA & Oklahoma, Mich St & Arizona St, BYU & Wisconsin just to name a few... all having home and home matchups it creates a level of excitement among the fan base that Alabama has been lacking.

(With exception of games played on Neutral fields all in close proximity to Tuscaloosa)
If Bama is like PSU, the student section seats are sold out for the season, Saban's complaint is not about money, it is about looking bad for recruits. Nothing more, nothing less. As somebody else pointed out, Saban's complaint came the same weekend that many Alabama 4 and 5 star recruits were at the PSU whiteout which was drawing rave reviews from everyone.
There has to be someone setting a standard for scheduling. Playing a FCS school does nothing while other conferences are pounding one another.

Ain't gonna be the NCAA. Big Ten tried that, lasted two years.